UK Newswire Archive
Revival of West Midlands Anti-Deportation Campaigns
14-08-2006 12:28
With the number of forced deportations reaching unprecedented records and asylum seekers of ceratin nationalities (Iraqis and Zimbabweans, for example) facing the prospect of mass deportation campaigns in the near future, a number of failed and successful asylum seekers, along with their supporters, met yesterday in Birmingham to build up campaigns against their possible deportation. The result was reviving the West Midlands Anti-Deportation Campaigns (WMADC), which disbanded in 2000, after 15 years of successful campaigns.
Islamophobia and censorship in Britain
14-08-2006 10:29
The Sun calls him the suicide bomb rapper, MPs want him arrested and his record company refuses to support his latest album. But would his treatment be the same if he were white?Aki Nawaz says Exposing the inherent colonial mentality of the British
State is an honour and worth any consequence in any shape or form.
Everything can change through art
14-08-2006 10:24

Acoustic night at the Cottage Social Centre!
14-08-2006 10:16
Birmingham's latest autonomous social centre, The Cottage, will be holding a Acoustic night open to everyone and possibility of a drumming workshop. If you don't have an instrument bring your voice!Close Down Dallas Court reporting Centre! Protest - 18 August
14-08-2006 09:45

The one after that will be on 15 September, same time and place. Next organising meeting of the NWASDG is on Tuesday 29 August at 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester.
Video of start of Bicycology ride.
14-08-2006 09:18

Anti-War Film Screening - Tonight
14-08-2006 09:06

Brize Peace Camp: Map and other info
14-08-2006 08:37
A 'package' of information, including up-to-date info on the whereabouts of the Camp. The plan of the area around the base, and a detailed description of the best viewing points for plane spotters have been removed as they turned out to be copyright. You can find them here:
The Price of Inaction
14-08-2006 07:33
Consider the war in Lebanon a test scenario, a ‘dry run’ to test the international response to flagrant criminal actions. Now recall Russia’s failure to support Yugoslavia in the Balkans. Russia stalled and now Yugoslavia is no more, just a number of fragmented pseudo States overseen by NATO and the largest U.S. base of occupation in Europe, camp Bondsteel. It is well known today that the USA wouldn’t have dared if Russia had supported its traditional ally, but a drunken fool, Boris Yeltsin, was in command at the time, the rest is history.Camping, Discussing And Action
14-08-2006 07:20
10 days of camping close to Heiligendamm in North East Germany, the little townwhere the next G8 summit will take place, are over. More than 100 workshops were
announced in advance, in the end it were probably more, not to count all the spontanous
meetings and discussions. A quick overview on the discussions.
14-08-2006 06:59
***********************************************CYBER WAR
JULY 22 : A call to 100 000Jews IN THE WORLD
Israel's Foreign Ministry provides Free Internet Tool to online activists
(Arjan El Fassed, The Electronic Intifada, 26 July 2006)
Screen image of the website from which the Megaphone desktop tool can be downloaded.
The following letter was sent by Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to a variety of pro-Israel organisations, so-called 'hasbara'-groups and other supporters of Israel.
Dear friends,
Many of us recognize the importance of the Internet as the new battleground for Israel's image. It's time to do it better, and coordinate our on-line efforts on behalf of Israel. An Israeli software company have developed a free, safe and useful tool for us - the Internet Megaphone.
Please go to, download the Megaphone, and you will receive daily updates with instant links to important internet polls, problematic articles that require a talk back, etc.
We need 100,000 Megaphone users to make a difference. So, please distribute this mail to all Israel's supporters.
Do it now. For Israel.
Amir Gissin
Director Public Affairs (Hasbara) Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem
Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs understands that today's conflicts are won by public opinion. They mobilize pro-Israel activists to be active and voice "Israel's side to the world." The Megaphone desktop tool, built by Giyus, which means "mobilization", sends desktop alerts on key articles on Israel and surveys, online polls where activists could click on the button to support Israel and click alerts to easily voice pro-Israel opinions.
The tool tracks down online articles and polls that members should act upon. After installing the tool, members receive alerts on those articles. With this tool Israel's Foreign Ministry obviously thought it would help Israel's fight in cyberspace. However, having used this tool, for others, it is quit useful as well. There is also a weblog and a forum.
To download Megaphone Desktop Tool click here [*.exe file for Windows].
For non Windows users and others who would like to to track the alerts being posted via RSS or the Web, visit this page.
Amir Gissin's letter was posted on July 22 on the website of -- an pro-Israel advocacy organization.
Related Links - Give Israel [or Palestine and Lebanon] Your United Support
Judge Curtis Innocent of child erotica downloading charges
14-08-2006 04:31
THE Oireachtas committee investigating Brian Curtin is unlikely to have completed its task by November 1, by which date the circuit judge will be entitled to retire on an annual pension of €25,000.Tracing a Trail of Destruction: Report from Lebanon, August 13, 2006
14-08-2006 03:28
BEIRUT, Lebanon - The wounds of war were evident shortly after we crossed the Syria-Lebanon border at 1130 in the morning on August 12. At Haissa, about three kilometers from the Dabboussiyeh border crossing, we come across the ruins of a bridge hit by Israeli war planes just the day before. Villagers tell us 12 people were killed and 10 wounded, all civilians.Stop the Slaughter! - Tuesday 15th August
14-08-2006 03:16
Israel out of Lebanon! Stop rocket attacks on Israeli civilians!Why the camp of workers' politics is a necessity - against imperialist domination and Islamist oppression
Book/prisons Western Hemisphere
14-08-2006 03:09

Video of Blockade at RAF Brize Norton 12 Aug 2006
13-08-2006 23:59

saving iceland update
13-08-2006 23:38
The action camp against the heavy industrialisation of iceland has moved from the highlands to the town of Reyðarfjordur, home to Alcoas new aluminium smelting pollution machine. Successful direct action have already been carried out at Eyjabakkar and Karahnjukar, sites of the environmentally disasterous hydro-electric schemes. now its Alcoa's turn to feel the heat...Mildenhall Peace Camp
13-08-2006 23:03
Peace Camp established outside the USAF base at MildenhallWarmonger Bomb Makers Fear Attacks After Raytheon Protest
13-08-2006 22:41
and so they bloody should.David Ray Griffin and David Shayler London Presentation on 9/11 and more
13-08-2006 22:19