UK Newswire Archive
National Squatters Meeting 9-10 February 2008 Leeds
13-12-2007 16:17
So we are inviting people involved in all squatted autonomous spaces around the UK to meet and discuss the squatting situation and some preparation for the days of action in April.Palestine Today 121307
13-12-2007 15:39

US and Her Stooges are the Main Human Rights Violators In Afghanistan
13-12-2007 15:24
The US and her allies tried to legitimize their military occupation of Afghanistan under the banner of “bringing freedom and democracy for Afghan people”. But as we have experienced in the past three decades, in regard to the fate of our people, the US government first of all considers her own political and economic interests and has empowered and equipped the most traitorous, anti-democratic, misogynist and corrupt fundamentalist gangs in Afghanistan.The Unconventional Action Paper is Out at Last!
13-12-2007 15:10

Another Economy is Possible
13-12-2007 15:10
The world economy increasingly has the character of a plutonomy, a wealth economy where the rich appropriate an ever larger share of the social wealth. Imagine an economy that serves justice, peace and creation, where competition and cooperation coexist, where the economy is only a part of life not a steamroller leading to narcissism and traumatization and where the future is safeguarded.Check Out Whats Happening This Weekend in London
13-12-2007 14:56
Visit the London site to see what Upcoming events to attend this weekendGAGGED! #21 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
13-12-2007 14:48

Fuel protest locations revealed
13-12-2007 14:31
Fuel protesters have revealed the locations of their 'legal' protests on Saturday 15th Dec. They are likely to be small, but may gain media coverage. Campaigners against cliamte change may wish to go and hold banners about how climate change is the real crisis, and to talk to the media? Campaign for Better Transport has produced a myth-buster factsheet about fuel tax, which is here:
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Blunkett told: 'You're a fucking greedy bastard'
13-12-2007 14:15
Blunkett's finances exposed at public meetingNestle book prize winner refuses Nestle money
13-12-2007 13:59
Sean Taylor, who has won a Gold Medal in the annual Book Trust Children's Book Awards has refused the prize money from the sponsor, Nestle because of the company's record on baby food marketing.EDO/ITT All Set To Merge
13-12-2007 12:57
Shareholders of EDO Corporation who had sought an injunction to stop a shareholders vote in the State Supreme Court New York have reached a private settlement with the company.Growing Food When The Oil Runs out
13-12-2007 12:43
Most people in modern industrial society get their food mainly from supermarkets. As a result of declining hydrocarbon resources, however, it is unlikely that such food will always be available. The present world population is nearly 7 billion, but food supplies per capita have been shrinking for years. Food production will have to become more localized, and it will be necessary to reconsider less-advanced forms of technology that might be called "subsistence gardening."SOCPA cycling.
13-12-2007 11:18
Why are drivers allowed to play their sound systems in the SOCPA zone but not cyclists?Total impunity: Shoot-to-kill commander McDowall promoted as 'anti-terror chief'
13-12-2007 09:44
Does this Top terror role for the Menezes officer mean that it has been accepted that we adopt a routine "shoot to kill any suspect policy" from now on?From Oil Wars to Water Wars
13-12-2007 08:43
The world's leading scientists are predicting climate change to cause water wars and mass migrations from rural to urban areas.Karen Reissman appeal rejected
13-12-2007 04:39
NHS Trust bosses this week rejected mental health nurse Karen Reissman's appeal against her dismissal.Reality Celebrities?
13-12-2007 02:57
the article is a light hearted look at the new phenomenon of internet celebrities, people who have become famous through mediums such as You Tube etcMarsh Lane Fields Land Grab continues
13-12-2007 01:27

Great new documentary: must see: Fool Me Twice
13-12-2007 01:01
This new documentary examines among other false flag terrorism the Bali Bombing, and suggests US involvement.