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Support Direct Action against GM

Pippa | 14.08.2003 01:33 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Health | Technology | London | World

After five years of massive public opposition to GM and a nationwide public debate, Tony Blair will decide in October whether to allow commercial growing of GM crops.

There's every indication that he'll ignore the results of the public debate and even the advice of his own economic advisors. Planting could begin as early as spring next year, contaminating our countryside with GM. That would please a handful of powerful corporations and the US government but bulldoze democracy.

If Tony Blair gives the green light for GM, then a nation of gardeners will put on their gardening gloves, take GM crops out of the ground and make sure that the people have the last word on protecting our future.

You are invited to join with others who have signed the Green Gloves Pledge, at This is a pledge to take, or support others who take, non-violent action to prevent genetic pollution and its damage to life and livelihoods. You will be acting in the public interest with the support of many others. The number of people signing the pledge will indicate to the government how many people are willing to actively defend nature and democracy. It will remind Tony Blair where real power finally lies: with the will of the people. Perhaps, just perhaps, he might even listen.
