UK Newswire Archive
US troops admit to systematic torture of Iraqis
24-09-2005 08:45
One sergeant told Human Rights Watch: "Everyone in camp knew if you wanted to work out your frustration you show up at the PUC tent. In a way it was sport… One day [a sergeant] shows up and tells a PUC to grab a pole. He told him to bend over and broke the guy’s leg with a mini Louisville Slugger, a metal bat."Spectacular Terrorism and the Terror of the Spectacle
24-09-2005 04:26
“Such a perfect democracy constructs its own inconceivable foe, terrorism. Its wish is to be judged by its enemies rather than by its results. The story of terrorism is written by the state and it is therefore highly instructive. The spectators must certainly never know everything about terrorism, but they must always know enough to convince them that, compared with terrorism, everything else must be acceptable, or in any case more rational and democratic” (Guy Debord, Comments on the Society of the Spectacle).Iraqi Liberators or Occupiers? Just Look Who Calls the Shots
24-09-2005 02:54
The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan are complaining about the U.S. military's brutality and its indiscriminate attacks, but the Pentagon and the White House are just blowing them off. Hey, forget "sovereignty." We're in charge here.The New U.S.-British Oil Imperialism
24-09-2005 02:26

Reinventing Dissent: The Story of Resistance against the G8 Summit
24-09-2005 02:26

UAF Finished?
24-09-2005 00:11
Their latest conference is lacking the usual celebrities, even Labour MP's (bar the most unpopular one) will not go?Is it the end?
Chomsky On Cambodia
23-09-2005 21:28
How Chomsky denied how the Khmer Rouge where responsible for thousands of deaths.33 asylum seekers have taken their own lives
23-09-2005 20:07
33 asylum seekers have taken their own lives, 7 in Immigration Removal Centres, 6 in prisons and 20 in the community, in the UK over the last five years.British Special Forces Caught Carrying Out Staged Terror In Iraq?
23-09-2005 19:48

Public Meeting on Civil Liberties and Anti-Terror Measures
23-09-2005 19:40
Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign has organised a Public Meeting to discuss ith various community organisations and others the threat posed to our civil liberties in this country by Tony Blair's proposed new legislative and administrative measures following the 7th July events in London.Stop War March: Support Gate Gourmet workers! Support BA baggage handlers!
23-09-2005 17:35
Sorry for the late notice but ...Gate Gourmet workers will be attending the London Stop the War march for peace and justice tomorrow.
Car advertisers want Clown army to help them
23-09-2005 15:48
Last month for some bizarre reason and email appeared in circas in box from a car advertiser asking the clown army to take part in a new ad for a citroen car - Kolonel Klepto respondes to their stupidityLatest Corporate Watch news update now out
23-09-2005 15:34
Corporate Watch is a small independent research organisation, based in Oxford. We publish research to help those resisting corporate power -- check out also bring out a newsletter every two months, and a news update on web and email every two weeks. To subscribe to either of these, please see our website, or give us a call on 01865 791 391
Basra, Iraq: we have seen the enemy and it is us
23-09-2005 14:38
Irish independant news is reporting British covert action by SS similar during the war in Northern Irland is taking place in Iraq. This week two British covert soldiers were captured by Iraqi police which started the new violence against the British in Basra.Gorleben nuclear train on protester's death day
23-09-2005 14:14
Gorleben, northern Germany, 23 September - - Opponents of nuclear energy say they have information that the next train of 12 caskets of highly radioactive waste will leave a plutonium factory in France on 6 November for a storage hall near this village.Bloody Mossad
23-09-2005 13:07
Killing Iraqi intellectuals, bombing mosques and churches to create sectarian violence like Lebanon and many more crimes under the patronage of America and USA to make Iraqi resistance ugly and cruel! Why these two Britons (Mossad agents?)Cyclist lobby group CTC campaigns for new rights for cyclists - join in!
23-09-2005 10:43
Cyclists are being urged by CTC to join an online campaign to open up new rights for off-road cycling.Techies top cops' terror profile
23-09-2005 09:25
Allo allo allo - is that an RS-232 cable, sah?If you think that the police's profiling of terror suspects is something that only happens to other people - think again. Today's panicky Plod doesn't seem to be very discriminating at all. And you could be next.
Techie David Mery has published an account of being arrested, and having his computers confiscated, because he happened to be wearing a rucksack on the London Underground the day after the 27/7 bombings. Or as phone blogger Russell Beattie put it -
Lobby time for Tarmac?
23-09-2005 08:23