UK Newswire Archive
Birmingham City Council Dictatorship
16-06-2005 19:35

G8 in Oxford events
16-06-2005 19:22

G8 Bribery
16-06-2005 18:27
The mainstream media’s response to the announcement that the G8 had agreed to cancel $40 billion dollars in debt for eighteen countries in third world, mainly African, was of sheer awe at the magnanimous generosity of the leaders of the world’s richest nations, who had found it in their loving, Christian hearts to offer a favor to the childish and confused citizens of Africa.CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES LURE AFRICAN CHILDREN TO LONDON FOR HUMAN SACRIFICES
16-06-2005 18:20
A 10-month Scotland Yard study has documented ongoing Christian human child sacrifices in London, and a Christian theologian Dr. Richard Hoskins of Kings College acknowledges that this is true but asks that it be dealt with "sensitively". Contrast this demand for sensitivity with the everyday psychotic mistreatment of Muslims over "issues" like polygamy.Cre8 Summit cre8ting
16-06-2005 18:03
On Sunday the 12th of June the Cre8 Summit began. An inspiring local project set up in response both to the approved building of the new M74 northern extension and the G8 summit to be held in July 2005.The project aims to transform an area on the route of the M74 left derelict by the planners into a community garden blossoming with flowers and activities, old folk relaxing and young people playing but most importantly our neighbourhoods building.
Between 11th June and Saturday 18th of June we are be creating a community garden on a piece of wasteland along the propsed route of the M74 motorway extension which will cut through 2 communites and cause massive congestion and contamination. (for more info see ) There is a social space with workshops, with food provided and plenty of chances to get stuck in. Celebration with a party on 18th June. After that, there will be a family festival between 29th June and 3rd July. Your skills/help/plants/gas-parafin lamps/arts materials are more than welcome and needed.
Work has already begun amongst a plethra of interest from residents and media. The week long gardening project will culminate in a Festival on Saturday 18th of June however the community garden will continue well beyond the G8 summit next month.
The Cre8 summit site is situated at Eglington Toll- take the number 44/57/22/23 to get there
For more info and updates please call the Cre8 summit hotline on mobile on 07981 954132.
Sheffield G8 - 15 June - Critical Mass Photos
16-06-2005 16:28

pic of the 1st ever Canterbury Gay pride event
16-06-2005 16:16
link to set of pics from Canterbury Gay Pride.Carnival for Full Enjoyment - Edinburgh 4 July (update)
16-06-2005 15:55

Extra images of G8 protests
16-06-2005 15:43

G8 Accommodation in Edinburgh + Glasgow Plus InfoPoint Locations
16-06-2005 15:38
Short update on accommodation situation in Edinburgh and Glasgow for the G8 Summit mobilisations:There will be additional InfoPoints at Edinburgh University running from 29th June to 7th July - more details and info on timetables for workshops, film screenings and entertainments out soon.
Sheffield Anti-G8 June 15 Videos
16-06-2005 15:31

INTERVIEW: Christian firebrand Aoun eyes Lebanon's presidency
16-06-2005 15:13

G8 Rural Convergence Campsite Update - It's On!!
16-06-2005 15:08
After several negotiations with land owners over the last months have fallen through (due to police pressure many believe) a site has now been offered and the rural convergence campsite will go ahead.The message is for people to come! - see update below.
G8 Ministers Discussion
16-06-2005 14:37
The registers is reporting on some of the G8 ministers discussionsCritical Mass is Coming To Cambridge
16-06-2005 14:28
Toot Toot. Watch out, the mass is coming!Eleven Arguments for a Basic Income
16-06-2005 13:53
Social logic is more future-friendly than profit logic. With the end of cheap oil and the dollar crash on the horizon, a basic income would make the future human rather than predatory. Social Darwinism and an overreach economism blind to long-term necessities could become dinosaurs.from meadowhell to guantomano bay and beyond
16-06-2005 13:39
a day of getting involved in various actions with the sheffield convergence space