UK Newswire Archive
Time to rename the bank holiday
04-05-2009 13:12
We have a day off because the banks are on holiday? I don't think so ...FIT Teams shut down in Brighton
04-05-2009 12:39
Reports have been received that FIT teams have been physically stopped from operating at the Shut ITT/EDO Mayday demoFull article | 2 additions | 5 comments
Timeline for SmashEDO Mayday!Mayday! Street Party
04-05-2009 10:03
15:16: Police attempted to cordon a group at multi-storey carpark on Whitecross Street, were outfoxed. Protestors simply streamed through a carpark onto Trafalgar Street, massing behind the police lines and kettling them in. Police reinforcements running up Trafalgar road to rescue their kettled collegues. Now march is near Pelham Square heading towards St. George's Place.
14:52: March now at viaduct on London Road - heading back towards the city.
14:45: March got through police lines on Cleveland Terrace and withstood baton charges on Stanford Avenue. One snatch arrest reported on corner of Cleveland Road and Stanford Avenue.
14:38: March has moved into Lucerne Road from Chester Terrace
14:30: March on Preston Drove moving away from park being pursued by riot police.
14:26: People reported to be moving across the park - reports that park is surrounded by police.
14:21: March now in Preston Park.
14:02: March now on Preston Road. Line of police vans protecting the Royal Bank of Scotland - short shield officers now following the demo
14:02: Some marchers moving into Vere Road off Ditchling Road.
13:57: March is on Ditchling Road where reports suggest police have blocked the road. Reported that some marchers are turning down the hill back towards the city.
13:48: Police Horses are being forced away by thrown objects
13:47: March reunited at Druids Arms - North End of Level - reports are that march is very responsive and police are being outfoxed.
13:44: March seems to have been split - part of march being pushed towards the Level - front of march still heading up London Road - riot officers employing short shields
13:37: Police horses forcing marchers off the pavement outside McDonalds after cans were ineffectively thrown at McDonalds - police van being rocked and sprayed by the crowd - red flare under police van - riot police appear and baton charge protestors
13:30: March is heading to London road on Trafalger Street- earlier on a police cctv got sprayed and drove off - 'Smash bombs, dodge batons, bring the war home!' banner being displayed - estimated crowd now into the 1000's
13:20: March has reached Brighton Station
13:00: March reported to be moving up North Street, past the clock tower towards the station
12:55: Estimated now 500 - 600 people - lots of red flags - militant bloc at front - fluffier at the back - lots of leaflets being given out - riot vans at the back and front
12:48: Street Party now reaching Barclays on North Street
12:42: Street Party is on the move - about 500 people now - moving towards the City Centre/North Street
12:32: 8 police horses reported to be near roundabout.
12:30: Report that Fit Watch and others have driven FIT and police from the roundabout - a samba band has moved in
12:10: Sound system on roundabout - traffic stopped in one direction - people dancing in the streets
12:01: Mayday Mayday banner hung at the pier - about 200 people there - roundabout shut off - kids bloc en route - police being very hands off present
11:40: Meetup location announced - the aquarium roundabout by the pier
11:35: Critical Mass is on the move
11:13: Police presence at Critical Mass includes two police horses, Evidence Gathering Teams and a number of vans
11:08: 40 to 50 cyclists meeting up at Brighton Station for Critical Mass with two sound systems
10:30: SmashEdo Radio begins broadcasting on 101.4fm
Euroflashmob: Europe United Against Airport Expansion
04-05-2009 09:36
Saturday 16 May 2009. The day of the Eurovision Song Contest.12 noon on the dot at Heathrow Terminal 1 Departures.
Join Heathrow Flashmobbers in a Europe-wide Flash Mob – taking place on the
same day at 6 airports across Europe.
Brighton Mayday update
04-05-2009 09:36
Mounted police on the seafront - Madeira drive outisde Concorde.London road pigged out - at Cowley Club front and back, and at convergence. 15 cops in all.
Cops in city centre talking photos outside McDonalds on Western Rd
Stop Camden Animal Lab urgently needs a computer / printer / scanner
04-05-2009 04:58
There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. This poses a genuine risk to the public. We urgnetly need a replacement [modern] computer / printer / scanner etc so that we can produce petitions, flyers, leaflets etc. If you can help please contact us at the address below.Who’s Afraid of Jerry Vlasak?
04-05-2009 04:14
Similarly, when Vlasak urges animal liberation by any means necessary, he is asserting the right of animals to self defense. But since they cannot defend themselves (except for instances such as where elephants or tigers justly kill their trainers), humans must act on their behalf.The Angola Three: Torture and Slavery in the US (in Spanish and English)
04-05-2009 02:32

Swine Flu Pandemic Political and Mainstream Media Disinformation
04-05-2009 00:27
"They also serve to distract people's attention from a devastating global economic crisis which is leading the World into mass poverty and unemployment, not to mention the war in the Middle East and the broader issue of US-NATO war crimes. The Real Global Crisis is marked by poverty, economic collapse, ethnic strife, death and destruction, the derogation of civil rights and the demise of State social programs. The EU announcement of the swine flu pandemic inevitably serves to weaken the social protest movement which has spread across Europe. The emergency measures which have "closed down" entire urban areas, are widely perceived as a pretext of the Felipe Calderon government to curb mounting social dissent against one of the most corrupt administrations in Mexcican history. In Mexico, the May 1st Parade, which was directed against the Calderon government, was cancelled."Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Time's Up! Read it now for free.
03-05-2009 22:47

Full article | 2 additions | 33 comments
There is only so much sexism an anarchist can take
03-05-2009 21:09
When I saw that the Anarchist Movement Conference 2009 is being promoted with the image of a woman, I couldn’t help thinking of the irony. As with national states, the female body is again used as the symbol of some desired unity. However, what that image has made me think of is the persistence and entrenchment of sexist practices among anarchists, an important contributing factor to their actual lack of unity.Democracy driven change
03-05-2009 20:53
'Management expertise' is not the sexiest of topics but for the good of our public services – just now the Royal Mail – we must give it some thought.Stop The Camden Bio Hazard Lab! - Swine Flu fears & River Fleet in Camden.
03-05-2009 18:13
There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked into the water supply from similar govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. The River Fleet runs below the lab site, we are told, which cause complications. The lab is opposed by MI5, MPs, councillors and residents. It is backed by the UKCMRI.Urgent Appeal: Police Repression in Chiapas, Mexico
03-05-2009 18:10
Amnesty International, International Service for Peace (SIPAZ) and Human Rights Centre Fray Bartoleme de las Casas call on international condemnation of detention without charge and torture of 6 indigenous Tzeltal men in Chiapas. Please send letter urgently as the men continue to be detained.May 16th, Day for Gaza
03-05-2009 17:34
Dont let the fight stop. STWC rally for gaza. big turn out please.European Emergency!: on May 6th some of the Europarlamentaries intend to finish
03-05-2009 17:16
This is a call for direct action. You just have to fill in this form and your message will reach automatically to ALL of the Europarlamentaries of your country:
ARC Forum up and running
03-05-2009 15:43
As mentioned at previous 'Animal Rights Coalition' meetings. An online forum has been set up, so grassroots animal rights groups can coordinate with each other easier.The forum has boards for many different topics from legal to vegan campaigning to idea sharing
Below are directions on how to get access.
European Emergency!: on May 6th some of the Europarlamentaries intend to finish
03-05-2009 15:38
This is a call for direct action. You just have to fill in this form and your message will reach automatically to ALL of the Europarlamentaries of your country: