UK Newswire Archive
Minutes of Manchester No2ID Meeting, 13th June 2007
19-06-2007 22:58

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Pictures from StWC Palestine Demo (pt 3).
19-06-2007 22:13

More pictures from StWC Palestine March (pt 2).
19-06-2007 21:58

Whats On Your Hard Disk
19-06-2007 20:24
The trend for recycling has given the oppurtunity to the poor for high end computers.But whats on the hard disks?Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
march against war: 24th June
19-06-2007 18:39
Manchester Sunday 24th June: Protest against warA time for change in Ireland
19-06-2007 18:10
Who do we blame?Is youth the key to the spiralling increase in anti-social behaviour or has the youth of today just taken example from their peers and enhanced the problem to a modern 21st century process in destabilising society. Does the problem go back further than what we are prepared to accept and have we now come to a stage where we need to re-evaluate the way we cherish freedom and human rights.
We see AIDS as being a threat to human existence. We now see ASB as a threat to the stability of our society and subsequently human existence in itself.
An interview about the Venezuela Revolution
19-06-2007 18:07
Below is an interview with Marxist author Alan Woods about the ongoing events in Venezuela.You have openly expressed your admiration for President Chávez. However, you have said that you consider that the Bolivarian Revolution is "incomplete". What do you mean by this?
The Bolivarian Revolution is a revolution in the sense that Trotsky explained in The History of the Russian Revolution, that is, a situation in which the masses participate actively in politics and try to take their destiny into their own hands and change society from the bottom. But it is unfinished because it has not yet succeeded in expropriating totally the oligarchy and the old state apparatus remains more or less intact. As long as things continue like this, it cannot be said that the revolution is irreversible. President Chávez once compared it to the myth of Sisyphus, who was condemned to roll a heavy boulder to the top of a hill, at which point it always rolled back to the starting-point. The problem is that if this particular rock rolls backwards, it will crush a lot of people.
Branding, Cleansing and the Olympic Spin Machine
19-06-2007 17:43
A huge amount of effort is put into marketing the Olympics, but what is behind this mountain of spin? This article is an attempt to peel back the veneer and take a peak at the reality of the Olympics.Calling Hackney to Support Sodexho canteen staff at Haggerston School
19-06-2007 16:28
TGWU members who work for Sodexho as canteen staff at Haggerston School in Hackney will be walking out on Wednesday 27th June, between 7.30 a.m. and 12.00 Noon.Flight 77: The Flight Data Recorder Investigation File
19-06-2007 16:16
Calum Douglas presents his investigation into the flight data recorder from Flight 77 to an audience at the Indian YMCA in Fitzroy Square, London on 8th June 2007.Unravelling
19-06-2007 16:12
As the wall approaches, or rather as we speed recklessly toward it, it serves no purpose to analyse how a nation, trillions of dollars in debt, remains in a position to offer billions to its enemies and try and buy its way out of inevitable collapse. The buy-off strategy is not new, what is new however is that the offers are rejected – no amount of money could buy Kosovo from Serbia, what are a people without a heart or national identity? Condi Rice, with Israel’s whole-hearted support, today openly offered to buy-off Palestinians in the vain hope that western influence could be maintained in the region. For numerous reasons this strategy will also fail.Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism
19-06-2007 16:07

Filton Five charged
19-06-2007 15:09
Five Bristol residents were charged on Monday 18th June with 2 charges relating to their occupation of BAE Systems in Filton, Bristol on Thursday 26th April this year. The group occupied an office in New Filton House, the Bristol HQ of the arms firm, for one and a half hours. Hanging a banner reading 'BAE Systems: Corruption and Destruction: Business as Usual' from the office, the group were drawing attention to the dropped Serious Fraud Office investigation into corruption with the Al-Yamamah deal with Saudi Arabia.Three Asians and a White (Social Cohesion)
19-06-2007 13:23
A personal example of how innate paranoias and misunderstandings are by and large blown out of proportion.Full article | 4 additions | 4 comments
brecon eviction update!
19-06-2007 13:14
The Eviction continues with two arrests on the ground and people locked on in the tree tops, there are also people underground with substantial supplies! please support these people by donating towards fines etc on the "fight the pipe" website.if anyone can make it they need the support!
Basic Income Creates Trust
19-06-2007 12:22
No life of luxury would be possible with the basic income. People in paid work would always be financially privileged by the promotion prospects. The protestant work ethic does not aim at persons only motivated by material reward. Rather this ethic consists in a strong inner drive, in a calling to work even without pay. A basic income would offer people a basic existential protection."THOR"cover-up WAKKS WIKIPEDIA as USA vote fraud unravels further
19-06-2007 12:16
Remember the computer vote fraud scams, amongst others, that "won" the USA election for those few criminals machinating the lobby groups that machinate some of the "neo-cons" in the administration. . . . latest news shows that the "cover-ups" expose the "cunning plots", plotters, etc. further all the time !Protection of paedophile networks
19-06-2007 12:07
Paedophile networks with high ranking people do exist. A common trait is the complicity of corrupt intelligence agencies to help the guilty maintain their cover. In the article below, we will consecutively address Belgium, Australia and the United States.