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Video: Fast-thinking blockaders delay Japanese delegate for 30 mins

07-07-2005 14:46

3 min, 10MB Quicktime video.

Shortly before noon on 6 July 2005, an impromptu sit-down on the A9 brought traffic to a halt for 30 minutes, delaying a Japanese delegation member.

Some of the blockade participants were very unhappy with police attempts to interfere with travel to the legal demonstration in Auchterarder this afternoon. That demo did eventually go ahead, but the attempt to stop buses en route to Auchterarder backfired in this instance as the people got off their bus and blockaded the road until police allowed their bus to proceed.

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07-07-2005 14:36

banner drop.

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More than 33 dead in London blasts

07-07-2005 14:32

Police announce 33 confirmed fatalities, more to follow.

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Edinburgh Prisoner Solidarity Demonstration 8th July

07-07-2005 14:29

A meeting today, 7th July, has called for a solidarity demonstration outside Saughton Prison Edinburgh from 1530 untill 1630 on the 8th July

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Informative censorship from London to Spain

07-07-2005 14:25

We are undergoing a very great informative censorship from the United Kingdom towards Spain

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G8 Demonstration at Auchterader and Blockades Personal Account

07-07-2005 14:15

Fence came down
These are some photos and personal account of the G8 demonstration in Auchterader, and of the actions and blockades against the G8 Summit that took place earlier in the day.

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Prison solidarity demos, today and tomorrow

07-07-2005 14:11

A prisoner solidarity meeting today called for two demonstrations in solidarity with ALL those arrested over the last few days at the G8 protests

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Callout for POSITIVE images of anti-G8 for tonight

07-07-2005 14:11

In response to such bad portrayal of anti-g8 activities in the mainstream press we will project a slideshow of only POSITIVE images from the protests and the eco-village outstide of the camp for the local press to see.

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Report on Sambista bus antics 5-6th July

07-07-2005 14:04

Brief report from sambistas.

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eco camp

07-07-2005 14:03

action pictures in the Eco Camp

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accommodation in glasgow

07-07-2005 13:56

Thursday 7th, 3pm there is space in glasgow for people to sleep tonight.

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07-07-2005 13:37


People who feel that they want to ask Basildon some
questions about the intention to bulldoze all
the homes, and hopes, at Dale Farm - should go


She is the meetings manager looking after
arrangements for the l4 July council session
which, it is understood, will now have agree
to an expenditure of £2.9 million, the police
having put a price-tag on their attendance
of £1 million - just possibly as a deterrent.
indicating they are not keen on the "direct action"

Lesley assures us that ALL questions (when not
duplicates of others) will be answered in
writing - even if you are not attending the

Your questions, and the answers, may be of
use to Keith Lomax (
as points to be included in his Judicial
Review application.

This will go in shortly after the l4 July meeting.

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07-07-2005 13:23


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Solidarity demo in front of court 3:30 TODAY

07-07-2005 13:23

~There will be a solidarity demo today at 3:30 in the afternoon outside the court on Chambers Street in Edinburgh.

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Capitalism Criticism: Inexorable Struggle for Survival

07-07-2005 13:20

"The civilized foundation of cooperative human life is furtively undermined by the capitalist form of organizing society.. Rational objectives often capsize into social irrationalities.. Unemployment is a form of violence.."

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IMPORTANT G8: Check your train is running before you leave campsites

07-07-2005 12:52

Because of the explosions in london many mainline train stations are currently closed.

It's important that you check if your train is still running before you leave any campsites or accomodation.

Train info 08457 48 49 50

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Solidarity From NYC

07-07-2005 12:48

Solidarity to the people of London, and especially those working for a better world who find themselves hemmed in by terrorists on one side and reactionary governments on the other. We know what you're going through. May you learn from our example.

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resist in solidarity

07-07-2005 12:34

what is happening in london can't stop us

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Full account with pics from Auchterader on Wednesday.

07-07-2005 12:32

Some shops were boarded up in anticipation
A wide selection of photos from the protest events in the town of Auchterader near to the Gleneagles hotel. Also some text of my experience of the day.