UK Newswire Archive
BBC's reply to BNP broadcast protest
24-04-2005 09:55
Just for info- this is what the Beeb sent out as a reply
to those protesting the screening of the BNP election
Manchester Mayday & Ministry of Truth
24-04-2005 09:52
info on events planned over the Mayday weekendMinistry of Truth
Critical Mass
Mayday Picnic
Open invitation to post-April 2nd meeting on Tuesday 26th April at Halkevi, Stok
24-04-2005 08:34
Following the European day of action for migrant rights a meeting has been organised by the April 2nd Organising meeting at Halkevi, Stoke Newington to discuss future campaigns and the formation of an open network of activistsBrize Norton Peace March
24-04-2005 08:12
A peace camp is being held at RAF Brize Norton from 21-25 April. This report is about the march and rally on Saturday 23. I've pasted this in from the Bristol IMC website - many thanks to them and to the author MH. A selection of photos will be appearing after lunch!!Liverpool Mayday Weekend events finalised!!
24-04-2005 08:08
There will be a full three days of events around Mayday in Liverpool this year. Let's make it a bigg'un!This is Camp Xray - An evening responding to injustice
24-04-2005 08:03

Birmingham Indymedia goes live on May 1st with the aim of promoting grassroots, non-corporate and non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.
On bank holiday Monday May 2nd, at the Custard Factory Birmingham, the kollective in association with the Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign [ Report ] and the South Asian Alliance will be screening 'This is Camp Xray' along with some short films. There will also be music provided by DESERT GROOVE DJs + INQLAB COLLECTIVE plus infostalls all on the theme of responding to injustice.
6.30 - 11PM (THEATRE DOORS 6.30PM, MUSIC AND BAR 8-11PM)Cyber Terror: New Privacy Co-op Targeted
24-04-2005 07:32
Sunday, 24 April 2005Cyber Terror: New Privacy Co-op Targeted
Less than a week old, one globally based Counter Surveillance Co-operative is more than aware of the new strategies employed in the effort to bring rampant censorship across the Internet.
Report from Beirut, Lebanon withn 10 photos.
24-04-2005 07:18

President Bush in the Netherlands: Censorship and curtailment of freedom of spee
24-04-2005 07:17
George Bush will visit the province of Limburg in the Netherlands to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Europe’s liberation on 8th of May. He will also attend several bilateral talks in the region around Maastricht on May 7th. Local activist groups and students are planning demonstrations to receive Bush in Maastricht. However, a website created to disseminate information about these protests has been censored and taken off air.Voting for global justice (not party political)
24-04-2005 06:12
Voters in 21 constituencies have the option of voting for a candidate who has signed a pledge to implement the Simultaneous Policy (SP) alongside other governments. This campaign is gaining cross-party support and now is the ideal time to encourage politicians to sign the pledge.Rally against win turbine blight
24-04-2005 05:57
Thank you to everyone who attended the rally on the Saddleworth Moors yesterday to protest against plans to site seven 350ft wind turbines there.Anti-capitalist film now downloadable as a BitTorrent
24-04-2005 04:35
“Capitalism and Other Kids’ Stuff” – a popular film which argues the anti-capitalist case in simple language - is now downloadable as a BitTorrent at.www.socialist-tv.comTHE WAR IS OVER BUT THE BRUTAL MASSACRE OF ANIMALS ADVANCES
24-04-2005 04:18
Serbian Abuses of Animals'Battle of the Beanfield' Jun85: Film Night & Exhibition: Nottingham
23-04-2005 23:27

Nottinghamshire IMC meeting on Tuesday!
23-04-2005 21:37

Meeting: Tuesday 26th April, 7.30pm, at The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Forest Fields, Nottingham, 0845 458 9595
Singrauli - Dying for Development - Video
23-04-2005 20:39

Good news and sad news
23-04-2005 19:44
"For two years, FTAA has not been discussed in Brazil, because we took it off the agenda," Lula said.Instead, Brazil has focused on strengthening trade ties among its Latin American neighbors and with the Mercosur trade bloc made up of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Statewatch News Online 20 April 2005
20-04-2005 23:21
Statewatch News Online, 20 April 2005 (16/05)Full contents see: