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Survival International, Leonardo diCaprio and the Bushmen

27-09-2006 09:05

Survival International and it's recent questionable international campaign to get the Basarwa relocated into the Kalahari Game Reserve

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BNP Meeting In Luton Tonight

27-09-2006 06:31

Nazis are to meet in Luton's vibrant multi-ethnic community in High Town tonight.
Please be there to stop them.

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Critical Mass: Sack Parliament, not just Blair - 9th October

27-09-2006 01:27

flier artwork
A call-out for a critical mass action happening on 9th October at midday under Waterloo Bridge to join in with the events to Sack Parliament.

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Belgian Company Boycotts Israeli Hi tech company

27-09-2006 00:26

The boycott continues ...
Translated from Hebrew - Ynet, Israeli news website 26/9/06,7340,L-3308353,00.html

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The Ramadan in Algeria

26-09-2006 21:31

In Islam, Ramadan is a period of 30 days during which, for religious reasons, believers stop doing particular things they enjoy.

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Al Qa'eda "Resistance Fighting Terror"

26-09-2006 20:52

Its what the US called "war on terror" but the problem is , " How can terrorists fight terror " ???

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Shuttleworth should sell "open energy technology" plan to Branson

26-09-2006 18:50

Non-patentable shared "open energy technology" has the potential to have a profound impact on the reduction of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, in the same way that open source software has changed computers and the Internet.

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New Front in the Culture War:Gay Rights Sacrificed on the Altar of the Mid-Term

26-09-2006 18:21

Chip Berlet, Political Research Associates

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In the Spirit of Jaures and Luxemburg

26-09-2006 17:24

Only a new type of conflict management can put a stop to the violence in the Middle East.. In 1914 there existed an inherited hostility between Germany and France.. The important question is how the never ending spiral of violence, revenge, allocation of blame and retribution can be broken.

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26-09-2006 16:26

Big London Public Meeting on Climate Change - George Monbiot speaking.

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British military in crisis as NATO mission in Afghanistan unravels

26-09-2006 15:47

Faced with a burgeoning insurgency and the deteriorating authority of the central government of Hamid Karzai, the NATO command has signalled its determination to sacrifice more Afghan civilians and its own soldiers in a desperate bid to wrest control of the country.

Fierce resistance to the occupation, resulting in heavy losses for both insurgent fighters and foreign troops, has forced commentators close to the British military to dispense with the pretence of a “peace-keeping” mission and describe the situation as “all out war.”

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W.Mids Anti-Racist Conference

26-09-2006 15:42

Birmingham Council House, 10AM -1.30PM.
To secure a place contact 07837 244 518 or
They are organising a conference inviting all union/ student unions/ anti-racist groups, faith groups, Community and Ethnic Mionority Organisations, anti-fascists to discuss a co-ordinated response to the BNP who have 49 council seats and
will be standing in next years elections.

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BNP trouble makers get it wrong again.

26-09-2006 15:31

BNP try to blaim murder on Asians... Again

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Pictures from anti Blair/war demo.

26-09-2006 15:09

He may be a lying war-mongering holier-than-thou smug bastard....
10 pics from last Saturdays demo in Manchester.

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On the ground: Time to go - the Manchester conference protest

26-09-2006 14:38

£4.9 million indeed. And it could easily be seen. Police, horses, dogs, helmets, body armour - even the horses had kneepads. They looked ready for some kind of weird sporting spectacle that crossed horse-racing and skateboarding.

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Shell blocked AGAIN in North West Ireland!

26-09-2006 14:31

Protesters blocking entrance in early hours
Shell were blocked once again this morning as they tried to resume work on the disputed Corrib Gas project.

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No Justice, No Peace: Rally of Resistance 27 Sep, 1pm

26-09-2006 13:08

Demonstrate our resistance to neo-liberalism and its armed wing. Meet 1pm Peter's Fields tomorrow, 27 September.

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Divided City Open Forum - Sun 1st Oct, Limehouse

26-09-2006 12:52

Divided City Open Forum flyer
Just to let you know and encourage you to attend the Divided City Open
Forum on Sunday 1st October, venue - Limehouse Town Hall.
In the Main Open forum session will be the "LONDON CAMPAIGN ROUNDUP - COMMUNITIES IN RESISTANCE" with speakers from the Broadway Market campaign, the campaign to save Queens Market in Newham, people from the Dale farm travellers community, and activists from Dalston Theatre, chaired by Dave Morris from Haringey Solidarity Group. Start time, around around 4.30-5.