UK Newswire Archive
York Demo The Guidhall Against Jimmy Saville And Grandma B Abuse November 7th
01-11-2014 14:30

The cover up of the abuse of grandma b a elderly pensioner in a wheel chair linking this to a Demo about jimmy Saville and the alleged corruption of the city of York officials county of Yorkshire and the police service alleged.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, NAZI SCUM! @edlnews @slatfascists @misslbuttercup
31-10-2014 15:56

Facebook killed the internet star: reflections on radical media
30-10-2014 19:34

In September, the SchNEWS radical media collective issued a statement saying they had decided to call it a day. Although SchNEWS might publish one-off articles in the future, the direct action newsheet will no longer be published regularly.
This article is a personal reflection by a one-time SchNEWS contributor. It's not a statement from SchNEWS itself, neither is it attempting to be a full post-mortem of it. Rather it is highlighting some key areas which affected it and other radical media collectives...
Social Centres Gathering , 8th / 9th November
30-10-2014 17:48

Death Drones are Arriving in Llanbedr - Protest
30-10-2014 10:14
Protest the use of Llanbedr airfield for drone testing - Noon 30 OctExecution of "Occupy Democracy" and the Banality of Evil
29-10-2014 13:05

Russell Brand: an anarchist critique of his "revolution"
27-10-2014 18:24

Cardiff Welsh alliiance demo fiasco
27-10-2014 15:47

Yorkshire Ripper farce - new fake TV documentary
27-10-2014 13:30
Ever since the fabrication of The Peter Sutcliffe Myth, the mainstream media have kept repeating the police version of events. The truth rarely gets a look in.UG#695 - Funding The Deep State Off-The-Books (Media Silence on Drugs for Guns)
26-10-2014 20:01

Isreali Ambassador Greeted by Protest During Cambridge Visit.
26-10-2014 16:49

Philippines: Lawmakers studying the filing of bill against hate crimes