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Rally against racism on Leeds University campus

Lancaster UAF | 15.03.2006 01:28 | Anti-racism | Culture | Social Struggles

Students at Leeds University are calling a rally demanding that racist Frank Ellis, Leeds University lecturer, is sacked.

Students at Leeds University are calling a rally demanding that Frank Ellis, Leeds University lecturer, is sacked.

Frank Ellis has argued that black people have genetically lower intelligence than white people and has described how he feels compelled to 'take a stand' against 'homosexuals'. He is connected to the white supremacist organisation 'American Renaissance' and has spoken alongside fascists.

He is clearly in breach of the university's requirement that individual staff members 'seek actively to promote equality of opportunity for others and strive to create an environment in which academic goals may be pursued without fear or intimidation' and its' responsibility under the Race Relations Amendment Act to 'to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups'.

Thursday 16th March Michael Sadler building 12 noon
Speakers will be outside the Union building at 12.45pm

LUU is supported by Unite Against Fascism, the National Union of Students and the Association of University Teachers.

Ruqayyah Collector, Education Officer, LUU:

"All of our students have a right to study in an environment free from racism and discrimination and to be judged on their academic performance, not the prejudices of their tutor. Frank Ellis has brought disgrace on Leeds University by using his position as a lecturer to seek to legitimise racism, promote sexist views and homophobia. He should be sacked."

We are proud of our multicultural campus community and the diverse city in which we live. The views attributed to Frank Ellis in recent issues of Leeds Student and various media have caused serious concern among students as members of Leeds University campus community. LUU will continue to fight racism on campus and in the wider community.

Too right Ellis' views cause concerns. Here are just two of his statements: 'Immigrants should be hunted down, rounded up and deported.' 'Homosexuality should be weeded out.'

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