The Colourbox Exhibition is Coming to Cambridge
Lois Appleyard | 08.03.2005 13:08 | Education | Cambridge
2 Hills Road is a fantastic new venue in Cambridge. The next exhibition for 2005 is the Colourbox, which runs from 7th March to 1st April 2005.
· The Colourbox is an entirely new kind of exhibition for children and adults that combine serious experiments with light with the exploration of exciting new spaces.
· The Colourbox is a total learning environment as well as a fantastically quiet place with soft walls and lots of space to discover.
· At the exhibition children experience light with imagination and vigour. Ordinary and extraordinary objects have been assembled to make exploration irresistible and exciting.
· The Colourbox is an entirely new kind of exhibition for children and adults that combine serious experiments with light with the exploration of exciting new spaces.
· The Colourbox is a total learning environment as well as a fantastically quiet place with soft walls and lots of space to discover.
· At the exhibition children experience light with imagination and vigour. Ordinary and extraordinary objects have been assembled to make exploration irresistible and exciting.
· In one room size shoebox we have prisms, able to split light to make the biggest spectrums you’ve ever seen.
· In another shoebox we have three theatre grade primary colour follow spots which can be used to add and subtract light making the most amazing shadows.
· In another space there is a giant light box where you can see how white light can be changed to black.
· In the pitch-black baffle box children and adults are equipped with torches to find their way through this entirely lightless space.
· Children of all ages will delight in this exhibition but it is especially suited to young children aged 12 months to eight years.
· The Colourbox Exhibition is entirely free and open to all groups from the surrounding area.
· The exhibition is organised and hosted by Big Wide Talk.
· The first exhibition run by Big Wide Talk at 2 Hills Road, The Longest, Shortest, Tallest, Smallest Day in the World was a huge success. Individual parents and children from all over Cambridge attended as well as nurseries, schools, businesses, and childminders.
· Uniquely this exhibition, whilst offering genuine excitement for children and adults, also supports a programme of continuing professional development for local professionals in which parents take full part.
· Sessions are free but they need to be booked in advance by contacting Ali Gordon on Tel: 01223 364727 Email:
· Groups of up to ten children with their parents and carers can book the Colourbox for a two-hour session. Sessions are held daily 10am -12pm, 1pm - 3pm and 4pm – 6pm. The Exhibition runs from 7th March to 1st April 2005.
· Big Wide Talk is a national research and development project which aims to make parents more able to influence the services their children need and more able to spend time with their children. Big Wide Talk wants children to go to school confident that they can make themselves understood.
· Big Wide Talk is unusual in that research is done by local people themselves and always starts with shared experience with children which is exciting and good fun. Because of this Big Wide Talk generates lots of active participation at local level.
· The Colourbox is being run as a way of widening participation in this kind of research.
· After the event parents and practitioners will be able to work together to analyse children’s communication and general development.
· Big Wide Talk is also offering a programme of Professional Development Programmes at the exhibition. Members of the Big Wide Talk national team will lead the programmes. For more information relating to Continuing Professional Development please telephone Anna O’Mahony Tel: 01223 364727.
· Big Wide Talk uses participative action research in all of its work and has research partnerships in a network across England.
· Big Wide Talk is funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation to investigate children’s communication and by the EU to explore the potential of its work to promote community economic development and social enterprise.
· Big Wide Talk uses sophisticated new technology to achieve its aims.
· Big Wide Talk is keen to promote the involvement of young people in working with young children and presently employs four gap year students as technicians who are involved in all aspects of the work. Three of these students will help in Colourbox.
· Big Wide talk offers parents and practitioners accreditation at NVQ levels and 2 and 3 and at degree level.
· Big Wide Talk offers programmes of professional development for people working with young children in education, health and care.
· For further information please contact Ann Jamieson, Project Director, on (01223) 364 727 or
· The Big Wide Talk website can be found at
· In another shoebox we have three theatre grade primary colour follow spots which can be used to add and subtract light making the most amazing shadows.
· In another space there is a giant light box where you can see how white light can be changed to black.
· In the pitch-black baffle box children and adults are equipped with torches to find their way through this entirely lightless space.
· Children of all ages will delight in this exhibition but it is especially suited to young children aged 12 months to eight years.
· The Colourbox Exhibition is entirely free and open to all groups from the surrounding area.
· The exhibition is organised and hosted by Big Wide Talk.
· The first exhibition run by Big Wide Talk at 2 Hills Road, The Longest, Shortest, Tallest, Smallest Day in the World was a huge success. Individual parents and children from all over Cambridge attended as well as nurseries, schools, businesses, and childminders.
· Uniquely this exhibition, whilst offering genuine excitement for children and adults, also supports a programme of continuing professional development for local professionals in which parents take full part.
· Sessions are free but they need to be booked in advance by contacting Ali Gordon on Tel: 01223 364727 Email:

· Groups of up to ten children with their parents and carers can book the Colourbox for a two-hour session. Sessions are held daily 10am -12pm, 1pm - 3pm and 4pm – 6pm. The Exhibition runs from 7th March to 1st April 2005.
· Big Wide Talk is a national research and development project which aims to make parents more able to influence the services their children need and more able to spend time with their children. Big Wide Talk wants children to go to school confident that they can make themselves understood.
· Big Wide Talk is unusual in that research is done by local people themselves and always starts with shared experience with children which is exciting and good fun. Because of this Big Wide Talk generates lots of active participation at local level.
· The Colourbox is being run as a way of widening participation in this kind of research.
· After the event parents and practitioners will be able to work together to analyse children’s communication and general development.
· Big Wide Talk is also offering a programme of Professional Development Programmes at the exhibition. Members of the Big Wide Talk national team will lead the programmes. For more information relating to Continuing Professional Development please telephone Anna O’Mahony Tel: 01223 364727.
· Big Wide Talk uses participative action research in all of its work and has research partnerships in a network across England.
· Big Wide Talk is funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation to investigate children’s communication and by the EU to explore the potential of its work to promote community economic development and social enterprise.
· Big Wide Talk uses sophisticated new technology to achieve its aims.
· Big Wide Talk is keen to promote the involvement of young people in working with young children and presently employs four gap year students as technicians who are involved in all aspects of the work. Three of these students will help in Colourbox.
· Big Wide talk offers parents and practitioners accreditation at NVQ levels and 2 and 3 and at degree level.
· Big Wide Talk offers programmes of professional development for people working with young children in education, health and care.
· For further information please contact Ann Jamieson, Project Director, on (01223) 364 727 or

· The Big Wide Talk website can be found at
Lois Appleyard