UK Newswire Archive
Pathfinder report leaked to C4
28-01-2003 16:32
Britain needs a major increase in both fire crews and fire engines - that's the advice contained in a major report compiled over three years but so far left unpublished by the Government.London Critical Mass! This Friday!
28-01-2003 16:13
Just a reminder to everyone that this month's Central London Critical Mass is taking place this FridayNATO "security conference" - it's getting wild
28-01-2003 16:00
Annually a high ranking-conference of war mongers takes place in Munich in February. In camouflage as “security conference” representatives of the military, economic and political elite vote for their hegemony strategies. But like already last year this summit in Munich will be accompanied by actions of protest and resistance. Since a few months it was mobilized against the world war-elite internationally with the slogan "Smash NATO".Insomniacs against the war
28-01-2003 15:50
Watching bbc world at 4.30 last night i caught a "hard talk" iterview of on eof the Iraqi human shields (o'keefe i think)Iraq to chair Conference on Disarmament!!!
28-01-2003 13:21
U.N.-related body's rotating presidency falls to Baghdad this springPalestinians now are forcing animals to be homicide bombers.
28-01-2003 12:04
Palestinians now are forcing animals to be homicide bombers.Reduction of Fire Hazard - A Leaflet
28-01-2003 11:25
Reduction of Fire Hazard: In the event of Firefighter Strike or War Against Iraq - A guide for employees, passengers and residents from Her Majesty’s No War But The Class War OfficeINDYMEDIA CINEMA @ THE OTHER CINEMA
28-01-2003 10:36
Red Crescent responds to Israeli raid on Gaza (by Latuff)
28-01-2003 10:29

Israelis: 743
Palestinians: 2,156
Who are the real victims of this conflict?
more antiwar demo in edinburgh
28-01-2003 10:24
more about the antiwar demo in Edinburgh, Sunday 26th of January.Activists close Rolls Royce Derby (Trident manufacturer)
28-01-2003 10:00

Letter from Baghdad
28-01-2003 09:02
Iraq Today - from one who has been there. Summary followed by some useful suggestions on how to help the anti-war effort.Swedish Security Police monitored TV and radio personnel
28-01-2003 08:14
In short from a foreign article how agencies work behind the scenes in mass media.IS HOWARD OVERCOMMITTING AUSTRALIA IN RUSH TO WAR?
28-01-2003 08:05
War is imminent. The blood price of such a conflict will be enormous. It purely dollar terms the cost alone should cause extreme embarrassment to the economic rationalists. Those have talked up the need for war seems fearful that backing down now could cause their removal from office. They have avoided debate but it is time they listened to the people and it is time the people understood the actual size in human and monetary terms of John Howard's commitment to his mate George W Bush.More proof that Afghanistan and Iraq are wars for oil
28-01-2003 08:03
While the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ façade has well and truly fallen off the oil war in Iraq, last year’s oil war in Afghanistan was far better dressed up as something else, allowing the good work to go ahead…The latest US ambassador to Afghanistan - a senior executive of US oil company Unocal - along with the current Afghani president Hamid Karzai (once employed by a Unocal subsidiary) – are oiling the wheels for a lucrative pipeline to carry oil and gas across the country from the Caspian sea. And who’s building this pipeline? Er… Unocal.
Political-Economic Intervention: Argentina - Venezuela
28-01-2003 02:47
Us involved in manipulating elections in Argentina through new IMF loan bailouts. Peronist political parties in disaray, but dangerous. Left and popular groups appear weak. Chavez hangs tough in Venezuela.US-backed opposition rejected by most people. Viva los movimientos popular!Musicians protest in Parliament Sq
28-01-2003 02:15
Report of protest against Government's new Licensing Bill.