UK Newswire Archive
Alabama-USA,attempts to ban gay authored books..
30-04-2005 14:58
The state of Alabama,may be about the debate the banningof books by gay authors.
SMASH EDO: Protesting Is Not Harrassment!
30-04-2005 11:54
UPDATE ON THE Smash EDO Injunction CaseLondon 11th anniversary critical mass report & photos
30-04-2005 10:19

It was a wonderfully evening, warm and with a great atmosphere. Well over 500 people took part (perhaps even a thousand but it's difficult to get an accurate idea on the numbers).
Desperate Jack Straw drags Iraqi Prime Minister into Blackburn campaign
30-04-2005 08:52
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has enlisted the support of Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jafari in a desperate and controversial move to avoid defeat in his "safe" constituency of Blackburn, Lancashire.Nazi Pope vs Indymedia
30-04-2005 08:44

The image refered to is probably this one

Americans’ Gifts to Afghanistan: Empty Words
30-04-2005 03:59
American/UK civilians are as guilty as their governmentMaydayMayday!! Peace Party callout to Sedgefield
30-04-2005 00:13
Peace Party plan to unsettle Blair in Sedgefield! While the people party, anti-war activists will plot and schemeBlair's electoral downfall in his own constituency.
Critcal Mass Bike About in Nottingham :: Pictures
29-04-2005 23:13

The Many Names Of Mad Cow
29-04-2005 19:43
The US government continues to generate spongiform encephalopathy (Mad Cow etc) in cows, pigs, chickens, fishes etc. and to label deaths by other namesGeographic Revisionism, as practised by Google.
29-04-2005 19:30
According to an article from website The Register:
George Dubya is now not only rewriting history in his image, but is also having a crack at redrawing the world's map as well.
Palestinian Hip Hop films
29-04-2005 18:22
at the Middle East fil festival tonight and tomorrow(Saturday) at RampArt Creative centerTHE EMPROR HAS NO CLOTHES ON: BUSH'S Energy Policy
29-04-2005 16:33
Bush energy policy is a declaration of War against Alaskan Wildlife and environment. Amricans, who are consuming more than 25 percent of world's oil production must reduce their ocnsumption or face economic disaster. It is the Falling Price of Dollar stupid!! and the rising price of oil. Billions of worthless paper currency that the US printed to finance its bomb factories are coming to haunt back America.The Emperor has no Clothes!MG Rover gravy train
29-04-2005 16:20
Every cloud has a silver lining. For some it was gold-plated.BP Treesit Action Ended, Calls for Support Tonight Cancelled
29-04-2005 16:17
BP Action Update, Friday 29th, 2.45pm