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UK Newswire Archive

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pro-war journalist admits he is wrong

07-05-2004 10:05

This is one of those articles that you have to pay to get on-line, so I have posted it here becasue no-one should miss loathsome pro-war liberal Johann Hari squirming

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Italy: End of the Marini Trial

07-05-2004 09:42

Italy: End of the Marini Trial
On April 20th, 2004, the third and final degree of the Marini trial ended by confirming the sentences of the accused anarchists. Besides those already in prison, Angela Maria (Marina) Lo Vecchio, Alfredo Bonanno, Orlando Campo, and Carlo Tesseri have now been arrested and are in various jails across Italy.

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Demo at Norwegian Embassy on Monday

07-05-2004 09:33

Come and protest at the Norwegian Emabassy about Norway's continued commercial whaling activities.

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South Korea - Sky Fighters

07-05-2004 06:26

Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective's (MSSC) - migrant workers here, now striking since 175 days - latest report.

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Bush runs out of options as chaos deepens

07-05-2004 00:12

"I find even the administration's strongest supporters, including fervent advocates of the war a year ago and even some who could be labelled 'neo-conservatives', now despairing and looking for an exit"

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06-05-2004 23:48

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.

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London Animal Action Meeting this Monday

06-05-2004 23:43

Find out what is happening in the animal liberation movement in London. Meet some great people and enjoy free vegan food!

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Victory to the Intifada picket of Marks and Spencer Oxford Street

06-05-2004 21:57

Report of the weekly picket of Marks and Spencer in Oxford Street Thursdays 6-8pm in support of the Palestinian struggle

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Channel 4 Documentary on Daedalus Action Group racist scum

06-05-2004 21:00

Racist little-englander twats!

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about un-American activities

06-05-2004 20:32

american ausschwitz
and American activities

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G8 2004 Savannah: Cops do vandalism, blame activists

06-05-2004 19:37

Savannah cops deface Catholic cathedral and other antique buildings, and urge media to blame local activists.

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Gabriel Resources: No Financing Resources and Significant Risks

06-05-2004 18:52

Gabriel Resources (TSX: GBU), a junior Canadian mining company, intends to realize Europe's largest open-cast mining development in Rosia Montana; entailing, amongst other, the involuntary resettlement of over 2000 people as well as the destruction of unique archaeological and natural sites. From its' onset the development has been beleaguered by scandals, operational problems and vehement local, national and international opposition.

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abuse fotos

06-05-2004 18:19

links to abuse pics

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Climate Change article :The Times 6May

06-05-2004 16:55

The Times 6 may; Climate Change artuicle.

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BNP danger in schools:Indy article.

06-05-2004 16:47

Today's Independent BNP article.

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European Court declares McLibel case admissible

06-05-2004 16:44

In 1990 McDonald's Corporation sued campaigners for handing out anti McDonald's flyers. The McLibel trial started in 1994, ended in 1997, went to Appeal in 1999, and has finally made it to the European Court of Human Rights. There will be a hearing at the ECHR in September.

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Syngenta and Monsanto drop GM sugar beet

06-05-2004 15:34

Earlier this year Syngenta and Monsanto withdrew both their GM sugar beet varieties Pacific and Sturgeon from the UK national seed listing process . Late this spring it became apparent that they were conducting no UK field trials of GM sugarbeet in this growing season . Now Syngenta and Monsanto have gone the whole hog and have withdrawn their application for EU part C marketing consent for Event #77 (aka T9100152) sugar beet the GM line upon which both Pacific and Sturgeon are based.

This leaves only Bayer CropScience’s GM herbicide tolerant oilseed rape MS8xRF3 still in the running for potential commercialisation in the UK.

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Protesters Attempt Citizens Arrest on Polish President in London

06-05-2004 15:22

And as he came out of the building he was hit full force in the face......

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Lancaster Mayday Pix (2 of 2)

06-05-2004 15:18

Your Community Needs You!
more pix from lancaster mayday mayhem

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Lancaster Mayday Pix (1 of 2)

06-05-2004 15:15

punx picnic...
pictures of Reclaim Mayday/Mayday Mayhem Lancaster...