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Nuclear Power to be questioned in a Peak Oil context at Imperial College, London

15-03-2006 09:47

An event looking at Nuclear Power in a context of declining global oil supplies will take place at Imperial College, London on Tuesday March 21st starting at 6.30pm.

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UN must be used to support attack on Iran?

15-03-2006 08:54

Elements of the 'daft'
The ABC and AFP are also doing their part as well Elements of the 'daft' also obtained by the AFP urge Iran to reconsider the construction of a heavy water research reactor and to resume implementation of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty's additional protocol that allows for wider inspections of a country's nuclear facilities.

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14th March: Student Action Against CPE in France: Protests + Blockades + Clashes

15-03-2006 08:06

Tuesday 14th March France:

More nationwide demos, blockades, railway obstructions, occupations and street clashes as a student day of action opposed the CPE employment law. Updates from libcom below:

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Indonesian researcher finds herbal formula to curb bird flu

15-03-2006 06:08

another suggested remedy for bird flu.

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Expose and End Bio-Electro-Weapons Torture

15-03-2006 03:03

Hypocracy Domestic Torture is being done with bio-electro-weapons in the United States.

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Unimportant Incidents

15-03-2006 02:05

A view of what life was like in the Magnox Reprocessing Plants at Sellafield, once upon a time?

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Queen of Imperialism Praises Australia's Generosity

15-03-2006 01:50

Black tie gathering
The Prime Meanster, John HoWARd, and his wife, Janette, hosted the black tie gathering for the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in the Great Hall in Dictatorship House in Canberra.

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news from the rampART

15-03-2006 01:31

The rampART social centre had one of those less than pleasant incidents last week...

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Rally against racism on Leeds University campus

15-03-2006 01:28

Students at Leeds University are calling a rally demanding that racist Frank Ellis, Leeds University lecturer, is sacked.

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Anti-Shell call at St Patrick's Day event!

15-03-2006 00:40

Last Sunday, activists from Rhythms of Resistance samba band and London Rising Tide headed down to the St Patrick's Day celebrations in Trafalgar Square, on a mission to raise awareness of the struggles in County Mayo, Ireland, against the giant Shell-led consortium and its lackey, the Irish government.

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BBC makes dumbing down its official policy

14-03-2006 23:55

It was obvious that this is what they were doing anyway but now the powers-that-be are making it official. The BBCs lofty purpose is now simply to entertain the masses rather than inform...

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Animal testing proves it's worth

14-03-2006 23:22

Six men are fighting for their lives suffering life-threatening multiple organ failure. The men were volunteers in clinical trials for a drug to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and leukaemia. The drug had already been tested on animals although it is unclear how many of those unwilling subjects had previously been killed by the drug.

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Call out to stop eviction of asylum seeker family

14-03-2006 23:15

An elderly asylum seeker and his family are going to be made homeless on Thursday unless we can delay the Sheriff Officers - please come along to show your support

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Public Meeting in support of British residents detained in Guantanamo

14-03-2006 20:16

This Thursday evening at 7pm, there will be a chance to hear directly from the families (& children) of 3 British detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.

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infousurpa n15

14-03-2006 20:00

Weekly independent poster of social centres activities

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Considering a fallen world

14-03-2006 19:50

This is an extract of a short pamphlet written in January 2006 detailing some thoughts on our current situation. This situation has remained intact for at least a hundred years past. It is not news as such but clearly is still very much a cause of great concern and will not go away as long as we are ignorant and compliant. A friend and I wrote this as the beginnings of a potential movement of discontent in Manchester and the world. We despise consumerism, our revolting spectacle society and the banality of modern life and the modern slave. We are inspired by the Lettrists, situationists, Dadaism etc. This is to be continued…

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14-03-2006 19:06

BPP open retirement home for ex-leader in…Coventry

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14-03-2006 19:03

News & Reviews
A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can, at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive!

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Not Just Another March

14-03-2006 16:14

Demonstrate March 18
Troops Home From Iraq,
Don't Attack Iran,
Defend the Muslim Community
Assemble Parliament London
12 noon

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Breaking news from Israel

14-03-2006 16:03

British and US prison wardens, who were meant to be guarding and protecting prisoners including Ahmed Saadat, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, have withdrawn to allow the Israeli army to storm the prison. The British government must be urgently contacted to press them to re-enter the prison and protect those inside. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has condemned the raid and said the US and UK warders were responsible for the prisoners' safety. Reports are that already one prison policeman has been killed and 18 wounded. According to the BBC, ‘50 jeeps and three tanks pushed into the oasis town in the Jordan valley, as two helicopters hovered overhead. The army later brought a large armoured bulldozer to the prison, which proceeded to demolish walls.’