UK Newswire Archive
French unemployed carry out a "self reduction" in Parisian supermarket
02-01-2009 15:11
On 31 December, 2008 over 50 unemployed and precarious workers blocked the checkout of a Monoprix supermarket in the suburbs of Paris with 13 trolleys full of food.Britain: Financial pain and insecurity for millions of families in 2009
02-01-2009 14:48
"Catastrophic," "worst year for jobs," "off the map" are just some of the descriptions made by commentators assessing the likely impact of the developing world recession on the UK economy.Israel rejects ceasefire calls and escalates attacks in Gaza
02-01-2009 14:45
The murderous Israeli air assault on Gaza continued unabated for a sixth day yesterday. According to Palestinian emergency services, at least 420 people have been killed and more than 2,100 injured including women and children. The UN estimates that at least a quarter of those killed have been civilians.Nation of animal lovers
02-01-2009 14:43
Rainbow Ark Animal Sanctuary Update...The crash of 2008 and the prospects for 2009
02-01-2009 14:27
Whenever a historical review is made certain years attract attention because of the decisive events with which they are associated. The years 1914, 1929, 1933, 1939 and in more recent times 1956 and 1989 are some that come to mind. The year 2008 is destined to join this group.Riseup Radio January Show
02-01-2009 14:04
In this, the first show of the new year, we welcome Adam to our studio. He talks about his journey from Sudan to Nottingham, and his experiences along the way as well as his reception upon his arrival.Open letter to Foreign Secretary David Miliband re Gaza
02-01-2009 13:51
This is a letter I have sent to British Foreign secretary David Miliband about Gaza.European Social Center Conference in Barcelona
02-01-2009 11:42
Network is Coming.
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Leeds Gaza Demo This Saturday
02-01-2009 11:17
MARCH FOR GAZASaturday 3rd January 2009
Assemble 12.30pm for 1pm
outside Leeds Art Gallery, Headrow, Leeds
called by Leeds Coalition Against the War
uk peace worker in Gaza calls for solidarity
02-01-2009 09:58
Jenny from the International Solidarity Movement in the Gaza Strip explains why demos are necessarySaturday 3rd Jan Gaza Demo from EMBANKMENT 12.30!NOT 2pmParliament sq,kid shoes&
02-01-2009 09:28
Assemble 12:30pm Along Embankment, by Embankment tube station, LONDON WC2 - Nearest tube Embankment or Charing Cross heading to Trafalgar Sq, assembly at Parliament sq advertised in previous posts cancelled due to police pressure
"Let us work and gain the skills to rebuild our broken nation."
02-01-2009 09:02
Zimbabwean Demonstration and Delegation to 10 Downing StreetTuesday 13th January 2009
Assemble 12:00
Richmond Terrace
(Opposite 10 Downing Street)
London SW1A
Delegation enters 10 Downing St at 12:45
(Video) Zurich - Voices from a Squatte Church
02-01-2009 08:58

End Gaza Slaughter - London Demo outside Israeli Embassy 28 Dec 2008
02-01-2009 01:20

Lancaster Solidarity with Gaza Vigil
02-01-2009 00:54
People are gathering spontaneously across the world on this day to voice their protest...Gaza-Solidarity Demos in Germany 2 and 3 January
02-01-2009 00:34
Because of repeated censorship on IMC Germany you´ll find here some urgent announcementsGreece: Prisoners support and more actions on New Year's Eve
01-01-2009 22:08
New year's eve, most of the people choose to stay in their houses or go to bars, all celebrating the coming of the new year. However there are people who at these times choose to stand close to those who are alone, locked away and forgotten and there are people who believe that the social struggle never ends.IMC Germany confirm Denial of Service Attack
01-01-2009 21:48
German indymedia affected for more than four hours on 30 December.