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Notts Stop the BNP: Public Meeting

13-06-2008 15:43

BNP not welcome here!
Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP are holding a public meeting on Tuesday June 17, at the International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road (map) at 7.30pm.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 24 2008

13-06-2008 15:36

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 7th, through June 13th , 2008.

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9/11, Deep State Violence, and the Hope of Internet Politics

13-06-2008 15:28

Prof. Peter Dale Scott

The Deep State and 9/11

The unthinkable — that elements inside the state would conspire with criminals to kill innocent civilians — has become not only thinkable but commonplace in the last century. A seminal example was in French Algeria, where dissident elements of the French armed forces, resisting General de Gaulle's plans for Algerian independence, organized as the Secret Army Organization and bombed civilians indiscriminately, with targets including hospitals and schools. [1] Critics like Alexander Litvinenko, who was subsequently murdered in London in November 2006, have charged that the 1999 bombings of apartment buildings around Moscow, attributed to Chechen separatists, were in fact the work of the Russian secret service (FSB). [2]

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Scientist to Fast Until Death – Opposing HEP Dams on the Ganges, India

13-06-2008 15:10

Distinguished Indian environmental scientist Dr G. D. Agrawal today began his commitment to fast until death unless the country's government heeds protests and warnings against the construction of several hydroelectric power dams on the River Ganges.

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David Davis Political Challenge

13-06-2008 14:44

David Davis ex MP shows the way for socialist MPs to get rid of the perversions of New Labour.

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Around the Campaigns Friday 13th June 2008

13-06-2008 14:31

Two more 'Ethnic Charter Flights'
The Home Office have been rounding up and detaining Iraqi's and Jamaicans to be removed by charter flights later this month.

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Congress of IAF, Carrara, 4th-6th JUly 2008

13-06-2008 14:14

International anarchist solidarity continues strong, 40 years later.

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Academies - the time to fight is now

13-06-2008 13:47

Scenes from Brent occupation
Despite local opposition to proposals to turn Parkwood High School into a "city academy" plans are still going ahead. The time to fight them is now.

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Plymouth anti-Scientology activist arrested before global day of action

13-06-2008 13:31

Stu Wyatt, a Plymouth campaigner against the Church of Scientology, was arrested yesterday at his home.

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Pictures from Drax train action

13-06-2008 12:19

Protest halts Drax coal train as summer of discontent against coal continues…

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BNP Trouble At Mill

13-06-2008 10:52

Cars attacked during BNP meeting

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An update on Japan G8 repression - 40 people arrested!

13-06-2008 10:26

Over 40 people have been arrested in pre-emptive sweeps of broad left and anarchist groups. Preliminary information available here:

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Coal train stopped.

13-06-2008 09:37

A coal train heading for Drax has apparently been stopped and occupied.

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parc Aberporth/uav,and the space race

13-06-2008 09:35

space talk
Parc aberporth and st athan will in time be super Military accademys
space war

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Climate protest halts coal train

13-06-2008 09:16

About 30 climate campaigners have halted a train taking coal to one of Europe's biggest power stations in North Yorkshire.

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Iraq war could cost taxpayers $2.7 trillion (by Latuff)

13-06-2008 06:44

Iraq war cost to U.S. taxpayers
As the Iraq war continues with no clear end in sight, the cost to taxpayers may balloon to $2.7 trillion by the time the conflict comes to an end, according to Congressional testimony.

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Mumia Abu Jamal Update

13-06-2008 05:14


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Palestinians Catch Settler-Extremist Attack On Film

13-06-2008 00:00

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation handed out cameras throughout S. American flashpoints during the 80's, and these actually prevented several acts of violence, including attacks by armed thugs several Governments had paid to disrupt workers' meetings and demonstrations.

I hope this catches on again.

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Sheffield 11th June Guantánamo Protest

12-06-2008 22:18

Sheffield 11th June Guantánamo Protest
A protest was held in Sheffield on 11th June 2008 by the Sheffield Guantánamo Campaign to highlight the situation of Binyam Mohamed, the last UK resident in the illegal US prison at Guantánamo Bay and is potentially facing the death penalty.

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Protest this Tuesday - Tell Iraqi Oil Minister 'Stop Attacking Trade Unionists'

12-06-2008 21:41

Oil Minister Hussein Shahristani is in the UK to speak at nuclear disarmament conference at LSE. Shahristani was one of the key backers of the Iraq invasion, insisting Iraq had WMD and working closely and publically with then foreign secretary Jack Straw on developing the case for war. Come and have a go at him this tuesday!!