UK Newswire Archive
New Camberwell Squatted Centre
20-03-2007 07:59
It aims to be a centre for the local community and although it is open it has a more intimate atmosphere than it would have if it was in Central London. There will be cafes every Friday and film nights every Wednesday.Zimbabwe's opposition perpetrating terrorist attacks
20-03-2007 05:31
Note that Mugabe gives this speech at a ceremony to mark International Women's Day under the theme: Ending Impunity for Violence Against Women.For those who like to paint him as a despot, this is very odd behaviour. But then hes no despot, so his behaviour is not strange.
Bush, Blair could face War-crimes Charges
20-03-2007 02:19
George W. Bush and Tony Blair may face war crimes charges at the International Criminal Court over their military intervention and occupation of Iraq. The Internationally insignificant John Howard would face Australian courts prior to being handed over to the ICC.Just WHO will keep RCTV and 1BC permanently removed from broadcasting...
20-03-2007 02:16

Killing two birds with one Mohammed
20-03-2007 02:10
Alas, Khalid Sheik Mohammed has confessed to masterminding the 9/11 attacks at a Guantanamo Bay military hearing. He also took the rap for masterminding more than two dozen other terrorist acts around the world and the murder of reporter Daniel Pearl. As the Pentagon release reported, he said “I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z.” So there you have it. It’s a wrap. And who needs to catch Osama Been Forgotten? Rip up the wanted posters and throw away the fake tapes.Demilitarize the World!
20-03-2007 01:59
War is Just a Racket: Take a Stand; Dismantle the War Machine; Demilitarize the World!

Out-Flanked: A New War on Terra Arrives with Bush-Lula Ethanol Deal
19-03-2007 22:30
Another Bush Family Energy Empire Now Forming in the Heart Of South AmericaBy Garrett St. James
Special to The Narco News Bulletin
March 19, 2007
Glasgow activists commemorate Rachel Corrie anniversary
19-03-2007 21:56
A small but dedicated contingent of Glasgow activists gathered on Friday afternoon in Glasgow city centre to mark the 4th anniversary of the tragic death of American human rights activist Rachel Corrie.Afghan Instability: A Scorched-Earth Strategy
19-03-2007 21:31
AFGHANIBLOG COMMENT:This article outlines a US orchestrated scorched-earth policy: Better to destroy an asset, than to let it fall into the hands of an enemy.
From the perspective of Brzezinski’s “Grand Chessboard” – a logical choice.
From the perspective of an Afghan citizen – a genocidal choice.
"Khalid Sheikh Mohammed" is imposter - real one dead
19-03-2007 21:23

The current fake KSM appears to be a tortured simpleton
Sheffield AF Anti-Recruitment Centre - March 17th
19-03-2007 20:42

Comments please on Blair/Bush war crimes trial"
19-03-2007 19:50
Can 'Iraq: Where Things Stand' Serve As A Blue Print For War Crimes?"If Iran or Syria had invaded Iraq and created conditions that resulted in the scenario described in the report the United States and Britain would be asking the United Nations Security Counsel to recommend war crimes charges."

The Political Economy of Diamonds
19-03-2007 18:25

The Jewish Nazi – Another Embarrassment for the Pathetic ‘British People’s Party
19-03-2007 17:26

Stop Export and Abuse of Children
19-03-2007 17:11

Iraq: What about the ‘surge’ in civilian casualties?
19-03-2007 16:43
What about the ‘surge’ in civilian casualties? In the media coverage of the American 'surge' - committing 20,000 extra troops to the war in Iraq - there has been barely a word about the likely consequences of this intensified combat for the Iraqi civilian population.LAAG- online pettion against Lydd Apt expansion.
19-03-2007 16:31
Lydd Airport Action Group (LAAG). launched an on-line petition against the expansion plans of Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh Kent- Suday 18 March 07.Whitechapel Knees Up against Starbucks
19-03-2007 16:17

Chavez's warning to allies.
19-03-2007 15:54
Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has proposed that all the parties that back him, and which have total control of the National Assembly, should merge into a single party, the Socialist Unified Party. However, some of the members of the coallition in government are less than enthusisatic about it.In The Navy!
19-03-2007 15:49
Today the Royal Navy visited the University of Bradford. Publicity for the event was terrible, and in fact - the only poster we saw after touring the entire campus was placed outside the meeting room a bunch of activists were meeting in. And not just any activists, but a bunch of activists who were discussing anti-trident actions.