UK Newswire Archive
M&S picket report 8.1.04
08-01-2004 22:05
Boycott M&S starts with strength and vitality in the new year and the Zionists continue their counter picket in Oxford Street.EZLN 10 Years After, The Struggle Continues
08-01-2004 22:01

1st January 2004 marks 10 Years since the EZLN's uprising in Chiapas (Mexico's south east), and 20 years of modern Zapatismo.
Bush vs. Hitler
08-01-2004 20:42

MCARF (Merseyside Coalition Against Racism and Fascism)
08-01-2004 19:45
This year the BNP will be attempting to stand candidates in the Euro andlocal elections and we need to mobilise and work against this.
Robert Kilroy-Silk is Going Down!
08-01-2004 18:28
For a preening, smarmy, solipsistic, unenlightened, foghorn-voiced, bigoted creep, Kilroy has certainly made a name for himself. This self-styled man o' t' people can't construct a sensible sentence, but he does know how to ingratiate himself with what is misleadingly called Middle England. Howling down sensible suggestions from an audience member, cat-calling opponents of his waterhead views, simpering with victims of crime, sententiously moralising over the latest Big Issue and countless Non Issues his show producers concoct to fill air time, I haven't yet been able to find within me the sufficient reserves of vomit to express my admiration for his show.But! Now, we may see the Gobby One silenced for a bit...
SOCIAL CENTRE up and running! read on...
08-01-2004 15:21
We have occupied a really nice building in Kentish Town. The address is 93 fortess road, London NW5 - about 2 mins walk from kentish town tube. We have already been given eviction papers and a court date for January 21st. This isn't as bad as it may seem as we will be having two events there on January 10th and 17th.Urgent Humanitarian Appeal to Lift The Siege Of Nablus
08-01-2004 15:18
Urgent Appeal to Lift Siege Of NablusISM Reports: Swedish Activist Released++Update From Budrus.
08-01-2004 15:14
8th Jan 2004The Latest ISM Reports
Licenses for German nuclear waste transports to Sellafield
08-01-2004 14:54

Good News From Zambia
08-01-2004 14:35
Zambia - Exiled white Zimbabwean farmers have helped neighbouring Zambia break a crippling food shortage that saw millions rely on food aid last season.The Killing Season
08-01-2004 13:06
Last month, the decaying bodies of elderly couple George and Gertrude Bates were found at their home in Tooting, London. Two months previously their gas was cut off as they had failed to pay a bill of £140.Each winter brings a new crop of deaths from hypothermia where many thousands of people die needlessly. Sometimes these deaths are reported, but more often pensioners die in a lonely flat swaddled in blankets in front of an electric fire which failed to keep them alive. Their solitary death is noted by few, and may not be discovered for weeks after it occurred.
[from Freedom, Anarchist News and Views newspaper]
For Men
08-01-2004 12:42
Rape is a widespread in the UK. 1 in 4 women will experience rape or attempted rape AT LEAST ONCE.Refugees forced into homelessness and destitution
08-01-2004 12:40
"Section 55 is legally and morally wrong. Through this law, the government has attacked the most marginalised section of our society, many of whom are already traumatised due to strife and war; and has relegated them to sleeping under dustbins and begging for food." Habib Rahman, Chief Executive JCWI Joint Council for the Welfare of ImmigrantsJoin the Resistance: Fall in Love
08-01-2004 12:34

Britains Shame
08-01-2004 11:55
the terrible roll call of the dead in Britain's prisons as Ninety-Four people killed themselves in prison last year, according to figures collated by penal reform charity 'Inquest'Stop the Bullys
08-01-2004 10:55
A libel case that threatens anti-bullying service for teachers and others based in Oxford.Burning U.S. Passport Baghdad
08-01-2004 09:45

Repression Against Migrant Workers Union in South Korea
08-01-2004 04:13

Spoils of War: the Antiquities Trade and the Looting of Iraq
08-01-2004 02:59
Archaeological destruction throughout Iraq