UK Newswire Archive
LOCKHEED MARTIN Whereabouts of manufacturer of W.M.D. exposed
17-11-2004 17:36
10th NovemberLOCKHEED MARTIN [TP] Lockheed Martin protest
Whereabouts of manufacturer of W.M.D. exposed by a Trident Ploughshares affinity group acting to show where this company's unmarked HQ is in Victoria
"Arafat's Dead - Long Live Palestine!"
17-11-2004 16:49
Arafat died at about three in the morning, the day after a particularly holy night during Ramadan. If he had died a few hours before, he would have been considered even more blessed in the Muslim world. A Palestinian joked to me that this was yet another historic opportunity missed…G8 Direct Action Training
17-11-2004 16:01
Activist training collective needs a venue for pre-G8 direct action training in SheffieldQUEER MUTINY NORTH @ A-SPIRE
17-11-2004 15:58

CALL 07763 754 356
Freedom Now for the Workers of Caleta Olivia
17-11-2004 15:40
Kirchner verfolgt, nimmt fest und verurteilt diejenige, die für Arbeit, Lohn und Essen kämpfen.Alle Gewerkschaftsorganisationen, sozialistischen und sozialdemokratischen Parteien müssen diese Tatsache zurückweisen und die sofortige Freilassung der inhaftierten Arbeiter von Caleta Olivia bei der argentinischen Regierung Kirchner fordern.
Blunkett reply to Howard on RackServers
17-11-2004 14:06
Copy of Blunketts's reply to Micheal Howard re the rackspace server seizure.Also posted on the main article posting
Bayer CropScience drop last 2 GM crop varieties from UK commercialisation
17-11-2004 11:44
Bayer CropScience drop the last 2 GM crop varieties from the UK commercialisation processPickets and Resistance
17-11-2004 11:12
Pickets and demonstrations in Resitance to the ongoing occupation of Iraq.Arresting Vanunu While Burying Arafat
17-11-2004 05:58
"Mr. Vanunu, who is a Christian and who claims his faith profoundly directed and sustained him during the worse of his imprisonment, gives much credit to the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ."Parrhesia: An old word for a new kind of media
17-11-2004 03:55

East Asian Anarchist/activist portal
17-11-2004 02:52 - Radical Voice of East AsiaMy Peelgrimage: The Pictures
17-11-2004 01:16

Campaigners condemn negative Africa stereotypes in Band Aid lyrics
16-11-2004 18:31
International development campaigners the World Development Movement (WDM) today condemned the lyrics of the Band Aid single “Do They Know Its Christmas?” as promoting a “negative and inaccurate picture of Africa and its problems.”Uncensored Video / Text of US Troops Executing Wounded Falluja Mosque Prisoners
16-11-2004 17:07
FALLUJA: Summarily Executed - Uncensored Video / Text of US Troops Executing Wounded Falluja Mosque PrisonersHeroic Fallujah
16-11-2004 16:54
US imperialism experiences a stumbling block in Fallujah and the whole of Iraq in its drive for global hegemony and corporate control.get ready for the recount! preliminary results favor kerry!
16-11-2004 16:48
check out for the latest on election fraud in the 2004 U.S. Selections. the recounts are pending. the united states, claiming to spread democracy around the world, is subverting democracy inside its own borders. this is an important moment not only for that country, but for the rest of the world.