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Frontpage and article on Nazi infiltrators (Il Secolo XIX) (Italian)

02-09-2001 03:30

Frontpage and article on Nazi infiltrators (Il Secolo XIX) (Italian)
Here's the primary source!

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Absolute Racism In the US Criminal Justice System; Is "ABSOLUTE RACISM".

02-09-2001 03:25

Absolute Racism In the US Criminal Justice System; Is "ABSOLUTE RACISM".
(The Criminal Justice System Is Criminal; Police Force and Abuse Trauma; Intolerance and Ignorance Creating Fear: TERRORISM (suicide and execution).

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J. David Galland's..... "Macedonia's Underhanded Dissolution"

01-09-2001 21:59

NATO's plan to dissolve Macedonian autonomy in government and culture bears fruit after a long scheme reaches its apex. Read the truth on the NATO plan to rule Macedonia and how they pulled the wool over the world's eyes, again.

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War is a profitable business

01-09-2001 20:15

VOJSKA 26/27

Bilderberg group

War is a profitable business

Who are the true makers of current war, what is their monstrous scenario for the future events in the Balkans?

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Finland - An Apartment Building Occupied in Helsinki

01-09-2001 19:44

Finland - An Apartment Building Occupied in Helsinki
During the afternoon of Saturday, 1.9., a group of approximately 50 people occupied a house in central Helsinki. The house, which is situated in a beautiful park-like mental hospital area between a graveyard and Nokia research center, has been left unused for about two years.

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Workshops for October 20 Mobilization in Genoa

01-09-2001 19:16

genoaResistance is now compiling a list of workshops to be offered during the October Mobilization

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Articles on Parliamentary Acts of the United Kingdom

01-09-2001 19:10

here's some info on the two new laws, terrorism, and football disorder, both of these laws are very likely to be used against anti globalisation demonstrators.
Probably be a good idea to have a good look at both of them.

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01-09-2001 18:31


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Eleven arrests as protest over GM rocks Highlands

01-09-2001 18:01

Campaigners lie down in front of tractor But GM planting goes ahead on the Black Isle, North Scotland...

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Six-hundred nazi infiltrators in Genoa. Ex-chief of Genoa police confirms

01-09-2001 17:52

Mr.Colucci's interrogation by the parliamentary committee investigating violence in Genoa casts new light upon nazi infiltrations

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NUS - Who's side are you on?

01-09-2001 15:23

NUS - Who's side are you on?
Picture taken on the national student march. Kind of sums up where the NUS stands in relation to the powers-that-be and student wellbeing. Unions are defunct and part of the state - they take the sting out of struggle and subvert them.

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Picture of camdessus (ex-IMF exec) being soaked with red wine

01-09-2001 15:19

Picture of camdessus (ex-IMF exec) being soaked with red wine
A bit late this picture - but here it is. As Camdessus swans around with Oxford University lecturers and proctors (or whatever), activists throw red wine over him for his lies. Here is a picture just after he's been wined.

This event took place on November 9th last year, please see

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Australias bush

01-09-2001 15:18

George's wild years.Saved from bankruptcy by some very dodgy geezer with a spooky aussi connection.

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NATO Invades Macedonia

01-09-2001 15:15

NATO has invaded Macedonia on the pretext of disarming rebels and keeping peace - yet NATO governments armed and trained the Albanian rebels, and 'operation essential harvest' is aiming to create a NATO protectorate in part of Macedonia - as they did a couple of years ago in Kosovo.

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Fighting Talk

01-09-2001 13:49

can't recommend highly enough the latest issue of the Anti-Fascist Action magazine Fighting Talk.

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NOW Campaigning to Dissuade CNN from Hiring Rush Limbaugh

01-09-2001 11:51

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with NOW president Kim Gandy, who explains why her group is working to stop CNN from giving Limbaugh a larger audience(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At .

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An Anarchist FAQ Update

01-09-2001 10:13

"An Anarchist FAQ" has been updated to version 9.2

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Is Bilderberg a secret conspiracy?

01-09-2001 07:21

"It's about reinforcing - often to the very people who are on the edge of condemning Globalisation - the illusion that Globalisation is 'good', 'popular'and that it's inevitable." is%20Bilderberg%20a%20secret%20conspiracy.htm

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Know your Enemy: Financial Times call for Privatisation of BBC

01-09-2001 06:37

What is the point of the BBC? The last question ought to be uppermost in the mind of Tessa Jowell, the new culture secretary, because this autumn the government faces three big decisions about the corporation: should it be allowed to set up a raft of digital television and radio channels, funded by public money, amid strong opposition from private sector media companies?

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Automatic reaction - Good or Bad?. Cops shooting at cops. Trauma is born.

01-09-2001 05:24

Trauma is born By US all. Terrorism.

[(Posted on every IndyMedia site around the world and in the US; (plus other web sites and forums); and sent to 2,000 activists, newspapers, and organizations (people); plus 500 in United States Federal Government; and 150 or so in local (Seattle) government: September 1st, 2001.).)].