UK Newswire Archive
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The Welfare Bill to become law: disabled people failed by the left
03-05-2007 12:41
as the bill becomes law, questions need to be asked about the lack of support from progressives, etcAnti-Capitalism in Five Minutes or Less
03-05-2007 12:28
We know that capitalism is not just the most sensible way to organize an economy but is now the only possible way to organize an economy. We know that dissenters to this conventional wisdom can, and should, be ignored. There’s no longer even any need to persecute such heretics; they are obviously irrelevant.Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio
03-05-2007 12:24
May 4th, 2007 will be the 37th year since the Kent State, Ohio, massacre where four anti-war protesters were killed by Ohio National Guardsmen during a protest against Richard Nixon’s announced escalation in Vietnam.Posada Carriles case: US government moves to gag terrorist on CIA ties
03-05-2007 11:58
With his trial on immigration charges set for May 11, the US government has filed a motion in federal court seeking to bar the international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles from testifying on his role as an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency.There is no plan to leave Iraq
03-05-2007 10:14
Why there was no exit planBy Lewis Seiler, Dan Hamburg
There are people in Washington ... who never intend to withdraw military forces from Iraq and they're looking for 10, 20, 50 years in the future ... the reason that we went into Iraq was to establish a permanent military base in the Gulf region, and I have never heard any of our leaders say that they would commit themselves to the Iraqi people that 10 years from now there will be no military bases of the United States in Iraq. -- former President Jimmy Carter, Feb. 3, 2006
Australian uranium exports set to leap up
03-05-2007 10:07
Australian uranium exports are set to leap up regardless of what government takes power in elections late this year. Australia's opposition Labor Party (ALP) has just narrowly scrapped its 25-year-old opposition to development of new uranium mines.Interventionist Left (IL) G8 Call to Action
03-05-2007 09:15
The following is the English translation of the Interventionist Left's (IL) call to action against this year's G8 Summit in Heiligendamm. The IL are a German-wide network of groups (including: AKU Wiesbaden; Antifaschistische Linke Berlin (ALB); Antifaschistische Linke International (A.L.I.) Göttingen; AVANTI – Projekt undogmatische Linke; Für eine linke Strömung – FelS (Berlin); gruppe d.i.s.s.i.d.e.n.t.; the Federal Coordination, "Krieg ist Frieden" (KIF); the German-wide campaign Libertad!; Organisierte Autonomie (Nürnberg); radikale linke (rl) Nürnberg - Projekt für revolutionäre Organisierung; Rote Aktion Kornstraße (Hannover)), publishing projects (ak - analyse und kritik; Fantomas; arranca!; and so oder so) and a number of individuals. More information is available via the IL website, here: www.g8-2007.deAustralia: Labor conference outlines pro-war agenda
03-05-2007 07:44

Candidate Alexander: LAPD Assaults May Day Supporters
03-05-2007 05:20
Los Angeles police officers brutally assaulted peaceful marchers and supporters at a rally in Los Angeles creating outrage and anger from millions nationwide. Many of the people that were present in the park were mother, children and babies. The cops were seen beating many with sticks on television; people and children that were offering no resistance. Also there were members of the press that were brutally assaulted.Wolfowitz and Gonzonles: Dead Men Walking
03-05-2007 03:39
When they're being written about in the tabloid advice columns, then you know that they're dead.Thousands of migrants demonstrate in Italy for Mayday
03-05-2007 01:23
More than one thousand migrants took part to a demonstration in Reggio Emilia, Italy, last 1st of may.The demo was organized by the autonomous Comitato Lavoratori Irregolari supported by Lab. Aq16 and association Ya Basta! of Reggio Emilia.
Mayday Switzerland: fire bomb attacks on banks, courts, police stations
03-05-2007 01:08

EU/ The myth of Islamic terrorism
03-05-2007 01:01
If we look at the people arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences, the figures are rather disproportionate; about half of them arrested were Muslim. In plain English: Muslims are a group causing very little terrorism in Europe, while at the same time much more likely to be arrested on suspicion of it. The constant media coverage of Muslims being arrested creates the false image of a serious threat in order to benefit the imperialist world-view Washington wants us to adopt.Faslane to close ?!
03-05-2007 00:51
I wrote a short post recycling the mainstream story that the MoD were planning to move Faslane if the SNP got in power +in case+ they won independence. Hurrah. The Scotland on Sunday speculated where Trident would move to. Something just occurred to me though - where could Coulport move to ?International Press Freedom day-free Alan Johnston-Reporters Sans Frontiers
03-05-2007 00:36

Reminder: rally! Free Mumia now! (This Saturday)
03-05-2007 00:15

Mumia Abu-Jamal is an innocent man!
Free Mumia Now!
Mumia's life is in danger - mobilise now!
Rally, sponsored by the Partisan Defence Committee
Saturday 5 May, 1 pm
University of London Union, Room 3C&D,
Malet Street, London WC1
Abolish the racist death penalty!
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The Leeds Truth Festival 11th-13th May
02-05-2007 21:51

Mayday Festival in Wolverhampton
02-05-2007 21:20

Workers and activists from across the Midlands headed to Wolverhampton on Mayday evening for the 13th Wolverhampton Annual May Day Festival, organised by Wolverhampton May Day Committee. The event was supported by the West Midlands Fire Brigades Union, the West Midlands UNISON and Midlands TUC. The theme was "Keep Wolverhampton a fascist-free zone".
Apart from the tasty Asian food and cheap beers, there were lots of enthusiastic speeches, including those by Yvonne Washbourne from the PCS Union, Dyal Bhagri, president of the Indian Workers’ Association GB and Naeem Malik from the Guantanamo Campaign. There was also some good and uplifting music, including Dave Rogers from the Banner Theatre and Atilla The Stockbroker. And, of course, loads of stalls with all kind of political literature from as many groups and campaigns.
Change of venue for direct action training day
02-05-2007 21:15
due to flooding of the basement (which could do with all hands on deck soon) the NVDA (non violent direct action) training and get together day 6th May, will now be held at MERCI Bridge5 Mill Manchester, M4 7HRProtest Against ESOL Cuts in Birmingham
02-05-2007 21:15

The University and College Union (UCU) did a stall in Birmingham city centre on Mayday to protest against government plans to cut free English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes for asylum seekers and refugees. Lots of leaflets were handed out and many signatures were gathered on the "Save ESOL" petition. The event was part of a massive campaign supported by many unions and groups.
They were also joined by members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), who were protesting against plans to close local blood processing and testing sites around the country and merge them into three "supercentres" in Bristol, Manchester and Colindale. The National Blood Service staff have been in industrial dispute with the management for about a year over these "unworkable reconfiguration plans".