UK Newswire Archive
Concerning the Violent Peace-Police: An Open Letter to Chris Hedges
10-02-2012 20:08

Hedges' Hypocrisies: The Surgeons of Occupy
10-02-2012 19:14

In his February 6 article entitled, “The Cancer of Occupy,” Chris Hedges attempts to analyze the political beliefs and practices of the black bloc, a group he characterizes as the scourge of the Occupy movement. Although Mr. Hedges evidently conducted at least a little to research his article, he does not quote a single proponent or participant of a black bloc, neither within the Occupy movement nor from any of the many other black blocs that have been organized in the United States. Such research would not have been difficult. There are a plethora of anarchist blogs, websites, newspapers, and magazines that discuss Occupy, the black bloc, and even the use of the black bloc within Occupy protests.
This Week in Palestine week 6 2012
10-02-2012 17:20

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for February 4th to 10th 2012
#OccupyOil Climate Rush activists target Shell HQ
10-02-2012 16:55
Eco-activist group, Climate Rush, has covered the pavement outside Shell’s UK headquarters with anti-oil slogans. Written in molasses, the stencils read: ‘£18bn profits last year, £0 spent on renewables. You can be sure of hell.’
Eco-activist group, Climate Rush, has covered the pavement outside Shell’s UK headquarters with anti-oil slogans. Written in molasses, the stencils read: ‘£18bn profits last year, £0 spent on renewables. You can be sure of hell’
Climate Rush has joined the Occupy Oil day of action on February 8th to highlight the oil giants refusal to invest in renewable energy.
Since 2009, Shell has stated publicly that they are no longer going to invest in renewables, shifting the focus to biofuels, criticised by environmental groups as being responsible for rising food prices and deforestation.
Linda Cook, Shell’s executive director of gas and power, says “If there aren’t investment opportunities which compete with other projects we won’t put money in. We are businessmen and women. If there were renewables [which made money] we would put money into [them].”
Siobhan Grimes, spokesperson for Climate Rush counters “the role of the ‘businessman’ doesn’t give someone carte blanche to wreak havoc. Shell invests billions in oil – a product that cannot possibly return long term value for shareholders – it’s running out! It’s time for Shell to invest in clean, unlimited renewable energy. We’re calling on shareholders to occupy the boardrooms and demand just that.”
Hadyn Soflaei, a Shell shareholder says “Decent companies do not starve their future customers, but this is precisely what Shell is doing with their biofuel investments. I’m disgusted. I’ll be selling my shares and I encourage others to do the same.“
The #OccupyOil day of action targeted Shell petrol pumps, highlighting the role Shell plays in the human rights abuses and environmental degradation around the world. The day of action has been called by Rising Tide.
Climate Rush are also putting the pressure on @Shell with a twitter protest. Join in and demand renewable investments from Shell at Tell the world Shell is Hell.
Solidarity benefit night to imprisoned anarchists in Greece
10-02-2012 16:25

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Greek General Strike Erupts
10-02-2012 13:13
More petrol bombs and rocks being hurled at greek police right now, as a 48 hour general strike beginsGreat Occupy Newspapers out on the streets
10-02-2012 12:55
Yesterday i was handed Issue Ten of the long running Occupied Times being being given out at the St Paul's site as i was passing to get home, containing all i wanted to know about news from the camp and related debates around the UK. This follows another newspaper i found at LARC last week called The Occupier that was made up of 8 large posters all based on the occupy ideas encouraging me to put them up in the streets. It is great to see the occupy ideas being spread around outside of the camps themselves, visually and with words and seeing so many interesting ideas, as we are the occupiers and we need to be doing this stuff in our streets.
Here are some pictures of the newspapers which i will add here, but lets all get out and make more information to get this news out to the wider public who are only hearing about this through the main stream media, even the Guardian is biased against these ideas, never mind the Mail and Standard.
I had heard that there had been an Occupy Art event earlier in the year which i would have liked to go to, if anyone knows more about what went on can you add in the comments. Some friends went along to an Occupy Design workshop a few weeks back, off Brick Lane and said it was really inspiring. Apparently the Occupied Times people spoke there about the newspaper, and there were piles of the Poster one to take away. I am really excited that this idea is building and finding new spaces to discuss the ideas in, this is where it starts to spread slowly into society and has an effect beyond the headlines. I used to be involved in creative arts stuff during the anti-capitalist heydays a decade back, where there was a real feeling that we were changing the global discourse on poverty and politics. The movement then was very creative, with amazing poetic statements coming out from the Zapatista deep in the Chiapas Jungle, films were made by networks of activists in new collaborative ways (Genoa Red Zone and Praha Rebel Colours) and the tactics on the streets were artistic, confrontational and new.
I'm hoping this new wave is going to build in the same way and from what i see so far it is, the occupied spaces are great but they are not all, it is time to move back into the communities and talk to them get these ideas into the workplace and into the schools and colleges. If i get time i will add some links of where the the fold films and books can be found from 10 years back they should inspire the new generation and remind us all that we need to keep going.
Smash EDO Press Release -John Catt challenges police surveillance
10-02-2012 11:45

School of Ideas welcomes events near Old Street
10-02-2012 10:55
The School of Ideas has opened its doors to the public, situated on corner of Bunhill Road and Featherstone Street near Old Street Tube in an abandoned school building. It is a space complete with 10 class rooms and has been opened for the free sharing of ideas and solutions, to help solve the pressing economic, social and environmental challenges globally and locally. There is also room for community groups and other public services that have lost their space due to Government spending cuts to come and use a space for free.
Artists, performers and creatives are welcome to come entertain and to help transform the space. We also encourage games, workshops and skillshares.
Sharing in ideas or skills for free, no one should need to pay to take part in the School’s activities.
Everyone should feel safe and welcome in the School. Our Safer Spaces Policy asks people to be mindful and respectful of how their ideas or actions might effect others, and there is a No Smoking, No Alcohol Policy.
As this is a community space we ask everyone to respect the people and the building.
We are a community coming together to find positive solutions to our current crises. We ask all people who come into the space to come in with respect.
Everyone is warmly welcome and encouraged to be part of creating the School of Ideas. Email us with your ideas, suggestions and requests at <>
School of Ideas
Prior Weston,
Featherstone Rd
London EC1Y 8RX
General Enquires: or phone: 07954227762
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 12 to 9pm. Sat-Sun 10 to 9pm.
Event submission via the form on our site
Wish List
- FOOD! Any kind!
- FURNITURE! Any kind!
- A 2-group Italian espresso machine for our new ground-floor cafe.
- Toner / ink cartridges for an HP Deskjet F2180
- Blankets! Duvets! Pillows! Cushions!
- Any kind of old computer hardware you have, we can refurbish it and put it to good use – especially webcams
- Clothes-washing machine
- Brooms
- Vacuum cleaner
- High gene and toiletries
More pics of the space can be seen here (although it would be nice if peaple made their picture available to the public)
Routine repression of Smash EDO activists continues
10-02-2012 10:47

Fur; Eggs; McD+KFC; Greyhounds; SabsBenefit +more!
10-02-2012 02:55
Another two weeks of campaigning with Nottingham Anima Rights includes:
Fur; Eggs; McD+KFC; Greyhounds; SabsBenefit; VeganOutreach; Badgers; PetWelfare
Nottingham Animal Rights works to co-ordinate the activities of many of the groups and individuals campaigning for animal rights and welfare in Nottingham.
At each fortnightly meeting a number of events are planned, including...
Nottm Fur Protests - Sunday 12th February
Fur trade protest at 1pm at Flannels, 34-36 Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham NG1 2GQ
Followed at 2pm at Paul Smith, 20 Low Pavement Nottingham NG1 7DG
Despite assertions that they will stop selling fur in 2012, Paul Smith still features fur in their collections, so protests continue.
These times will be repeated on Sunday 19th Feb
Details from
Thursday 16th - Happy Egg demo at Victoria Centre
Meet at Lions at noon.
In one of the most ambitious undercover operations Viva! has ever undertaken, we have laid bare the awful truth of one of the biggest UK consumer deceits.
Followed by McDemo at 2pm
Friday 17th - Animal Rights Stall. Meet at Lions at 1pm.
Also Nottingham Greyhound Stadium Demo at 6.30 at the Colwick track.
Details at
Saturday 18th February - Nottingham Hunt Sabs benefit gig
People's Kitchen meal at 6.30pm followed by fundraiser in the Sumac Social Club.
If you can't make it to the benefit event, you could always send a donation
Details from
Also Saturday 18th
Vegan outreach with Veggies at On The Verge Winterfest
All-day folk crossover music fest at the Polish Club, Sherwood Rise from 13:30, with catering by Veggies.
Details from
Sunday 19th Feb - Fur Demos, as before
Tuesday 21st February - National Badger Cull Protest
Starts 8am in Birmingham.
Thursday 23rd February 2012
6.15pm: KFC Demo, Lover Parliament Street
7.30pm: Meal at Annie's Burger Shack at the Navigation
8pm: Nottingham Animal Rights Meeting at The Navigation Inn, Wilford Street, Nottm NG21AA
Animal Rights Activist Weekend, Bristol.
Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th March
Details from
'Pet Welfare' in Kirkby in Ashfield badly needs help with dog walking, and help with 100+ rabbits.
Please spare a day this months to join the Dog Walking Rota
Simply telephone 07854 290997 in the first instance or 01623 753883.
Lots more news at!/veggiesnottm
GM wheat? NO THANKS! Government to allow Rothamsted Research grow GM wheat in Hertfordshire in Spring 2012
Hoax email warning: ‘From Jenny' re "Pension Reality Check" against asylum seekers. My spamish inquisition response
Provisional date set for Nottingham Green Festival Sunday 10th June
We'll be sorry to miss the Earth First Winter Moot, Fri 24-Sun 26 Feb, near Lanark, but will be at the Summer Gathering
Meat & dairy emissions are terrible for the environment; reported yet again
How to bypass Twitter censorship
BBC Radio4: "Adventures in Veg. Cuisine" on growing popularity of vegan dining for all, inc non-veggies! Listen at
World Day for Animals in Laboratories, Brum Apr 28th. Print off leaflets+posters . Food by Veggies
McDonald's eats humble pie after Twitter backlash
Review of veggie fairs & festivals 2012 from @thegreenveggie compliments our vegan Outreach Diary
Find links for all these news snippets at at!/veggiesnottm
Direct action gets the goods! Victory in less than a week for newly reformed Glasgow Solidarity Network
09-02-2012 21:53

NHS Gloucestershire escapes backdoor privatisation after high court drama
09-02-2012 19:09

Occupy Sheffield Moving Forwards Parade
09-02-2012 12:29

Hedging Our Bets on the Black Bloc: The Impotence of Mere Liberalism
09-02-2012 09:14
Chris Hedges has written some of the most insightful analysis of the U.S. war machine in recent years. His 2009 book The Empire of Illusion was an exploration of how exhibition has eclipsed truth and meaningful connection in American society. His acknowledgment of the ease in which one can buy into such spectacles is a small part of why it was so odd to read his article on Truthdig attacking both anarchists and black bloc tactics entitled “The Cancer in Occupy.”
#occupyoil upper st shell garage closed tonight
09-02-2012 02:55
in the third london action today, the upper street shell garage in islington was closed by activists for over an hour. while a samba band played, loads of leaflets were handed out. many passing motorists hooted support and cyclists often cheered.
click on image for larger version. 'some rights reserved' - free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise contact author for permission
this was the third london action under the #occupyoil banner today, following on from this morning's blockade of a garage in belgravia, and a small protest outside the nigerian high commission at midday.
as per a recent action, police seemed to have gained intelligence about this site, or maybe made a good guess (as it has been the target of previous actions for many years). either way, they were clearly not sure of the time, and perhaps jittery about the possible scale of the "occupyoil" movement (which claimed to be about to close down every garage in london), they stationed a police van nearby from 10.30 this morning.
the van was still there this evening, and activists gathered in a pub several hundred yards away near highbury and islington station. again, either through covert surveillance or a lucky guess, the police arrived outside the pub, with a vanload parked up outside, as well as two FIT team cars buzzing around nearby.
so the activists, around 20 people, set off on a little walkabout, and as they went the wrong way down a one way street, FIT officers followed on foot while the van drove round. however, despite a circuitous route, the activists couldn't shake off the surveillance (hard for a large group of people carrying banners and drums). so, finally emerging from a side road opposite the petrol station, they were greeted by a row of officers across the front of the garage. sergeant "driver" (no conflict of interest there) informed the protestors that they would be arrested for 'aggravated trespass' should they attempt to blockade the forecourt, but that they could continue their protest on the pavement outside.
but soon after the samba band had started up and the banners were unfurled, the station staff emerged from their shop, placed bollards across the entrance and closed the garage, stating they'd been told to do so by management, and so providing the required result for the action anyway.
comedy activist charlie veitch happened to pass by on a bus, and he dropped by with his megaphone for a few minutes adding a comic twist to the proceedings.
news of the action spread quickly via the internet, and squatting activists came up from their latest city repossession/occupation to swell numbers a little.
comedian and comedy writer paul whitehouse was among the many passers-by who were handed leaflets.
due to the cold weather, a few people having to leave, and the late start to the action, the protestors decided to finish together and leave together as a group, after managing to close the garage for business for about an hour and twenty minutes in total.
the police operation today raises some serious questions about their role in protecting shell. at least one van full of police was stationed in upper street for more than eight hours before the action. two FIT teams were deployed during the evening. once the action began, there were a further three vans of police parked up with engines running near the garage.
so who is paying for all this? is it the public, in which case, in times of austerity and serious crime, is this a sensible use of resources? or is it shell, in which case is this another example of police being privately hired? (as per the recently broken story about virgin).
is it reasonable anyway, whoever is paying, for the police to spend so much energy protecting the commercial interests of such a dodgy company? the past and proposed actions against shell are not dangerous, never violent, and wholly legitimate. they succeed in closing single outlets for a period of a few hours at a time, and are a symbolic attack on a multi-national corporation that made a profit of more than £18 billion last year - that's £35,000 per minute!
shell has been implicated in irish government corruption over its rossport oil pipeline and refinery.
they are up to their necks in controversy over their tar sands extraction, facing an international law court case for trashing indigenous lands in canada, a project that scientists claim could in itself lead directly to several degrees of climate change.
their oil spills around the world devastate lands. new arctic drilling has already led to spills in virgin territories in canada and alaska. leaks from the sakhalin refinery in east russia threaten the breeding grounds of pacific grey whales. in the niger delta, the devastation is incredible, with oil spills equivalent in size of the BP deepwater horizon spill occuring EACH YEAR for the past few years.
it is surely indefensible then that the authorities spend so much energy on pre-emptive and oppressive policing of anti-shell actions.
presumably, they will be putting on a huge security operation to avoid any disruption of the business meeting tomorrow evening in west london with special guests, the managing director of shell nigeria and the nigerian energy minister.
for more info on shell campaigning, see and
No Borders Convergence: final details & programme
09-02-2012 01:21
The No Borders Convergence, on next week (13-18 February), is a week of discussion and action to bring together all those fighting for free movement and against border controls