UK Newswire Archive
Ron Prosor, Israel’s 60th, the Queen and the Blitz
24-02-2008 20:34
Israel's PR ambasador to the UK recently meet the Queen and discussed her visiting Israel for its 60th birthday. Prosor tried to charm her compairing her experience in the blitz to the current experience of Israelis under Gazan rocket fire...Arab Leaders Warn Israel Over Belligerency
24-02-2008 20:28
The 'peace process' has always been a way for Israel to stall for time, but maintain positive PR and the appearance of a desire for peace, while it annexes more Palestinian land.Israel is currently plotting wars on Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran. Stopping them is the only way to avert disaster.
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Shell forecourt shutdown in Birmingham: Hands Off Iraqi Oil!
24-02-2008 20:17

Dear Miss Nelson, You Are A Maltreater
24-02-2008 19:42
I have received your letter of last May, 16th 2001. I can’t help but showing my utmost astonishment for the things that you reveal in your letter and which stress your absolute confusion regarding the facts described and documentally proved over and over again, and beyond any reasonable doubt, in our previous reports and communications with your organization. For all of the above mentioned, I’ll try to summarize for you as briefly and concisely as possible:The Judge Accuses Camins To Inflict Torture And In
24-02-2008 19:28
A total of 13 civil employees of prisons of Quatre Camins is to a step to seat in the prisoners' dock. The Court of Instruction number 3 of Granollers considers that they could have committed a crime of tortures and another one of injuries the night of the 30 of April of 2004, when supposedly they offered beatings to a group of prisoners like retaliation to the happened riot hours before, in that was severely wounded the assistant director of internal regime. Between the defendant the director of the jail and the medical assistant director finguran at that time.Against Veronika Nelson And Gillian Fleming (A.I.)
24-02-2008 19:15
Final Monday Love, 25th Feb, Camden
24-02-2008 19:00
Final Monday Love at The InSpiral Lounge, Camden Lock, bringing you the finest in uptown, underground, raise your spirit and blow your mind live music, film and real life grassroots media.Hands Off Iraqi Oil - Liverpool Picket
24-02-2008 17:14

US/NATO military shipping heroin out of Afghanistan
24-02-2008 16:53
The global proceeds of the Afghan drug trade is in excess of 150 billion dollars a year. There is mounting evidence that this illicit trade is protected by the US/NATO military.Gypsies in Italy: a disperate appeal
24-02-2008 16:32
EveryOne Group and other human rights associations are launching a desperate appeal to the international institutions asking them not to ignore the effects of a vast and ruthless racist campaign.Fidel Castro: Who wants to be in the Garbage Dump?
24-02-2008 15:54

1st of March: Second National Day Of Action For Freedom Of Assembly
24-02-2008 15:52

We Own The Streets - Campaign for Freedom of Assembly
It's time we had freedom to publicly assemble in the UK. The Campaign for Freedom of Assembly is calling for a second national day of action against the existing legislation restricting our freedom to protest around Parliament and its possible extension to the rest of the country.
Full Text: IAEA Report on Iran
24-02-2008 14:46
The IAEA's document in full, since much of what the media says comes from relatively few sources, and misrepresents what the report says, consistent with the media's overall treatment of this issue.Note that the only outstanding issues are those arising from accusations made by Israel and the United States, and there is no evidence thus far to back them up.
Israeli Extremists STILL Trying to Start Iran War

Sea Shepherd Finds Japanese Whaling Fleet: They Are On the Run Again
24-02-2008 14:29

The Japanese whaling fleet is on the run again. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship Steve Irwin re-located the Japanese whaling fleet at 0600 hours this morning, February 23, 2008.
Talking (even more bollocks) About Cannabis
24-02-2008 14:23
We’ve been looking for a worthy adversery in the void ever since the Ukippers stopped biting and unfortunately Debra Bell is not one.That said while she continues to spout unscientific drivel on her lame website (1) we’ll continue to expose her for the ignorant hypocrite she is.
Solidarity Is Our Only Weapon
24-02-2008 14:09

John Bowden
Pics of "End the siege on Gaza" Demo
24-02-2008 12:57

Hands Off Iraqi Oil - London demo
23-02-2008 23:23