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Interview with Iraq Body Count Founder

01-08-2005 10:26

The Iraq Body Count has published a dossier on civilian casualties in Iraq over the last two years.
Three Monkeys Online carries an interview with Prof. John Sloboda, founder of IBC - to discuss the figures, their methodology, and criticisms of their work.

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Burundi's Hutu extremists murdered 300 in last two months

01-08-2005 10:17

Victims of the August 13th Gatumba massacre
300 Burundian civilians have been murdered by Hutu-extremists in the last two months - that's six times the number killed in the London bombings.

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Police search policy

01-08-2005 08:38

The BBC news website reports on new police search policy after attacks.

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Bin Laden my target, then where has he bin?

01-08-2005 06:58

So is this a sudden change in philosophy
Don't you just love it how prisoners are believed when the authorities want to believe them yet if a prisoner pleaded innocent they'd never believe them, ever, unless they were proven innocent beyond a reasonable doubt! So is this a sudden change in philosophy in the war on justice, human rights and liberty.

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All the wicked witches in Pakistan?

01-08-2005 00:59

Monitoring the witch-hunt
"Everybody has a right to get knowledge," said Abdul Samad of Britain, one of about 100 foreigners enrolled in Karachi.

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Expect a cover-up from the IPCC

31-07-2005 22:09

….Recommendation 10 of the MacPherson Report into the murder of Stephen Lawrence suggests that the reports of investigating officers be made available to complainants against the police. That recommendation is subject of consultation and debate within the Home Office. The view of the Association of Chief Police Officers, supported by the Metropolitan Police, is that there is significant law supporting the view that such reports should not be routinely disclosed to complainants. It is vital that Investigating Officers feel they can be can be candid when preparing their reports. Any loss of candour would significantly detract from their value to senior officers who rely upon the insight, views and perceptions of investigators when reaching decisions. Such views are frequently subjective and need to be interpreted with care by an experienced person…..

…A matter I have considered is whether or not I should have the report redacted if it were revealed to you.It is 82 pages long and contains 349 paragraphs. Redaction would take some time and render the report meaningless

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Roy Clark in a letter to murder victim Daniel Morgan’s family

The (de Menezes) investigation is being led by IPCC Director of Operations Roy Clark

IPCC press release

"The IPCC have forfeited the appearance of independence before a single statement has been taken by appointing a former Met officer of senior rank to investigate his former colleagues. This is not the way to create confidence in a new watchdog.

Alastair Morgan Press release 29/07/05

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Death of a Brazilian or how to 'Fix the Facts' to fit the crime

31-07-2005 18:08

This assumes that the rest of the Government's story is true. They still haven't proven who the men in the station were, who shot this man, and whether or not he actually worked for London Police Services. Until this is proven, we must not discount that this man may have been shot by operatives who wished to silence him for something he may have witnessed them doing. If they were 'tailing him', why were the men in question looking around the station and on the train for him?

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Will US extradite terror accomplice to UK>

31-07-2005 17:29

"One of the suspects believed to be behind the failed July 21st bomb attacks in London is expected to be extradited to the UK.Hussain Osman, 27, stands accused of attempting to detonate a device on a train near Shepherd's Bush station. He will face an extradition hearing in an Italian prison."

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31-07-2005 16:09


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An urgent message to the British people

31-07-2005 16:09

This is a translatin of an article which appeared recently on Indymedia in Spanish concerning the London bombings and their implications.

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Disappointed Hopes in Africa

31-07-2005 15:32

"The $40 billion promised before the summit was only a small part of Africa's total $300 billion in debts and the more than $2.4 trillion of all developing countries. The IMF, World Bank and the G8 still use the debts as an instru-ment for dictating the development of the African economy."

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Workplace tagging

31-07-2005 14:54

Workers in warehouses across Britain are to be electronically tagged

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Earth First! summer gathering 17-21 August 2005

31-07-2005 12:55

A national gathering to inspire and train all those opposed to the destruction of our planet

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Housing Activist Still Living in Fear!

31-07-2005 10:51

Housing activist Mike Lane is still living in a siege situation and his RSL makes totally unacceptable offers of alternative accommodation so that it can say that it has made offers to Mike

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Was it 'Al-Qaeda'?

31-07-2005 06:04

Also, if the man the group called itself was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, then he was working for Uncle Sam, who used Arabs to fight a not-so-covert Proxy War, in support of America's war to destroy the Soviet Union.

The FBI has stated several times over the past four years that "previously uinknown groups" are most often Intelligence Fronts.

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Ugandan women hunger strikers face harassment

31-07-2005 01:32

[ ] A digest of asylum, anti-racism,
immigration control, oppression, conflict, war and human rights issues

Action Alert : Ugandan women hunger strikers face harassment from
Authorities in Yarl's Wood

For more information contact: Legal Action for Women
Crossroads Women's Centre PO Box 287 London NW6 5QU
Tel: 020 7482 2496 minicom/voice Fax: 020 7209 4761; 07958 152 171;

Women inside Yarl's Wood are available for interview

A number of Ugandan women, including mothers being held with their young children, are on hunger strike in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre in Bedfordshire. Other Ugandan women and men are refusing food in Dover, Doncaster and Oakington. Like the Zimbabwean hunger strikers, they are protesting against being removed and demanding that their asylum claims are reconsidered in light of the conditions in Uganda. Ms N has now been on hunger strike for 10 days; eight women joined her five days ago and numbers are growing. Ms N is now very weak and tried to commit suicide two days ago after a male guard entered her room when she was dressed only in her underwear. Ms N fled Uganda after suffering rape and was terrified that she was about to be raped again.

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Don't Give Me No Lip, "What's wrong with Mimicking Corporate Media"

30-07-2005 18:55

-- A response to Jennifer Whitney's article on indymedia, which can be found here

The spirit of critique and wanting to help move indymedia forward is something I really appreciate. However, Jennifer Whitney's article, "The Good, The Bad, & (sic) The Ugly: "What's the Matter with Indymedia?" is one part critique, and two parts personal axe grinding, three parts "Ra! Ra! UC, NYC, 501-c(3) IMC" . Beyond the fact that the article is so deliberately misleading in many ways, it should be critiqued on the facts and arguments that it proposes about editorial policy and the mission of indymedia. To its credit, this article raises some of the right types of questions about indymedia's effectiveness and methods, but to its detriment, gives all the wrong answers. Rather, it gives short sighted answers or all the same 'ol answers.

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The Beloved Director Of The Belgrade Zoo, Vukosav Bojovic

30-07-2005 18:45

The Orang-utan Trade

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Worlds first solar multiplex cinema

30-07-2005 17:29

Powered only by the energies of the Sun and the Wind next week a Swansea charity will showcase 8 hours of short films and animations in UK’s largest environmental festival every day for 5 days.

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30-07-2005 16:11

What is the real sense of a left-wing battle?