UK Newswire Archive
New mini cagesw for shopping centres and else where.
15-03-2007 15:42

UK Daily Mail
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Shoplifters, people whose dogs foul the pavement, litter droppers, speeding drivers and those caught not wearing a seat belt could be fingerprinted or forced to give DNA under new Home Office proposals.
16th-18th Goodbye Cruel World, Hackney
15-03-2007 13:31
The former Dalston Theatre is inviting you for a weekend of Action -Talk and Reflections...
Parliment square Trident protest images.
15-03-2007 12:52

The lullaby of Corporal Donald Payne
15-03-2007 12:40
Detained Iraqi civilians were beaten if they could not remember nicknames of famous footballers given to them by UK soldiers, a court martial has heard.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Empire as a Way of Life, Part 2
15-03-2007 11:48

The current imperial slaughter in the Middle East, justified by the "Global War on Terror", that has resulted in at least 600,000 deaths in Iraq, is nothing new — the U.S. Empire has a long and sordid history of genocidal mass murder.
The history of the US imperialism and Empire is the subject of a series of ten monthly seminars from Dr John Marciano, "Empire as a Way of Life". Attached is a recording of the second of these seminars and the text upon which it was based. The first 6 of these seminars have taken place and the intention is to have the whole series published on this site; the last 4 will take place between now and June.
This seminar, recorded on 17th October 2006 by the L.A. Sound Posse, runs for 35 minutes and includes the discussion following. It has been made available under a Creative Commons license. If this recording is broadcast please let the L.A. Sound Posse know. This recording was originally made available on the A-Infos Radio Project site.
The following text has been reproduced here with the kind permission of Dr John Marciano and he can be contacted at He introduced this series of seminars in the following way:
A fundamental purpose of our meetings is to understand the systemic nature of the U.S. Empire and the economic and military imperialism that is its lifeblood. The historian William Appleman Williams argues that empire became "a way of life" in the U.S., a "combination of patterns of thought and action that, as it becomes habitual and institutionalized, defines the thrust and character of a culture and society." This "way of life" has convinced many U.S. "Americans" they have a right or "manifest destiny" to impose their political and economic policies upon others.
Dr John Marciano is Professor Emeritus, State University of New York at Cortland, where he taught courses on social and historical foundations of education and class, gender and race.
Previous parts of this series:
Regional Anti-War Newsletter (+ Environmental Events) : March / April 2007
15-03-2007 11:16

Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Greece: The police transformed the biggest student demonstration since last year
15-03-2007 11:02
This Thursday March 8 in Athens and Thessalonica, two great demonstrations took place at the time when the Parliament voted the new law -cadre. In Athens, 40.000 demonstrators were in the streets, 5000 in Thessalonica. The demonstration of Athens was regarded as the main event and gathered demonstrators from all of Greece. That of Thessalonica was more local and gathered students from the city itself and north of Greece.CONGOLESE REFUGEES BLOCKADE DALLAS COURT KIDNAPPING CENTRE!
15-03-2007 10:48
The Congo Support Network held a demonstration on 13 March 2007 at Dallas Court Reporting Centre, Salford Quays, in opposition to the recent and continuing deportations of Congolese asylum seekers to war-torn DRCongo. It was attended by over 100 Congolese and Libyan refugees, and supported by anti-racist activists from Manchester FRFI. It was meant to run from 12-2pm.critical mass anti-trident protests pics
15-03-2007 10:33

shame about the government.....
Aboriginal rugby league ready for affiliation signatures
15-03-2007 10:08
Goodooga, northwest NSW, 15 March -- The new Aboriginal Nations Super (Rugby) League, due to run its first official fixture on 7 April, is about to be sanctioned by the sport’s two governing bodies in New South Wales.RTF Warmup friday
15-03-2007 10:07
RTF warmup event at london squat. Find out whats up, av a larf and get into some good tunes from some fine conscious bands.Black out tonight
15-03-2007 09:50
BLACKOUT BRITAIN with us to mark the book launch of "Six Degrees" byMark Lynas :-

Glasgow event: Israel/Palestine - Rachel Corrie Commemoration Friday 16th March
15-03-2007 09:25
This Friday is the 4 year anniversary of Rachel Corrie's murder in Rafah, Gaza.She was an American peace activist in Palestine. As some of you may know Rachel had a lot of friends in Glasgow. A few of her closest friends who were with her when she was tragically killed will be in attendance.
No to the G8 - Trade Unions on the Global Stage
15-03-2007 08:51
The following is a call by trade unionists in Germany and internationally against the 2007 G8 Summit in Heiligendamm. Groups and individuals can sign up here:
US puts Pressure on Pakistan to Support a US Led Attack on Iran
15-03-2007 08:41
Former ISI Chief, Gen (retd) Hameed Gul has said that the Untied States is paving the way to use Pakistan's territory for its expected attack on Iran in order to shift the blame of its failure in Afghanistan to Pakistan.Arrests of peace campaigners in House of Commoms
15-03-2007 00:29
As MPs debated today over the UKs strategic nuclear deterrence programme in the hours before a final decision was made 3 people were arrested in the House of Commons. They were just a few of the many across Britain who placed themselves in the hands of police officers to make their message, and that of the nations heard. Risking their careers and their freedom for their principles. Read more . . . .Bradford Anti-Trident Rally
15-03-2007 00:04

Trident critical mass pics
14-03-2007 23:46

Bloggers vs. The Lobby
14-03-2007 23:38
This article explains quite eloquently why a Zionist Plant, and member of "IMC-Watch" (amongst other Hate Sites) feels compelled to monitor the site.The Independent Media has all but decimated the carefully-crafted media veil keeping the reality of the Zionist war to wipe Palestine off the map from the general public.
Fugitive right-wing student leader requests political asylum at Vatican Embassy
14-03-2007 23:26

VHeadline en Español News Editor Jesus Nery Barrios writes: Fugitive right-wing University of The Andes (ULA) student leader Nixon Moreno requested political asylum and has sought refuge at the Vatican's Embassy (Papal Nunciature) in Caracas.