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posted by mouse | 17.06.2005 23:49

Stop the Violence Against Asylum Seekers

Stop the Violence Against Asylum Seekers

On Tuesday 17th of May at 2.30 in the morning, 40 police officers broke down the door of the home of Daimi and Jale Kama, Kurdish asylum seekers from Turkey, and arrested them and their three children, Yucel, 8, Selin, 4, and Can, 1. This family had been here for almost 7 years. Both parents allege to have been beaten in front of their children although the mother, Jale, was pregnant. The police's use of violence is also recorded by neighbors who were witnesses at the scene. By 7.30 the same morning the family had been deported. The Kama were not allowed to contact their solicitor or their friends and family nor collect their possessions.

This is just an example of the way refugee removals are carried out in this country. These incidents are very common among refugee communities. Other deportees have reported to the police head injuries, damaged nerves and sexual assault that occurred during similar operations. Of the 35 cases reported so far only one resulted in an arrest.

Following the 28th May protest at Trafalgar Square, the April 2nd organizing committee, The Voice Refugee Forum, the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, No Borders and Teachers against Deportations Campaign are organizing a second

Protest outside the Home Office on June 22nd at 12.45 pm

Supported by Guantanamo Human Rights Commission, the Tungir Union Congress, Peace and Progress Human Rights Party, No one is illegal and numerous other refugee communities and organizations. The new Home Office is at the corner of Horseferry Road and Marsham street, 5 minutes walk from Parliament Square.

Contact Details:,

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