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UK Newswire Archive

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Brit Killed in Afghanistan

08-03-2005 14:55

Steve McQueen, an aquaintance of mine, was shot last night about 30 minutes after I walked past the spot.

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Wikipedia's entry on politics in Oxford

08-03-2005 14:26

Now Wikipedia's entry on Oxford has a section on its politics.

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56a Infoshop Map Festival Invitation

08-03-2005 14:20

Invitation No.2 (with more details) on the Festival of Mapping during 56a Infoshop Free Skool, June 2005.

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These guys are comeing to the UK do we whont to host them in Oxford?

08-03-2005 14:11

They play music and are heading for scotland...

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Parent Choice

08-03-2005 13:15

Is "Parent Choice" really what's best for kids? Isn't it time the politicians and civil servants starting asking children themselves what THEY want from education?

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Modern Warfare

08-03-2005 13:15

A popular prevailing myth of today is that America is the “undisputed” leading military power of the world. However, does this claim stand up to the scrutiny of even the simplest analysis? All things are relative in a military context so the obvious question is against whom is this ‘power’ dominant? The combined nuclear assets of the Sino-Russian alliance alone is enough to dispatch the entire American continent, if the sheer force of numbers (manpower) is included, the ‘winner’ would be the Chinese and Russians. In the context of all-out war the one absolute fact (that the US attempts to ignore) is mutual assured destruction. The Zionist lunatics (Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld) who persuaded Bush to abandon nuclear disarmament treaties, thereby giving other nations similar license, have put us all in jeopardy.

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The Colourbox Exhibition is Coming to Cambridge

08-03-2005 13:08

2 Hills Road is a fantastic new venue in Cambridge. The next exhibition for 2005 is the Colourbox, which runs from 7th March to 1st April 2005.

· The Colourbox is an entirely new kind of exhibition for children and adults that combine serious experiments with light with the exploration of exciting new spaces.

· The Colourbox is a total learning environment as well as a fantastically quiet place with soft walls and lots of space to discover.

· At the exhibition children experience light with imagination and vigour. Ordinary and extraordinary objects have been assembled to make exploration irresistible and exciting.

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big cats

08-03-2005 12:54

Tonight the BBC will broadcast 'Tiger Traffic' a documentary about tiger poaching. The film is said to concentrate on a new, armed response to the illegal shooting of Amur tigers in Russia and looks at how butchered animals are then trafficked into China and other markets.

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Venezuela: the grassroots revolution and the managerial class

08-03-2005 12:09

On the eve of a European tour by the President and the Promotor-Co-ordinator of Venezuela’s Women’s Development Bank (Banmujer), the Global Women’s Strike hosts a series of events around the UK. A unique opportunity to hear first-hand news of a revolution led largely by women, where Banmujer uses micro Credit to eliminate poverty and create a caring economy by empowering grassroots women.

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Zanon attacks

08-03-2005 11:36

There's been some attacks in Zanon.

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WTO: 10 years on and none the wiser

08-03-2005 11:29

The World Trade Organization (WTO) turns 10 this year. It claims to have changed for the better. But the reality looks different. The WTO undermines development and environmental protection, argues Daniel Mittler of Greenpeace International.

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Charles not welcome!

08-03-2005 03:32

Eclectic Protests met Prince Charles in Wellington today...

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An appeal for solidarity concerning the threathening demolition of a Palestinian

08-03-2005 03:32

Underlying information is revealing not only a highly condemnable event, but especially symbols the Israeli policy of mass land and house-exproprations within Israel at the cost of a great number of Israeli Arabs.

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08-03-2005 02:38



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Infernal Noisse Brigade coming to the G8 meeting

08-03-2005 02:26

The INB is coming to the G8 this summer followed by a tour of Europe. We need help! (integrating into the G8 demos, booking shows, places to sleep, etc.)

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Anti war activists begin trial in Dublin that could see them banged up for years

07-03-2005 23:48

The Pitstop Ploughshares are a group of five anti war activists who in February 2003 disarmed a US Navy Plane. Within a month of their action, 3 of the 4 US contractors using Shannon Civilian Airport, left Ireland. They began their trial today, which will last over a week, and could see them landed with ten years if found guilty.

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IPI concerned about situation of Sandra Bakutz

07-03-2005 22:43

Sandra speaking at conference in Berlin, December 2004
The International Press Institute posted a release on March 3 objecting to the imprisonment in Turkey of Sandra Bakutz, an Austrian journalist. The IPI calls for her release and for the Turkish authorities to stop trying to intimidate journalists.

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Solidarity benefit weeken for political prisoners

07-03-2005 22:31

Solidarity weekend for political prisoners.

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america is crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrap

07-03-2005 20:16

As Syria sets out the terms of its staged withdrawl from Lebanon, the US has demanded more haste, calling for the "complete and immediate withdrawal of all military and intelligence forces from Lebanon".

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Al Qaeda "on the streets of Britain"

07-03-2005 19:03

Britain home to 200 Al Qaeda operatives.