UK Newswire Archive
Kids against Clusters!
14-08-2003 10:28
Meet in Parliament Square at 12 noon for photocall, activities (see below)
and walk to Downing Street. All welcome (including adults!)
Organised by Voices UK and Children Against the War.
14-08-2003 09:53
The Bristol Radical Bookfair is back on again!!Public Whip (Counting votes on your behalf)
14-08-2003 09:44
Early release of automatic website which parses the online Hansard for the votes made by the local MPs. This strips out the hot air (speeches) and looks straight at the exercise in power: the votes themselves. There are plenty of surprises. We are looking for advice to make this website useful to the wider community before doing the real publicity.Accommodation for DSEi protests
14-08-2003 09:37
Accommodation for people travelling to protests against the arms fair in September is being organised by a Disarm DSEi working group.No White Gloves on Mirha-Soleil Ross
14-08-2003 08:53

Police Murder
14-08-2003 08:47
Andrew Kernan, The mentally ill man from Wavertree who was shot dead by Merseyside police must not be forgotten. Cover up after cover up - has left his mother with no son and no justice - and the cop who shot him dead, like all cops who kill faced no charges.Mrs Kernan’s only crime was to call for help when her son began to suffer with increased anxiety.
Support Direct Action against GM
14-08-2003 01:33
www.greengloves.orgAfter five years of massive public opposition to GM and a nationwide public debate, Tony Blair will decide in October whether to allow commercial growing of GM crops.
Uranium from Niger?
13-08-2003 17:19
Smoking gun and deviations.Who faked the Niger Uranium documents?
Rising Tide Benefit Party
13-08-2003 14:40

A shot in the dark
13-08-2003 13:33
The story here focusses on a case of a child with a bad reaction to the Hib vaccineAll vaccinations are suspect, depending on the susceptibility of the individual.
A mild (or no) reaction may indicate the storing of a disease entity that may not develop until months or years later, and so may not ever be tied to the vaccine
13-08-2003 13:29
IN DEFENCE OF SINALTRAINAL - MOBILISE THE BOYCOTTEU directive would forbid removal of RFID tags
13-08-2003 12:58
RFID tags can be embedded in items you buy, and then broadcast information about that item to anyone listening. The proposed EU IP Enforcement Directive includes a measure that would make it illegal for Europeans to de-activate the chips in RFID tags. This would mean that, if you bought an RFID tagged item, you would have no way of preventing it from violating your privacy.ISM-related book launch
13-08-2003 12:54

40% Rise in Millionaires on Merseyside
13-08-2003 12:34
How could this happen when there are so many people struggling in the regionSOUTHPORT Zoo is facing extinction.
13-08-2003 12:31
SOUTHPORT Zoo is facing extinction.Organise, Strike and Fight back - three strikes on Merseyside
13-08-2003 12:28
Three strikes could be going ahead in Merseyside - as people get tired of attacks by their bossesIndian Fascist Minister Responsible 3000 Dead Seeking UK Corporate Investment
13-08-2003 12:10
Chief Minister Modi of Gujurat in India is visiting the UK 17/8 to seek British corporate investment. Member of the Hindu far-right party which admires Hitler, in February 2002 he told police chiefs not to intervene to save the lives of Muslims being massacred by Hindus in communal riots - or 'pogroms' as they were called in the 1930s. The result - 3000 died. He is also the Minister responsible for the infamous Narmada dam project. Asian groups will be protesting at his visit to Wembley, London, 17 August THIS SUNDAY!!!! PLEASE JOIN THEM.Hat Crime
13-08-2003 11:36
As regards local issues. I post this found in a local newspaper in Folkestone,Kent.Manchester's First Flash Mob
13-08-2003 11:18
Details of Manchester's first ever flash mob!