Licenses for German nuclear waste transports to Sellafield
Aktionsbuendnis CASTOR-Widerstand Neckarwestheim | 08.01.2004 14:54 | Ecology | Globalisation | Technology
The anti-nuclear transports group Aktionsbuendnis CASTOR-Widerstand Neckarwestheim reports that the “Federal Radiation Protection Agency” (BfS) has licensed another nuclear waste consignment from the Neckarwestheim power station (about 45 km north of Stuttgart) to the plutonium factory at Sellafield in northwest England. The group says the licence is for two Castor caskets containing a total of 14 spent fuel rods and is valid until 15 March. Also valid to that date is the transportation from the Krümmel nuke in northern Germany of eight caskets to Sellafield.

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