UK Newswire Archive
Eviction of Ferrarisbos Forest Occupation Wilrijk, Antwerp, Belgium
05-09-2013 18:03
7 arrests during the eviction of forest occupation in Wilrijk, Belgium.Remembering the victims of ATOS: Candle lit vigil
05-09-2013 15:47
Press release from Oxford People's assembly about their candlelit vigil on Friday 6 September.The War on Syria and Noam Chomsky
05-09-2013 10:39
A careful reading of the “Left” liberals’ response to the Western-backed terror in Syria, reveals that the “Left” liberals have display a staggering level of complacency, complicity and outright hostility to the Syrian people. Representatives of the milieu of the “Left” liberals led by the like of Noam Chomsky have lost credibility. Their arguments are part of the standard propaganda talking points that serve Israel-U.S. Zionist ideology.The world has forgotten Gaza
04-09-2013 23:18
Walking the streets of Gaza that has become absolutely empty except for the scenes of destruction, empty shops and shortage in fuel that needed for electricity and transportation . The Gaza Strip is a small and congested area but known for its active business and its peaceful and ambitious people.Jordan Invites US Targets for Syrian Retaliation
04-09-2013 13:26
Centcom’s Forward Command in Jordan, officially called Centcom Forward-Jordan (CFJ), remains the oldest and the most important US target for Syrian retaliation.Bedroom Tax – Edinburgh Council “attacking disabled people”
04-09-2013 10:55
Anti bedroom tax campaigners from around the Lothians have met in an emergency meeting and issued a statement condemning City of Edinburgh Council’s policy of quizzing people on their expenditure on alcohol, cigarettes and satellite TV and using this information … Continue reading →How CSC Operational Manager Claire Hodson Got To Be Where She Is
04-09-2013 09:37
The woman who has been in charge of the torture units within English prisons for the last few years is CSC Operational Manager Claire Hodson.Claire did not start her career within prison management, but at the bottom as a prison officer working at Feltham young offenders prison. It was whilstr working with these young, vulnerable children that she first began her experiments in psychological warfare with the aim of inducing prisoner on prisoner violence.
AUDIO-Ex-Prisoner of U.S.on solidarity in jeopardy -Assange, Manning, Snowden
04-09-2013 08:31
AUDIO - Budapest RadioFormer Anti-War Prisoner of U.S., Ciaron O'Reilly Reflecting on solidarity with those in jeopardy - Assange, Manning, Snowden.
Ciaron O'Reilly 15mins 30secs into the program

Vigil at US embassy tonight – report & pics
03-09-2013 22:39

Renters Rights Social on friday the 13th september in Kilburn , LOndOn
03-09-2013 15:39

Autonomy News Sheet: Issue #2
03-09-2013 12:55
Huzzah! A new issue of the Autonomy is out (hit that link).Anarchist views on Syria
03-09-2013 11:55
Amidst all the propaganda and confusion, where can English speaking anarchists and (non-authoritarian) communists turn for news and analysis on Syria? We should be listening to our comrades in the region. Supporting the revolution in Syria does not mean supporting US intervention. Fuck Assad, Obama and all tyrants everywhere.How the U.S. Political Left is Failing Over Syria
03-09-2013 11:07
It’s now painfully clear that Obama’s war on Syria is a replay of Bush’s march to war in Iraq, both built on lies. Zero evidence has been put forth that proves the Syrian government used chemical weapons. On the contrary, evidence has been recorded that suggests the U.S.-backed Syrian rebels are responsible for the attack.Open cast mine in Trowell declared "invalid"
03-09-2013 10:55
PLANS for an open cast mine in Trowell have been put back after the planning application was declared "invalid".
UK Coal applied for permission to extract 1.275 million tonnes of coal and 250,000 tonnes of fireclay by opencasting at Shortwood Farm.
A decision was set to be made on the plans at a Notts County Council meeting on September 30.
But the planning department at Notts County Council found the certificate of ownership - a legal requirement accompanying planning applications - was found to contain an administrative error.
UK Coal will now have to resubmit the application and a new consultation will have to take place before a decision is made.
Sally Gill, Planning Group Manager at Notts County Council, explained: "No legal provision exists for the defective certificate of ownership to be corrected, whilst keeping the application live. So, in light of the clear legal advice we have received, we have no alternative but to invalidate the Shortwood application and return it."
Evening News: “Hahaha LOL women prisoners”
03-09-2013 10:55
Hard-up local rag the Evening News’s latest cost cutting exercise; they can’t even afford a stock photo of the local jail, instead: Let’s illustrate a story about womens’ prisons with a screengrab from an almost-forgotten 80s soap opera(*). Never mind that Cornton Vale is famous for its sky-high suicide rate 11 women in the 5 years around...‘Peace Strike’ begin a 24-hour picket outside US embassy
02-09-2013 23:04

24/7 Ongoing Anti-War Vigil has been Established at the U.S. Embassy London
02-09-2013 22:57
Vigil info, offers of help & messages of supportMobile/ Cell 074 485 99 856
(From outside the U.K.) + 44 74 485 99 856
If you're nearby, swing by!
LCC ‘Space for Cycling’ protest ride attracts 1000s – report & pic
02-09-2013 22:39

Donations and fundraising needed to support Chelsea Manning’s Family!
02-09-2013 22:14