UK Newswire Archive
An Idiot Abroad: Marine LePen Visits Cambridge (Pt 2)
23-02-2013 01:09

An Idiot Abroad: Marine LePen Visits Cambridge (Pt 1)
23-02-2013 00:51

About two hundred activists turned up and surrounded the building for the whole afternoon, effectively beseiging it, so there was nowhere for Madame LePen to run!
British Union fascists post members' names and email addresses on their website
22-02-2013 23:07
The New British Union, a group openly styling itself on Mosley's BUF, launched recently after interwebs Nazi Craig Cooke left the BNP's student front, the National Culturists, over musical differences. They have helpfully provided a list of their regional and national officers' names and email addresses on their website.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Wrexham 23 Feb:Stand with Bradley Manning - held 1000 days without trial
22-02-2013 20:11

Meet Queens Square, town centre, Wrexham.
10am - 11.30am
The Great Tax-Cut Experiment and Corporate Taxes as % of Profits
22-02-2013 19:29
Comparisons with Other Countries: Americans pay a smaller proportion of total income in taxes than do people in any other advanced capitalist economy. As recently as the late 1960s, taxes accounted for as high a share of national income in the United States as in Western European countries. After decades of tax cuts, however, the United States now stands out for its low taxes and small governmentMayor Ferguson volunteer adviser's Matt Payne's firm KPMG investigated for fraud
22-02-2013 18:41
All is not well in the city state of BristolCasuals United Nonce Division strike again
22-02-2013 16:40

Critical Mass Trial Starts this coming Monday
22-02-2013 15:41
Monday 25th February is the first day of the CM9′s court case. The trial will last between 5-7 days. There will likely be a large contingent of cyclists at the court on the morning of the 25th demonstrating our support for the defendants.Join us on bikes and with placards from 9am at:
Westminster Magistrates Court
181 Marylebone Road
What does UEA have against protesters?
22-02-2013 12:55
Earlier this month, the University of East Anglia dropped a disciplinary case against two students for taking part in an anti-tax avoidance protest. I was one of those students, and although the case was dropped it was a perfect example of the creeping criminalisation of protest that’s taking place on university campuses and throughout the country.There are still some unanswered questions about the case: why did the university wait three months to pursue us for a peaceful protest? Why did the university push the case in the first place when the Disciplinary Officer dropped it almost instantly after talking to me in person? And why did the evidence document rely entirely on the word of an employee of the multinational company being protested against?
Police spy Bob Lambert has re-emerged as an academic at St. Andrews University.
22-02-2013 11:28
Perhaps those he betrayed may want to know where he is, and here is a petition to sign.Thanks & Camp Ivy Welcomes you
22-02-2013 09:15
Combe Haven Defenders Defended!Palestinians Disqualify U.S. as Peace Broker
22-02-2013 08:45
“It’s plain and simple: Either the settlements or peace ... even Obama won’t get us abandon this principle,” PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erekat was quoted as saying on February 14.UG#618 - Consolidation of Police State USA (The Ongoing American Military Coup)
22-02-2013 06:22

'Fighting For Ourselves' SolFed Book Launches Scotland Thurs. 28th Feb. & Fri. 1
21-02-2013 21:07

Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh, 17 West Montgomery Place, EH7 5HA

Glasgow Friday 1st March 7p.m.-9p.m.
Glasgow Social Centre, Basement, Garnethill MultiCultural Centre, 21 Rose Street, Glasgow, G3 6RE

Have you ever been involved in Radical Routes?
21-02-2013 20:16
Radical Routes is completing a social audit to see how well it is living up to its aims and principles.It is looking for people who have either once been members of Radical Routes or have ever used the services of a Radical Routes co-op to spend 15 minutes completing an online questionnaire.
Richard Seaford talks on the Origins of Money in London March 5
21-02-2013 20:09

India, an Economic Giant!!!!
21-02-2013 18:55
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }P.western { }Trust
21-02-2013 18:55
By Mike Small
There’s been a lot of talk about ‘re-establishing trust’ in the food system. But that’s probably the last thing we need to be doing.
Russian Exile Angel Versetti Implicated As Co-organiser of London Riots
21-02-2013 16:37
Angel Versetti whose sudden disappearance from the United Kingdom in 2011 raised several investigations in the country, was apparently arrested, imprisoned and removed from the United Kingdom with a minimum ban of 10 years. While the question on his exile from Russia remains unanswered, his actions in Britain attest to the true nature of his deporation from the country.