UK Newswire Archive
Open Letter to the Rulers in Germany
10-10-2006 17:01
We were almost convincede we really had the same interests as your corporations, banks and politicians. We almost believed that all our desires could become reality in capitalism.Eddy Morrison Back From Retirement!!!
10-10-2006 16:48

Protests in area around parliament - loophole?
10-10-2006 16:26
Maybe a thin silver lining to the Sack Parliament cloud?Olympian Victory for Laing O'Rourke Protesters
10-10-2006 15:56

Oppose Israel's genocide by dumping those mobile phones!
10-10-2006 15:52
As openly admitted on the following pro-Israel site, mobile phones were largely invented and made in Israel.The Muslim Problem
10-10-2006 15:14
Muslims, it seems, are a problem. No, I should rephrase that. Muslims, it seems, are perhaps the problem of our times. Or at least one might be forgiven for believing that after the last few weeks and months. We've just had Jack Straw, the Leader of the House of Commons, and former Foreign and Home Secretary, tell us that Muslim women who cover the face with a veil or niqab make community relations "more difficult." And this is because, he says, concealing the face is "a visible statement of separation and difference."
UK opposes release of British detainees at Guantánamo
10-10-2006 14:30
Documents obtained by the Guardian newspaper show that the Blair government is complicit in the ongoing detention of some 10 former British residents detained without trial in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. This is despite an admission by the Home Office that “they do not pose a sufficient threat” to justify even keeping them under house arrest.Join Stop the War at Faslane blockade 6th & 7th November!
10-10-2006 12:44
Protest at Communication House - Friday 6 Oct 2006
10-10-2006 10:56

Faslane 365: Sheffield and North Derbyshire action
10-10-2006 10:47

Protest Against the Iraqi Court
10-10-2006 10:37
Because of the lack of honest media that reflects both sides of the conflict, I translated this letter, handwritten by Saddam Hussein in protest against the court’s procedures, the letter was wriiten two weeks ago and published today.US vs. Iran - Is An Attack Inevitable?
10-10-2006 10:37
Following is an article about the looming US (and Israel? and UK?) attack on Iran by Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar. This is a story being ignored by the mainstream media -- most people seem to be in denial that this war could be launched later this month.
The possibility that the Republicians might loose control of Congress on 7th November in the US and their talk of an October suprise to ensure that this doesn't happen has led to much speculation, including the possibility that a 2nd 9/11 (for example a dirty bomb or nuke being let off somewhere like NYC -- NYC is the only US city to have had a radiation mapping exercise conducted and this data is just what you need for doing a before and after study of the effects of a nuke...) might be set up and then used to justify a massive shock and awe bombing campaign against Iran that could include the use of nukes. Of course this is speculation -- there is nothing I'd like better than to be wrong.
If this were to happen before 7th November the election might not even happen and if it did it could ensure a victory for the Republicians (though things don't always go as they plan, eg the election in Spain after the Madrid bombings).
See also:
Iran Attack Looks More Likely as Eisenhower Carrier Group Sails for Iran Theater
10-10-2006 09:43
Such a war would be an act of madness, & yet we know that the plans are already drawn upSack Parliament footage screening tonight
10-10-2006 09:09
Tonight at the rampART from 8pm there is a presentation and screening of a film about indymedia and the uprising in Argentina. Prior to the main feature we'll be showing short films from indymedia video collectives in the UK including footage from yesterdays Sack Parliament event...Only 1 Bidder for M74 Contract
10-10-2006 08:05
There's only one consortium bidding for the contract to fuck up the southside of Glasgow by extending the M74 through it."No" to biometrics
10-10-2006 06:33
translation of statement by well-known Italian philosopherBristol's first World Naked Bike Ride this Saturday 14 Oct at 12.45pm
10-10-2006 02:07
Free film screening of World Naked Bike Ride film at 11.30amfollowed by...
a mini-World Naked Bike Ride through Bristol assembling at 12.30, departing 12.45
For all the details check out the link to Bristol Indymedia article.