UK Newswire Archive
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"Hunting Act's 3 Year Anniversary" by ALF
18-02-2008 20:59

Charlotte White, H&H deputy news editor.
Black Police Association Chief joins platform against stop and search
18-02-2008 20:52
The meeting will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, 19th February at Friends House in Euston Road.Sheffield Climate Ark
18-02-2008 20:43

Palestine Today 021808
18-02-2008 19:39

‘Iraq Oil robbers’ to be challenged by local campaigners - All Welcome!
18-02-2008 19:03
LOCAL campaigners stage demonstration against UK oil companies profiting from the Iraq war as part of a Global Day of Action to say ‘Hands Off Iraqi Oil’. A few local residents will be dressed as typical ‘robbers’, to represent the oil companies. The staged dialogue between these ‘robbers’ and local anti-war campaigners will explain the relationship between war, oil and profit to local passers-by. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN IN PLEASE SEE CONTACT DETAILS BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION!Rough Music 17 Hits The Streets
18-02-2008 17:52
The latest issue of Brighton's dirt diggin' trouble makin' newsletter is now on the web.Check it out on
Project Shalom Habibi....Be inspired!
18-02-2008 17:35

Kosovo’s declaration of independence destabilises Europe
18-02-2008 16:11
Yesterday’s declaration of independence from Serbia by Kosovo’s parliament brings the world a step closer to another war on European soil. The move has been prepared and encouraged by the United States and the European powers in a deliberate attempt to stoke hostilities with Russia.The impact of the credit crunch on British workers
18-02-2008 15:26
Indications of the severity with which the credit crunch is likely to hit working people in Britain are contained in a number of recent reports and press articles. These focus, firstly, on the impact of credit becoming more difficult to obtain and, secondly, on the cost of mortgages.Pauline Campbell arrested at HMP Styal
18-02-2008 14:35

Pictures below:
Nottingham To 'Glorify' Veterans In June
18-02-2008 14:10
The Nottingham Evening Post reports:The Ministry of Defence has asked Nottingham to lead regional celebrations for National Veterans' Day in June.
Transoma Medical and DSI ditch Huntingdon Life Sciences
18-02-2008 13:12
Yet another company vows not to use HLS!Want to know how to take your campaign to the next level?
18-02-2008 13:10

Pictures from Student Climate Project's launch event in Cambridge
18-02-2008 13:07

Also, just to let you all know that we are stepping up our activities for our London Event, taking place from the 18th to 20th of April all around London. The event is set to include more creative outreach, the launch of our exciting new arts project, workshops, and a collective direct action. More details to follow...
One in Love - Reclaim St Valentine's Day
18-02-2008 13:02

Pictures are copyright (C) Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.
Verdict awaited in Harmondsworth 4 trial.
18-02-2008 12:50

Kurds march in London for Ocalan and Peace
18-02-2008 12:38

Pictures are copyright: (C) Peter Marshall - all rights reserved.
Concentration camps in America: The consequences of 40 years of fear
18-02-2008 12:23
The incursions on civil liberties in the United States in the past 25 years, and particularly since 9-11, are mind-boggling. It matters not whether you are a Democrat or Republican, rich or poor, conservative or liberal, you have been deprived of substantial freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, unnecessarily, in the War on Terrorism. Fear the loss, perceive the danger, and do something about it!The calendar may say 2008, but, increasingly, we’re living in 1984. America may not have concentration camps yet, but we’re sure enough working on ‘em.
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Cuban speaking tour this week!
18-02-2008 11:13