Radio 2GB - The Hate Machine
Nazi_Zionist_Hunter | 20.06.2005 04:07 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Social Struggles
Prior to 06-06-2005 Jim Ball was denying the existence
of abuse and desecration of Quran by the US forces and
the same time he was injecting his never ending
anti-Muslim, anti-Arab slurs and slanders. However at
about 12.15 am of 06-06-2005 Jim Ball turned around
and found valid reasons and grounds for the
desecration and abuse of Quran.
of abuse and desecration of Quran by the US forces and
the same time he was injecting his never ending
anti-Muslim, anti-Arab slurs and slanders. However at
about 12.15 am of 06-06-2005 Jim Ball turned around
and found valid reasons and grounds for the
desecration and abuse of Quran.
Ms. Marain Vincent
Chief Operating Officer
Radio 2GB
Dear Ms. Vincent
Further to my communication with Mr. Alan Jones, the
following will provide you a much clearer picture of
radio 2GB's shock jocks ultimate desire and intention:
to incite hate against Islam and Muslim communities in
On 15/05/2005 before the 10.00 pm news a 2GB
contributor rang up Reverend Bill Cruise and spoke to
him about the blatant anti-Muslim nature of night time
presenter Jim Ball. During that discussion Ball did
not deny such belligerent practice. Yet, I am
surprised by 2GB management's blindness about it.
On 02-06-2005 after 1.00 am or 2.00 am news Jim Ball
played Andrew Bolt interview of Alan Jones and
converted the whole night as on open season for
attacking Islam and Muslims. Such an open season is
not new for him albeit sad and tragic for us.
Prior to 06-06-2005 Jim Ball was denying the existence
of abuse and desecration of Quran by the US forces and
the same time he was injecting his never ending
anti-Muslim, anti-Arab slurs and slanders. However at
about 12.15 am of 06-06-2005 Jim Ball turned around
and found valid reasons and grounds for the
desecration and abuse of Quran.
Beside the manifestly more evidence that I have
provided to you with before, I wonder why radio 2GB is
so determined to inject anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic
venom day in day out. Mischievously and ironically
your station is simultaneously, vehemently campaigning
against the proposed Religious Vilification Law. What
folly- to what good purpose?
Sincerely Yours
Faruque Ahmed
18th June 2005
Dear Alan,
I am for free speech but against promotion of
prejudice and bigotry; thereby inciting violence
against any section of the community due to their sex,
race or religion. I believe in freedom of expression
but against manufacturing consent and opinion which is
the norm of radio 2GB.
Beside my email below, I am in a position to provide
you with 100s of examples to prove that your radio
station and some of it's cruel shockjocks have been
sucking the Israeli boot as if it were religion while
insulting Muslims, Islam, migrants, Aboriginal, Arabs
etc. without any valid reason whatsoever. The team
behaviour of your lot make Julius Striker and Joseph
Goebels merely boy scouts and Hitler like a holy man.
Most importantly, these shock jocks are hiding behind
four walls and telephonists as they don't have a
stomach and mentality to debate the issue.
I challenge you to replay the full segment of the
above mentioned Bolt/Ball interview in all it's
religious and racial vilification. Trust me Alan- drop
your support for the futile and absolutely illogical
opposition to the proposed Religious Vilification
Legislation. Surely, we need such a legislation to
seek protection from your collegue・ stripe.
By the way, your incorrect, inappropriate and
patronising comment regarding terrorism does not
attract any answer due to a genuine fear of
credibility to such a twist.
With thanks
Faruque Ahmed
18th June 2005
Tue, 7 June 2005 12:24:06 +1000
From: "Alan Jones" alanjones@...
To: taxirevolution@...
Dear Faruque,
I'm in receipt of your extraordinary email. However,
if you wanted to read something which was
ill-motivated, hypocritical, hateful then just
circulate copies of your misstated and inaccurate
communication. It doesn't really merit any kind of >
sensible response. But whether you like it or not,
Faruque, not all Muslims are terrorists, but most
terrorists are Muslims. And until responsible Muslims
deal with the militants, you can expect Australians to
feel a sense of outrage. And no protestation from you
is going to be able to demolish that concern.
But if you keep your head in the sand, Faruque, it
will eventually block out your eardrums.
With best wishes,
Alan Jones AO
-----Original Message-----
From: taxi revolution [mailto:
Sent: Friday, 3 June 2005 2:46 PM
To: Natasha stott; Nurdin Aceh; Peter Andren; phil
adams; pier ackerman; Ruposi Bangla; +
Subject: 2GB Hate Merchant Alan Jones
Mr. Alan Jones,
Your ill-motivated and hypocritical interview with
Andrew Bolt (Wednesday 1st of June 2205) appeared to
me as a cruel and cunning Muslim bashing under the
guise of 'free speech'. In reality, you and your radio
station does not have any respect for free speech. You
do not provide a right of reply to your victims.
Historically, you and your radio station were wrong
many many times and found guilty of many offences in
several occasions.
This occasion I am not going to comment about that
'hate merchant' Daniel Scott. I will rather explain to
you (by way of example) why we need the long over due
Religious Vilification Law in this state.
1. A few years ago, a non-Muslim person (possibly Jew,
Zionist, agnostic etc.) took legal action to stop
Christmas Carols from the state schools. Yet your
station remained deafeningly silent (by contrast- if
it had been say a Muslim playing the pedant) this
particular time. In fact if I remember rightly the
shock jocks of Sydney have twisted this incident as
ammunition to attack Muslims - as if a Muslim had been
the original pedant. 0h well you guys can't be to
blamed for the five second memories of your audience I
2. Shortly after that incident, another non-Muslim
fellow (possibly Jew, Zionist, agnostic etc.) removed
or relocated Bibles from his Stamford hotel chain.
Again, 2GB hate merchants and their 'little ones'
declared 'crusade' against Muslims and Arabs.
3. Have you ever stood up against Israeli war crimes,
genocide's and other atrocities? Have you ever
insulted the "Jewish" religion or people the way you
lot insult Islam and Muslims, migrants, Aboriginal?
Certainly not!
Therefore the society badly needs Proposed Religious
Vilification law in order to seek protection from
radio 2GB and people like you.
Thank you in advance.
Disgustingly Yours
Faruque Ahmed
3rd of June 2005
Source: Sydney "Secret" Politics Society
Anti-Muslim 2GB
Chief Operating Officer
Radio 2GB
Dear Ms. Vincent
Further to my communication with Mr. Alan Jones, the
following will provide you a much clearer picture of
radio 2GB's shock jocks ultimate desire and intention:
to incite hate against Islam and Muslim communities in
On 15/05/2005 before the 10.00 pm news a 2GB
contributor rang up Reverend Bill Cruise and spoke to
him about the blatant anti-Muslim nature of night time
presenter Jim Ball. During that discussion Ball did
not deny such belligerent practice. Yet, I am
surprised by 2GB management's blindness about it.
On 02-06-2005 after 1.00 am or 2.00 am news Jim Ball
played Andrew Bolt interview of Alan Jones and
converted the whole night as on open season for
attacking Islam and Muslims. Such an open season is
not new for him albeit sad and tragic for us.
Prior to 06-06-2005 Jim Ball was denying the existence
of abuse and desecration of Quran by the US forces and
the same time he was injecting his never ending
anti-Muslim, anti-Arab slurs and slanders. However at
about 12.15 am of 06-06-2005 Jim Ball turned around
and found valid reasons and grounds for the
desecration and abuse of Quran.
Beside the manifestly more evidence that I have
provided to you with before, I wonder why radio 2GB is
so determined to inject anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic
venom day in day out. Mischievously and ironically
your station is simultaneously, vehemently campaigning
against the proposed Religious Vilification Law. What
folly- to what good purpose?
Sincerely Yours
Faruque Ahmed
18th June 2005
Dear Alan,
I am for free speech but against promotion of
prejudice and bigotry; thereby inciting violence
against any section of the community due to their sex,
race or religion. I believe in freedom of expression
but against manufacturing consent and opinion which is
the norm of radio 2GB.
Beside my email below, I am in a position to provide
you with 100s of examples to prove that your radio
station and some of it's cruel shockjocks have been
sucking the Israeli boot as if it were religion while
insulting Muslims, Islam, migrants, Aboriginal, Arabs
etc. without any valid reason whatsoever. The team
behaviour of your lot make Julius Striker and Joseph
Goebels merely boy scouts and Hitler like a holy man.
Most importantly, these shock jocks are hiding behind
four walls and telephonists as they don't have a
stomach and mentality to debate the issue.
I challenge you to replay the full segment of the
above mentioned Bolt/Ball interview in all it's
religious and racial vilification. Trust me Alan- drop
your support for the futile and absolutely illogical
opposition to the proposed Religious Vilification
Legislation. Surely, we need such a legislation to
seek protection from your collegue・ stripe.
By the way, your incorrect, inappropriate and
patronising comment regarding terrorism does not
attract any answer due to a genuine fear of
credibility to such a twist.
With thanks
Faruque Ahmed
18th June 2005
Tue, 7 June 2005 12:24:06 +1000
From: "Alan Jones" alanjones@...
To: taxirevolution@...
Dear Faruque,
I'm in receipt of your extraordinary email. However,
if you wanted to read something which was
ill-motivated, hypocritical, hateful then just
circulate copies of your misstated and inaccurate
communication. It doesn't really merit any kind of >
sensible response. But whether you like it or not,
Faruque, not all Muslims are terrorists, but most
terrorists are Muslims. And until responsible Muslims
deal with the militants, you can expect Australians to
feel a sense of outrage. And no protestation from you
is going to be able to demolish that concern.
But if you keep your head in the sand, Faruque, it
will eventually block out your eardrums.
With best wishes,
Alan Jones AO
-----Original Message-----
From: taxi revolution [mailto:
Sent: Friday, 3 June 2005 2:46 PM
To: Natasha stott; Nurdin Aceh; Peter Andren; phil
adams; pier ackerman; Ruposi Bangla; +
Subject: 2GB Hate Merchant Alan Jones
Mr. Alan Jones,
Your ill-motivated and hypocritical interview with
Andrew Bolt (Wednesday 1st of June 2205) appeared to
me as a cruel and cunning Muslim bashing under the
guise of 'free speech'. In reality, you and your radio
station does not have any respect for free speech. You
do not provide a right of reply to your victims.
Historically, you and your radio station were wrong
many many times and found guilty of many offences in
several occasions.
This occasion I am not going to comment about that
'hate merchant' Daniel Scott. I will rather explain to
you (by way of example) why we need the long over due
Religious Vilification Law in this state.
1. A few years ago, a non-Muslim person (possibly Jew,
Zionist, agnostic etc.) took legal action to stop
Christmas Carols from the state schools. Yet your
station remained deafeningly silent (by contrast- if
it had been say a Muslim playing the pedant) this
particular time. In fact if I remember rightly the
shock jocks of Sydney have twisted this incident as
ammunition to attack Muslims - as if a Muslim had been
the original pedant. 0h well you guys can't be to
blamed for the five second memories of your audience I
2. Shortly after that incident, another non-Muslim
fellow (possibly Jew, Zionist, agnostic etc.) removed
or relocated Bibles from his Stamford hotel chain.
Again, 2GB hate merchants and their 'little ones'
declared 'crusade' against Muslims and Arabs.
3. Have you ever stood up against Israeli war crimes,
genocide's and other atrocities? Have you ever
insulted the "Jewish" religion or people the way you
lot insult Islam and Muslims, migrants, Aboriginal?
Certainly not!
Therefore the society badly needs Proposed Religious
Vilification law in order to seek protection from
radio 2GB and people like you.
Thank you in advance.
Disgustingly Yours
Faruque Ahmed
3rd of June 2005
Source: Sydney "Secret" Politics Society

Anti-Muslim 2GB

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