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UK Newswire Archive

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smashEDO demo legal observer Paul gets bail

20-06-2005 10:48

Breaking news is that Paul has been granted bail, and that cativists are outside Lewes Prison awaiting his release.

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The First Embedded Protest - Guardian

20-06-2005 10:05

Two Dissent! activists manage to get a decent criticism of MPH into the mainstream media.,3604,1509192,00.html

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New Amnesty Report on Detention Centres (20th june)

20-06-2005 09:56

UK: New Amnesty report calls on government to reveal annual asylum detention figures.

Amnesty also asserts that detaining children at Dungavel is unlawful.

A protest at Dungavel detention centre is planned during the G8 Summit for Tuesday 5th July.

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Stop the Pillage of Iraqi Oil!

20-06-2005 08:25

snogging pirates!
The Corporate Pirates are calling a protest outside ‘Iraqi Petroleum Conference 2005’ 29th June, The Hilton, Paddington. Meet 10.30am, Edgeware Road tube. After their successful week of action against Windrush Communications in April, the pirates have turned their attention to the carve-up of Iraq's oil resources. And this time the Pirates will have two spectacular pirate galleons ready to do battle...

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Destroy the Downing St. Memos ? Not on your Nelly!

20-06-2005 07:47

The last 25% is your life insurance, and is used 'in case of emergency',
like when the journalist or whistleblower is "suicided".

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Media Strategies and Revolving Spin

20-06-2005 04:32

Should anyone be in shock or awe over the fact that Bush, Blair and Howard still lead their respective governments? What are the results of international exposure regarding the lies they promulgated in relation to the Iraq invasion? It is highly unlikely that any of these leaders would have survived the public outrage generated by these exposures in a historical setting a few decades earlier. But today leaders are comfortable in the knowledge that the public is not as it was and times are not conducive to integrity or public outrage.

The media continues to conduct ‘debates’ relating to the lies surrounding the invasion of Iraq when firm evidence (which could support a trial) has already become a matter of public record. The now very partisan mass media entertains its audience with the appearance that justice is a possibility and that righteous indignation may be appeased. However, it has become a saga or serialised for its own sake, a distraction feigning effectiveness. Meanwhile, the powers behind the puppet leaders continue their agenda of action while the ‘debate’ deals with the semantics of previous events.

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Radio 2GB - The Hate Machine

20-06-2005 04:07

Prior to 06-06-2005 Jim Ball was denying the existence
of abuse and desecration of Quran by the US forces and
the same time he was injecting his never ending
anti-Muslim, anti-Arab slurs and slanders. However at
about 12.15 am of 06-06-2005 Jim Ball turned around
and found valid reasons and grounds for the
desecration and abuse of Quran.

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20-06-2005 03:30

The Resist G8 train leaving London on 1st July and returning on the 9th July (long stay train) has been 100% CONFIRMED.

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Romania: Concrete steps on how you can break the law

20-06-2005 00:04

Practical Guide on the non-implementation of the "Acquis Communitaire" or Concrete steps on how you can break the law

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19-06-2005 23:28

Rivetting debate to take place this Tuesday 21st June LONDON between ex-MI5 spy David Shayler and arch critic Larry O'Hara of Notes from the Borderland magazine

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Successful Week of Anti-Mountaintop Removal Activity in Lexington

19-06-2005 21:36

During the week of June 13 in Lexington, KY, a meal of toxic coal sludge scraped out of a stream in eastern Kentucky was delivered to the president of a coal advocacy group, hundreds of concerned citizens attended an anti-mountain top removal (MTR) rally and march that ended at Kentucky Utility's headquarters, a film festival educated Lexingtonians about the dangers of strip mining and its repercussions, and activists passed out literature on the streets, all part of Mountain Justice Summer's week in Lexington, Kentucky.

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A short history of the G8...

19-06-2005 21:36

A short history of the G8...

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GARDEN PARTY with live music at Inst. for Autonomy

19-06-2005 19:00

Anti-G8 benefit Saturday 25th June 6pm-6am

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The People Vs Coca-Cola

19-06-2005 18:59

Interview with Juan Carlos Galvis, one of the Colombian Coca-Cola workers currently suing Coke for murder, kidnap, false imprisonment and death threats.

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Cre8 Summit Community Garden Pictures

19-06-2005 18:54

Pics taken on Sunday 19th June 2005 at the Glasgow Cre8 Summit community Garden.

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AUDIO: Cre8 Summit Community Garden Action (G82005)

19-06-2005 18:43

Interview with permaculture activist about the week of community gardening just completed in Glasgow, Scotland - where a piece of vacant land was occupied in opposition to the planned M74 motorway and the fast approching G8 summit.

MP3 11.30mins 48kbps mono

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Vans travelling to Scotland: WARNING!

19-06-2005 17:23

Police are hassling van drivers travelling up to Scotland in advance of the G8 protests.

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Traveller support in Scotland

19-06-2005 15:44

Just to let enryone know

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URGENT: Downing Street Memo hearing with Ray McGovern and company repeats today

19-06-2005 15:29

URGENT: Downing Street Memo hearing with Ray McGovern and company repeats today at 11:10 AM PT & 2:10 PM ET (6:10 PM GMT) on C-SPAN

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Reson8! Music against the G8

19-06-2005 15:25

RESON8! a night of indie rock and northern soul fundraising for convergence space. 02//07/05