video of wednesday edinburgh demo
pescao | 07.07.2005 18:29 | G8 2005 | Repression | Social Struggles | London
after being told (incorrectly) by cops that the gleneagles demo had been cancelled, thousands of protesters decided to demonstrate against this draconian suppression of free speech and right to peaceful protest. they were joined in prince's street by 200 activists who had just arrived in edinburgh, having travelled up the night before from london in the live8 megabuses. many of the protesters were so-called "wishy-washy liberals" who had become involved in the Make Poverty History campaign, but they soon had their eyes opened to the real power relationship between cop and demonstrator...
video (quicktime, 14'22, 32MB) at:
video (quicktime, 14'22, 32MB) at:
Case Dismissed! Video does work!
12.01.2006 17:10
As a result of this video, the case against one protestor was dismissed yesterday. The procurator compared the video evidence to the police statements, and surprise, surprise, no more case.
Keep up the good work (filming), Pescao.
And anyone else who filmed events on that day, please post them on this site so that others might prove their innocence as well. Fatbum, do you have anything useful?
Cheers, Kev
Keep up the good work (filming), Pescao.
And anyone else who filmed events on that day, please post them on this site so that others might prove their innocence as well. Fatbum, do you have anything useful?
Cheers, Kev
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