UK Newswire Archive
Council Votes To Keep Environmental Services in the Public Sector
26-11-2011 18:55
Following a tense meeting of the City of Edinburgh Council today, councillors voted to keep Environmental Services provision in house. This means that waste and recycling, street cleansing, and parks maintenance services will continue to be provided by staff who are directly employed by the Council, rather than the private contractor Enterprise Managed Services.
Today is Buy Nothing Day!
26-11-2011 18:55
No purchase necessary!Saturday November 26th is Buy Nothing Day (UK). It's a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping and tune into life. The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from shopping and anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!
Everything we buy has an impact on the environment, Buy Nothing Day highlights the environmental and ethical consequences of consumerism. The developed countries - only 20% of the world population are consuming over 80% of the earth's natural resources, causing a disproportionate level of environmental damage, and an unfair distribution of wealth.
People around the UK will make a pact with themselves to take a break from consumption as a personal experiment or public statement and the best thing is - IT'S FREE!!!
For a quick start to Buy Nothing Day read the FAQ page. If you want to take part in more actively, which is far more fun, then you may want to organise an event - take a look at the TOOLKIT for info and ideas and check the EVENTS page. If there are no events near you - organise one! Get social and follow Buy Nothing Day UK on TWITTER and FACEBOOK
Of course, Buy Nothing Day isn't about changing your lifestyle for just one day - we want it to be a lasting relationship with you consumer conscience - maybe a life changing experience? We want people to make a commitment to consuming less, recycling more and challenging companies to clean up and be fair. The supermarket or shopping mall might offer great choice, but this shouldn't be at the cost of the environment or developing countries.
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'Atos Two' Trial - Press Release
26-11-2011 16:55
Trial of Nottingham 'Atos Two' from February 27th 2012
Two Nottingham residents, a retired paediatric nurse and a wheelchair user, dubbed the ‘Atos Two' have on Friday December 25th both pleaded ‘not guilty' to the charge of aggravated trespass at Nottingham Magistrates Court. Their trial will be held from Monday 27th February 2012.
This follows their arrests at a peaceful protest on September 30th at the offices of Atos ‘Healthcare' on Stoney Street in the Lace Market.
Jamie Kennedy commented on the prosecution of the ‘Atos Two': ‘This trial is an attempt to intimidate protesters and deter people from going to peaceful demonstrations. It is disgusting and a ridiculous waste of resources.'
Atos has been the subject of national protests for its role in the government's attack on disabled benefits claimants.
A well-attended protest in solidarity with the defendants was held outside the Magistrates Court before the hearing.
Nottingham Defence Campaign
Tel: 07758867343
Notes for editors
1. Coverage of the protest, the arrests and the prosecution of the Atos Two:
A Statement of Support for the Atos Two has been signed by more than a hundred persons and organisations, including Welfare Rights Groups, Councillors and John McDonnell MP:
For a report on the solidarity demonstration please see:
2. Atos Healthcare was selected by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to administer the Work Capability Assessments (WCA).
Campaigners claim that WCA are part of a deliberate policy by the coalition government designed to force as many people as possible off disability benefits regardless of their physical and/or psychological abilities.
Critics of Atos Healthcare point to the high number of successful appeals against decisions by the company. A report by BBC Inside Out East found that more than one third of appeals were successful. (
Furthermore the expertise and conduct of the so called ‘healthcare professionals' undertaking the assessments has been severely questioned by campaigners. In August it emerged that twelve doctors employed by the company were being investigated by the General Medical Council over allegations of improper conduct. (
Interesting documentary films about anarchism in Chile & Greece
26-11-2011 16:40
Lets see interesting films about anarchist movements in Chile & GreecePay Council Tax Hove MP tells Occupy...
26-11-2011 14:53
Hove & Portslade (East Sussex) MP. Mike Weatherley suggests Occupy 'tents' in London/ Brighton etc should pay council tax...Workfare to be challenged in the courts.
26-11-2011 13:49

Shut down the City!
26-11-2011 10:44

Assemble 7.00 am at Liverpool St. Station. We're going to shut down the City! If you can't make it quite that early, come as soon as you can....
"The clash of civilizations": Divide, conquer and rule the "New Middle East"
26-11-2011 09:39

At the same time, racist ideologies were put forth. The people whose lands were colonized were portrayed as "sub-human," inferior, or soulless. Finally, the "White Man's burden" of taking on a mission of civilizing the so-called "uncivilized peoples of the world" was used. This cohesive ideological framework was used to portray colonialism as a "just cause." The latter in turn was used to provide legitimacy to the waging of "just wars" as a means to conquering and "civilizing" foreign lands.
Today, the imperialist designs of the United States, Britain, France, and Germany have not changed. What has changed is the pretext and justification for waging their neo-colonial wars of conquest. During the colonial period, the narratives and justifications for waging war were accepted by public opinion in the colonizing countries, such as Britain and France. Today's "just wars" and "just causes" are now being conducted under the banners of women's rights, human rights, humanitarianism, and democracy.
Palestinian Film wins Awards at IDFA
26-11-2011 09:26
The winners of the various IDFA (International Doc Festival Amsterdam) competition programs were announced Friday, November 25 in Escape, during the awards ceremony of the 24th IDFA.The Special Jury Award went to 5 Broken Cameras (Palestine/Israel) by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi, who also won the Publieke Omroep IDFA Audience Award.
See trailer here:

New book ‘The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade‘ with Andrew Feinstein
26-11-2011 01:39

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
Atos Two Supporters Demo: Trial date now set
26-11-2011 00:55
Friday 25 November 2011
The "Atos Two" were due in Nottingham Magistrates Court. Bailed for 9.45am a solidarity demo had been called outside at 9.30am.
Unfortunately, on arrival, the Atos Two discovered that their case was not actually listed until 11.30am, leaving them with more than 2.5 hours to kill.
Perhaps 35-40 demonstrators turned up to show their support, a mix of disbility rights campaigners, anti-cuts activists, occupiers, anarchists and even a Labour councillor. For a weekday morning, organised at less than a fortnight's notice, this was (as the defendants noted) an astonishing turnout.
There was an array of media outside the court, print and TV. It turned out, however, that they were not there in relation to the Atos Two, but rather for something far more important - some drunken footballer.
After a brief photo opportunity with the assembled masses, the defendants took the opportunity to thank people for coming before going into court to answer bail. At this juncture, many of the supporters marched off to visit Atos as a rejoinder to the state's attempt to intimidate protesters.
Nottingham Defence Campagin said:
"Trial against the Atos Two to be held from Monday February 27 2012.
Following the solidarity demonstration for the Atos Two, the court hearing was rather brief and without surprises.
Both defendants pleaded not guilty. The trial will be held on Monday 27th February 2012 from 9.30 at the Magistrates Court to be continued (if necessary) on Tuesday the 28th.
Noticeable was the magistrates' remark that the prosecution might struggle to prove the allegation that Atos staff had been intimidated as he admitted that there had been no sign of any intimidation.
It was annoying that the defendants were messed around a bit regarding the time proceedings were due to start/did actually start, but such things are to be expected.
The Atos Two have asked to thank all those who supported them these last few weeks. The solidarity they experienced has been amazing and is very much appreciated."
Nottingham Defence Campaign invite you to add your support by emailing them at
Statement of Support for the 'Atos Two'
ATOS National Day of Action: Notts contribution
Nottingham protest rattles Atos [Feature]
Notttingham's 'Atos Two' Charged [Feature]
National Day of Action Against Atos 30-09 [UK Feature]
Atos Two solidarity demo
Atos Two trial in February
Benefits Claimants Fight Back
Disabled People Against Cuts
See also NottsDefence on Twitter
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Occupy Camp now surrounded by Winter Wonderland
26-11-2011 00:55
Friday 25 November 2011
Occupy Camp now surrounded by Winter Wonderland
Earlier, the Market Square was preparing for the 'lets switch on the christmas lights in Mid November shindig'! [ba humbug, really].
So now, the camp is bombarded by pretty christmas lights and oh so jolly tunes.
This evening ..... I wondered if this was all a plot, attacking the camp with a seasonal sound weapon. This will of course now continue for another 5 or 6 fucking weeks.
Occupation camp gets fenced in
Loads of earlier postings ...... but, here are the main features
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
Nottingham Occupation Continues [2nd Feature]
Occupy Notttingham: Moved but still in occupation [3rd Feature]
Occupy Notttingham: Still there [4th Feature]
Nottingham Occupy Nottingham: No plans for eviction. Yet. [5th Feature]
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
‘Vendetta’ drives Crown Office ‘no matter the cost’ prosecution of three year, £1 Million Breach of the peace charge.
25-11-2011 22:55
‘VENDETTA’ drives Crown Office ‘no matter the cost’ prosecution of THREE YEAR, £1 MILLION Breach of the peace charge against anti-abuse campaignerSchNEWS: Nov 30: We're All In It Together
25-11-2011 22:22

Well, it’s been a long time coming... Wednesday 30th November will see the first mass strike in the UK for four decades. 17 unions, including the biggest ones Unite, UCU, Unison, various teaching unions and PCS, have balloted to strike on pension reform which will see an estimated 3 million off work and, hopefully, cause massive disruption. Demonstrations and pickets are planned across the country – see complete list. Amongst the strikers are some unlikely suspects: 18,000 Border Agency workers are expected to strike leaving the government having to employ sinister private security firm Serco to take over for a day. Even the National Union of Probation Officers voted to join the strike four-to-one.
Bakers' Union Betrays Strong Strike Mandate
25-11-2011 17:49

Atos Two trial in February
25-11-2011 16:55
Trial against the Atos Two to be held from Monday February 27 2012.
Following the solidarity demonstration for the Atos Two, the court hearing was rather brief and without surprises.
Both defendants pleaded not guilty. The trial will be held on Monday 27th February 2012 from 9.30 at the Magistrates Court to be continued (if necessary) on Tuesday the 28th.
Noticeable was the magistrates' remark that the prosecution might struggle to prove the allegation that Atos staff had been intimidated as he admitted that there had been no sign of any intimidation.
It was annoying that the defendants were messed around a bit regarding the time proceedings were due to start/did actually start, but such things are to be expected.
The Atos Two have asked to thank all those who supported them these last few weeks. The solidarity they experienced has been amazing and is very much appreciated.
Report of the solidarity demo
Statement of Support for the Atos Two
Feature on the protest at Atos, the arrests and the prosecution
See also NottsDefence on Twitter
There's a Hole in DECC's Bucket - NUCLEAR !
25-11-2011 16:55
The UK's premier freshwater resource - the Lake District is struggling to find enough freshwater to cool the heels of existing nuclear wastes.
The Environment Agency's suggestion to accomodate the government's pronuclear ambition is:
There's a hole in DECC's Bucket / Energy Policy
The nukes are too hot, dear Liza, dear Liza, the nukes are too hot, dear
Liza, too hot.
Then cool them, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, then cool them dear
Hendry, dear Hendry, cool them.
With what shall I cool them, dear Liza, dear Liza, with what shall I
cool them, dear Liza, with what?
With water, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, with water dear
Hendry, dear Hendry, cool them.
Where should I get it, dear Liza, dear Liza, where should I get it, dear
Liza, from where?
From the rivers, dear Hendry, dear Hendry , dear Hendry, from the
rivers, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, from there.
The rivers are empty, dear Liza, dear Liza, the rivers are empty, dear
Liza, empty.
Use the sea then, dear Hendry, dear Hendry , dear Hendry, use the sea
then dear Hendry, dear Hendry, the sea.
The sea is too salty, dear Liza, dear Liza, the sea is too salty, dear
Liza, too salty.
Then desalinate it, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, desalinate
it, dear Hendry, desalinate it.
But how can I do that, dear Liza, dear Liza, but how can I do that, dear
Liza, but how?
Build a plant, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, build a plant,
dear Hendry, a plant.
With what shall I power it, dear Liza, dear Liza, with what shall I
power it, dear Liza, with what?
With nukes, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, dear Hendry, with nukes, dear
Hendry, with nukes.
But the nukes are too hot, dear Liza, dear Liza, the nukes are too hot,
dear Liza, too hot.
[repeat ad infinitum for the next million years]
Nuclear Hole in DECC's Bucket - by Dr Helen Wallace