UK Newswire Archive
Rosario Indymedia (Argentina) journalist attacked
24-06-2005 07:57
Ernesto Torres, a journalist with Free Air Community Radio and Indymedia Rosario, was attached by members of the Movimiento Barrios de Pie while providing coverage to a march in opposition to the regime of current [Argentinian] president Néstor Kirchner. The unfortunate event took place Monday, June 20, at midday, during a presidential visit to the city of Rosario related to flag-day festivities. First, militants of the Barrios de Pie organization - allied to the national government - used sticks to attack members of organizations of unemployed persons and human rights organizations who were carrying out a protest a few blocks away from the official ceremony. Ernesto Torres was the only journalist present and he was taking pictures of the attacks when he was brutally struck in the head with a stick. Next his camera was stolen and he was thrown to the ground, where a mob repeatedly kicked him.more stonehenge picture
24-06-2005 01:19

peacefull gathering in a...miltary zone!
24-06-2005 00:53
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, Spain, and Russia.hoWARd, ruddock, ellison, keelty and news ltd plotted chaos
23-06-2005 23:46

Locked out again at EDO MBM
23-06-2005 23:22
More direct action at Brighton Arms DealersCan the G8 satisfy the demands of global justice campaigners?
23-06-2005 18:27
Simultaneous Policy (SP) Adopters are supporting protests around the G8 meetings. But SP analysis suggests the G8 are incapable of delivering a fairer, sustainable version of globalisation. If we want global justice, we have to design and implement it ourselves.Edinburgh-Solidarity Action with political asylum seekers Bahoz and Temiz
23-06-2005 18:14
Edinburgh-Solidarity Action with political asylum seekers Bahoz and Temiz//GreeceEDO Injunction Prosecutions Continue
23-06-2005 17:18
Paul rebailed today till commital July 29thEDO Injunction Court Date fixed.
Monsanto's Bt corn Disaster: Burden not Boon to Agriculture
23-06-2005 17:12
The Greenpeace report challenges Monsanto's claim that Bt corn is the answer to poverty.Amnesty International slams migrant holding centres in Italy
23-06-2005 16:02
A new report by Amnesty International suggests migrants held in Italian holding centres are subject to abuse. The Berlusconi government has denied the organization access to the centresReasons for Zapatista Red Alert
23-06-2005 13:34
Originally published in Spanish by the CCRI-CG of the EZLN****************************************
Translated by irlandesa
Communique' from the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee - General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation
Third World Debt
23-06-2005 13:31
Debt is not an act of generosity on behalf of the lender, it is a tool of subjugation.Big Pharma Cover-Up: Deadly Immunity
23-06-2005 12:09
When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data -- and to prevent parents from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic.(article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
Jailed for Flying a Flag
23-06-2005 11:03
Indoensian repression in West Papua continues as two men are jailed for over ten years simply for raising their national flag. Please help.G8 Council Provided Campsite Info (Jack Kane Centre - Hunter's Hall Park)
23-06-2005 10:49
Open from Friday 1 July to Friday 8 July.CCTV. Perimiter Fence. 24 Hour Security. Possible Search on Entry.
Water + Toilets
Capacity 15,000
Near Craigmillar, a bus ride from town.
Estimated Cost £10 for the week
MAKING POVERTY HISTORY (Emergency on Planet Earth)
23-06-2005 10:49
It's not possible to make poverty history. And even if it was a small number of people would get VERY rich doing so therfore creating more poverty.Haiti films in London
23-06-2005 10:26
Ritzy Cinema, London, on 26 June 2005.The Haiti Support Group, in conjunction with the French Institute, is pleased to announce a special screening of the documentary film:
"When I am Misery, I Sing"
(dir: Juliana Ruhfus, 2005, 59 minutes)
and the UK premiere of the short film
"The Gospel of the Creole Pig"
(dir: Michaelange Quay, 2004, 15 minutes)
Starts: 7pm on Sunday 26 June 2005 @ The Ritzy cinema, Brixton, London SW2. Tickets: 020 7733 2229
Ken Livingstone 'wholeheartedly' opposed to DSEi Arms Fair
23-06-2005 09:50
In a letter to CAAT, Ken Lvingstone has expressed his opposition to the DSEi arms fair, calling it 'disgraceful'.