UK Newswire Archive
Activist Trauma Gathering
18-06-2005 15:30
AFGHANISTAN: some random news
18-06-2005 15:18
Dover Memorial Stone Service for 58 Chinese
18-06-2005 13:10
An eye witness reports on today's moving act of commemoration on Dover seafrontFREE PAUL LESNIOWSKI. Anti-EDO Prisoner
18-06-2005 12:45
Cre8 Summit has begun!
18-06-2005 12:35
On Sunday the 12th of June the Cre8 Summit began. An inspiring local project set up in response both to the approved building of the new M74 northern extension and the G8 summit to be held in July 2005.American lied to British over napalm - I think NOT!!!
18-06-2005 12:33
2 stories - one recent from the 'idependent'claiming the UK had no knowledge of use of Napalm like bombs
the other is a flashback to Aug 2003
someone is trying to cover their arse, here....
and the political editor of the 'independent' is helping them...
Antimilitarism And the G8
18-06-2005 12:04
G8 bike ride leaves tomorrow 19 June 2005
18-06-2005 11:45
Meet 8.00a.m. under Waterloo Bridge.NO ONE IS ILLEGAL MARCH ON OTTAWA
18-06-2005 11:06
18-06-2005 11:02
Radical Theory Forum today @I4A London
18-06-2005 10:48
The Radical Theory Forum will host a series of daytime workshops/discussions followed by a party with film screenings, art, and damn good music.Haringey Critical Mass Bike Ride 2005
18-06-2005 09:26
Can't make it to Scotland? Didn't get tickets to Geldof's fancy dress? Don't despair...join us on 2nd of July for the 2005 Haringey Critical Mass. A leisurely ride down the Green Lanes to reclaim our streets and send a breath of fresh air to those meeting in Gleneagles.Immigration deport people who have been tortured back to where they fled from
18-06-2005 09:21
Immigration, like the NHS waiting lists, have quotas to maintain. That means they keep rejecting people who have been severely tortured and have visible wounds, back into the arms of their oppressors. This is to appease the right wing, appear tough on asylum, and maintain the refugee system as a service for the economic interests of this country, rather than anything remotely to do with safeguarding human rights.MORE NEEDED TO SIGN NO ID CARDS PLEDGE!
18-06-2005 08:07
A website has been set up which requres 10 000 to pledge they won't sign up for an ID card. So far they are more than one-third of the way there, with an October deadline...nine ladies no real victory
18-06-2005 00:27
The real news direct from the nine ladies of sit down protest thursday 16 June Devonshire street
17-06-2005 22:26