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video of wednesday edinburgh demo
07-07-2005 18:29
video from yesterday's spontaneous demo in the centre of edinburgh.Benny from west papua on the g8
07-07-2005 18:26
Prisoner solidarity at Saughton prison in Edinburgh
07-07-2005 18:26
At 3:30 tomorrow(friday) outside Saughton prison in EdinburghFear stops here! (and spit on Blair's condolences)
07-07-2005 18:04
There won't be any terrorists on a dead planet block on A9
07-07-2005 18:02

Gleneagles: G8 Alternatives March: Pix
07-07-2005 17:52

Emergency Peace Vigil – Thursday 7th July, 9pm.
07-07-2005 17:51
Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition unequivocally condemns today's terrorist attacks on the people of London. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families. There can be no justification for such attacks.Action at Gleneagles
07-07-2005 17:47

Vigil for victims of London Bombings 9pm next to National Gallery
07-07-2005 17:38
Vigil for Victims of London Bombings9pm next National Gallery on Princes Street
barcelona action agains g8 and climate caos
07-07-2005 17:31

Ciao G8!
Freedom for the arrested people!
G8 Tocat i Enfonsat
Bomb scare on Princess Street, Edinburgh
07-07-2005 17:29
The police has blocked Princess Street in Edinburgh after allegedly a suspicious package was found on a bus.Solidarity with British Muslims - Fight the backlash!
07-07-2005 17:24
The BNP and their racist media sympathisers will try and use this bloody massacre as an excuse to attack Muslims.The government will try and use it to rush through even more wrongheaded "terror laws". Fight the backlash!
Princes St. Bomb Threats
07-07-2005 17:19
Just had a call from city centre saying parts of Prince St. in Edinburgh are being cleared because of bomb threats...any confirmation . . .
GW8 Audio: Global Warming 8 Counter Conference Recordings
07-07-2005 17:16
Global Warming 8 (GW8) was hosted by the unique coalition of the UK's leading aid and environment agencies, the Working Group on Climate Change and Development formed to fight the unprecedented threat climate change poses to human development. It offered a 'reality check' to the G8 heads of state as people from eight developing nations outline the devastating impact to be expected if climate change goes unchecked.
Metropolitan Police Press statement and Press Conference Audio
07-07-2005 16:52

Blair kills off Kyoto as world looks away
07-07-2005 16:36
Blair has declared Kyoto dead - two days after saying it is vitally solidarity in scotland
07-07-2005 16:20

07-07-2005 16:19