UK Newswire Archive
US fires Guantanamo defence team
04-12-2003 00:40
Of the more than 600 detainees at the US prison camp at Guantanamo, none hasbeen charged with any crime, and none has had access to a lawyer, although some
have been in captivity of one kind or another for two years.
Auntie goes WSIS...
04-12-2003 00:17
The bloated and swollen BBC machine has lumbered into action as things start to heat up for next week's first ever World Summit on the Information Society held at the United Nations in Geneva.Who invented and used WMD? The USA. Video
03-12-2003 23:59

The ongoing persecution of the original Christians
03-12-2003 23:53
The silence is deafening. How long can israel continue to keep the truth hidden about its 50 years of brutality towards the indigineous inhabitants of the Holy Land?The Ladies Of Dade
03-12-2003 23:48
The life of women prisoners in Miami-Dade County as seen through the eyes of an FTAA protester- includes the demands and statement of solidarity that the women prisoners gave to this FTAA protester.Report from the First UK European Social Forum Process Meeting
03-12-2003 23:47
Today (3rd December), a meeting was organised (by who? I'm still not sure) as a kind of start to the process of organising the third European Social Forum. It wasn't really the start, though, because it had apparently already been agreed at the European Assembly that the 2004 ESF would be held in Britain - and also for the reason that the 2004 ESF should and will be a continuation of the process started by the first ESF in Florence (and before that, the WSF in Porto Alegre in Brazil). What follows is a rough report I cobbled together from some hastily scribbled notes and my recollections - it should in no way be considered complete, because I missed out a lot in my notes, and so obviously please feel free to add your own recollections in the comments.Report on Saturday at Meadowhall - Shop Less Live More
03-12-2003 23:08
What's this? Thrown out for giving out free cucumber sandwiches and biscuits??US to London: You've made history!
03-12-2003 22:50
The November 20 demonstration against Bush and Blair was amazing. As of this posting, it is still on C-Span's most watched video list!Stop Shopping - prison labour issue
03-12-2003 21:57

resistance anarchist bulletin issue 56
03-12-2003 21:45

London Calling - The newsletter of Class War
03-12-2003 20:25
The latest London Calling bulletin from Class War.Analysis of the anti-Bush protests, plus diary dates, book reviews and a local at Diane Abbott.
Ocean Graves for Leftists
03-12-2003 18:05
Not only were leftists sent to Pacific ocean graves near Chile by Pinochet, but during the so-called dirty war in Argentina, thousands of leftists were pushed alive out of airplanes over the Atlantic ocean. Their mothers protested for years in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires to learn their fate. This is the way that fascists and their cohorts in the CIA and US government treat people who want land reform, better wages and working conditions, health care and education for everyone and no child labor or starving children. They exterminate the more intelligent and compassionate members of society.(en) US, Another take on the FTAA - Inside a Miami Jail --Rapes, READ
03-12-2003 17:39
Long Live Torture!Long Live Rape!
Long Live Militirisation in the name of Peace!
Long Live Arbitrary Detention in the name of Justice!
Long Live 'Novus Ordus Seclorum', the New American Century!
Long Live Bush, Blair, Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Laskar Jihad, Al Muhajiroun, BNP-NF-C18!
Please do not take the above literally, btw !
Racist Panto - cancelled for ever!
03-12-2003 17:27
Well done to all those who sent emails, posted on websites and spread the word in schools, colleges, workplaces and within their communities - you all know who you are and you should be more than happy with the outcome of your efforts. See below, for a BBC Online News report (Radio 4 news was first to broadcast the report)The Tale of The Millennial Bomber
03-12-2003 12:10
In this crucial excerpt from his landmark article, Chaim Kupferberg examines the case of al-Qaida operative Ahmed Ressam, showing how a well-placed counter-terror official could deceive his colleagues and help to set in place the essential elements of an enduring 9/11 legend.Union leaders must ''pay with their lives'' for opposing Colombia's President
03-12-2003 11:37
Acting in what seems as blind fury after loosing crucial elections, including a constitutional referendum to achieve special powers, the regime of Alvaro Uribe is seeking revenge on top union leaders. In the city of Pereira, death squads allied to the regime have murdered several street vendors, cut their bodies into pieces and left the bloody remains in different parts of the city as a warning.Camp Xray Video and Reflections
03-12-2003 10:56
Here's a Video of Manchesters' Camp Xray. Also After the excellent Camp X-ray recreation in Manchester, some of us wanted to express our thoughts about it. Here's a page of some of the reflections.The truth behind the massacres in Algeria
03-12-2003 05:26
Over 250,000 Algerian civilians have been murdered over the past decade, with the media in the West always quick to blame "islamic fundamentalists" on the terror and outrages. This shocking article reveals that the (unelected) Algerian government, has been solely responsible for the horrors, and have been systematically carrying out the killing of all those that supported the establishment of the democratically elected Islamic government which had been annuled by France.Day Care Centre For The Vunerable Is Closed Despite Protest
03-12-2003 02:21