UK Newswire Archive
Carfree Bristol New Year Meeting
10-01-2011 18:22
Golden Guinea Pub from 7.30pmCarfree Bristol is the organisation for people who live without cars in Bristol. We are partly social, and partly campaigning. This is our regular monthly meeting, which will also put the final touches to a couple of bids we have been working on to Bristol's Green Capital Challenge Fund.
Carfree Bristol is the organisation for people who live without cars in Bristol. We are partly social, and partly campaigning. This is our regular monthly meeting, which will also put the final touches to a couple of bids we have been working on to Bristol's Green Capital Challenge Fund.
This month we will be changing venues, to check out the newly refurbished Golden Guinea pub on Guinea Street (BS1 6SX), near to Bristol General Hospital and St Mary Redcliffe
Our dates for the rest of the year (3rd Weds of the month at 7.30pm) will be:
16th Feb, 16th March, 20th April, 18th May, 15th June, 20th July, 17th Aug, 21st Sept, 19th Oct, 16th Nov, 21st Dec
Drop Fees Not Bombs
10-01-2011 18:22
Rage against the machine“UK high street banks have come under fire
for their role in causing the economic meltdown.
But the lack of regulation which led to the current
crisis is also behind an even deadlier scandal.”
A new report by War on Want, Banking on Bloodshed:Highlights UK high street banks’ complicity in the arms trade, and has exposed, for the first time, the extent to which the five main British high street banks are funding this violent trade. By directly financing their production, these banks are complicit in the havoc and destruction caused by the deadliest weaponry the world has ever seen.
Most high street banks are violating their own corporate social responsibility (CSR) statements.
See BAAT wordpress for full summary
US government demands Twitter account information of WikiLeaks and followers
10-01-2011 17:40
“Ms. Jonsdottir denounced the subpoena in a telephone interview with the WSWS on Sunday. “There is no criminal case against me because I have done nothing in violation of any law,” she stated.“The US government is trying to criminalize whistleblowing and publication of whistleblowing,” Jonsdottir added. “They want to make it tantamount to spying, and if they succeed in doing that, journalists could be prosecuted just for doing their jobs.”
Jonsdottir and Gonggrijp, together with Julian Assange, are listed as the producers of the Collateral Murder video released in April, which shows the slaughter of unarmed people, including two Reuters journalists, by a US helicopter gunship in 2007.
In addition to the information on WikiLeaks and its collaborators, the subpoena also demands “non-content information associated with the contents of any communications … stored by or for the accounts(s), such as destination email addresses.” If Twitter posts are interpreted as messages, that means that Twitter will be obliged to turn over the names of all of WikiLeaks’ followers.”
“The subpoena ordered Twitter not to disclose that it had been served with the subpoena.”
Cut The War Not The Poor - picket of banks
10-01-2011 17:22
Rolling Picket of High Street BanksSaturday 22nd January – Rolling Picket of High Street Investors In the Arms Trade
Meeting Point 1pm. The Band Stand, Castle Park, Bristol, BS1
“UK high street banks have come under fire
for their role in causing the economic meltdown.
But the lack of regulation which led to the current
crisis is also behind an even deadlier scandal.”
A new report by War on Want, Banking on Bloodshed:Highlights UK high street banks’ complicity in the arms trade, and has exposed, for the first time, the extent to which the five main British high street banks are funding this violent trade. By directly financing their production, these banks are complicit in the havoc and destruction caused by the deadliest weaponry the world has ever seen.
Most high street banks are violating their own corporate social responsibility (CSR) statements.
See BAAT wordpress for full summary
20 years ago: Memorial vigil to remember start of Iraq war
10-01-2011 17:22
Join global vigil to remember start of Iraq war 20 years ago.Meet at 11.15pm on 15th Jan at Kebele 14 Robertson Rd Easton for lift ( 2 spaces) confirm before please. Use
Bring candle or placard.
Or meet at BAE entrance on Southmead Rd at 12 midnight.
Other vigils which are happening :
White House, Washington D.C.
U.S. embassies in London, Dublin and Wellington (NZ)
Menwith Hill
White House DC
Gallipoli Barracks Brisbane Australia
Palestine Today 01 10 2011
10-01-2011 17:01

Mass demo, 29th January central London against education cuts and fees.
10-01-2011 16:52
There will be a mass demonstration in central London on Saturday the 29th of January against the imposition of education cuts and fees by the Conservative/Liberal coalition government. They may have passed the legislation but the fight back is far from over.Venezuela: Shock Therapy to “nationalise” and discipline the daily lives of the
10-01-2011 16:37
With the excuse of bringing about greater efficiency in order to reverse the consequences of the great flooding at the end of 2010 which left over one hundred thousand victims, president Chavez has put a new law the National Assembly that would give him special administrative powers for a period of 12 months. At the same time, he wants the National Assembly to approve, in an extraordinary manner, another set of laws, without wide national debate limiting various political and social rights enshrined in the 1999 Constitution.Queer Cafe Reading Group and Film Screenings
10-01-2011 16:22
Islamophobia - The price of gay rights?Interrogating Queer Modes of Belonging
A Bristol Queer Cafe Reading Group Series in collaboration with Race Revolt ‘zine
Reading Group - 7pm
24th Jan: Kebele, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY
7th Feb: Cafe Kino, 108 Stokes Croft, BS1 3RU
21st Feb: Cafe Kino, 108 Stoke Croft, BS1 3RU
Film Screenings - 7pm @ Kebele
31st Jan: “Unveiled”
14th Feb: “A Jihad for Love”
Culminating in an all-day workshop and discussions
12-7pm, Friday February 25th 2011, Manchester
Check for updates
This reading series considers texts that address the ways in which gay rights are being used in nationalist, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric by racist organisations such as the English Defence League, politicians like Geert Wilders and even increasingly by gay activists.
Is it possible to show solidarity without patronising LGBTQI struggles elsewhere? How do we resist justifications for war on the basis of appeals to women’s and queer rights? Is secularism compulsory for LGBTQI people, and what does this mean for those who profess a faith? Does the focus on legal rights such as joining the army or gay marriage represent your idea of liberation?
All welcome and free to participate. For access to readings send an email to: bristolreading(at)racerevolt(dot)org(dot)uk
Bristol Against Arms Trade meeting
10-01-2011 16:22
BAAT meet at Smiling Chair 6pmBAAT welcomes anybody with an interest in campaigning against militarism in our society and the arms trade.
Arrive at 5pm to go banner making elsewhere until 6pm return to Smiling Chair
If you would like to learn more or contribute in any way come along.
Our activities so far include
stalls at regular intervals, non violent direct action such as a 'die-in', vigil with outside films in the town centre, fund raising gigs,
anti-war film night.
Meet at Smiling Chair next to Sprinters the Printers on Stokes Croft. 6pm ( 5pm for banner making}
Agenda: Preparation for 'Cut the War not the poor' picket.
Discuss Draft principles for BAAT, see below
BAAT is a non-hierarchical group of activists who share a belief in the necessity of direct action to oppose militarism and the arms industry.
BAAT aims: to challenge the military/ industrial complex in all its forms( see notes on this) and provide:
* A variety of media/mediums to educate and inform ourselves and others about militarism.
*campaign to raise awareness of the arms industry in Bristol
* solidarity and mutual aid
* training and workshops in direct action, trauma support, media, etc
* a forum for discussion and analysis
BAAT has the following principles:
* Organise using the principles of autonomy and non-heirarchy
* We embrace a diversity of tactics
* We have a respect for life
Police who kill should be prosecuted
10-01-2011 14:22
Ian tomlinson InquestFollowing a pre-inquest hearing on 21 December, the date for the inquest into the death of Ian Tomlinson during the G20 protests in 2009 has now been set. It will commence on Monday 28 March 2011 and is expected to last for of 5-6 weeks.
The inquest will be conducted by the Chief Coroner, Judge Peter Thornton QC, who replaces the City of London Coroner Paul Matthews. Hearings will take place at the International Dispute Resolution Centre at 70 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1EU.
Further information on the inquest is available on the City of London Corporation's website:
Regular updates from the Family Campaign will be posted on the 'Inquest' section of
Smash EDO benefit Friday 14th of January
10-01-2011 11:34
14th January, 7pm at The Cowley Club, London Rd. Featuring Kiyomori, Sak-Less Jack, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Ollie Barron and 7 Day Conspiracy. Live bands till midnight followed by DJs till close.New South Lanarkshire COALcil website reveals why they are "public enemy number 1"
10-01-2011 11:22
A new website has been launched that aims to document the lies, deceit and conflict of interest inherent in South Lanarkshire Council’s relationship with Clydesdale communities, and the degree to which they support Scottish Coal above th
Second Ratcliffe trial collapses
10-01-2011 10:23
The second Ratcliffe conspiracy trial, due to start today, has collapsed after defence lawyers demanded information on undercover police officer Mark Kennedy.
There's more in the Guardian ( and there will be a Newsnight special tonight.
Dark Nights #10 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter January 2011
10-01-2011 10:18
Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet of resistance reports and repression news to download and print out. 8 pages / A3 size. Distribute and discuss.The Machines Change, the Work Remains the Same
10-01-2011 09:52
When I first got involved in left/radical political organizing in the 1990s, I don’t recall any of us referring to our efforts as “phone activism” or calling ourselves “fax activists.” A friend who started organizing in the early 1960s assured me that he never heard the term “mimeograph activism” in those days. We used telephones, fax machines, and mimeographs in our organizing work, but the machines didn’t define our work and we didn’t spend a lot of time arguing about the implications of using them.Disappearing filth leads to dropped charges
10-01-2011 09:23
The stumbling progress of extreme porn case law continues with Newcastle magistrates dropping a charge of possessing a single image of extreme porn – because local police and prosecution appear to have lost the evidence.
10-01-2011 04:22
First Great Western leaves a five months pregnant freezing cold and helpless.This is the nightmare of what First Great Western has caused to my five months pregnant girlfriend and I today.
As a usual commuter using First Great Western every week to got to work, today, I saw the true image of this company.
As usual, I always book my ticket in advance. This week,my five months pregnant girlfriend and I were on a little trip to Yorkshire to visit her family.
Yesterday, Sunday 9th, we were meant to go back home which is in Frome, Somerset.
At 14:45, we were in Goole station. Waiting for our train to Doncaster. At 15:10, the time when they train was supposed to arrive, simply didn't arrive. There was no staff. We were told by a random lad that there was engineering work going on. So I decided to call F.G.W Customer Services. The reply was rude 'Sorry, we can't help you with this matter, you should call Northern Line'. I wasn't really happy due to the fact I bought my ticket on their website and they were unable to help me. So I eventually called Northern Line which wasn't really helpful as they failed to tell us where to get the bus. Anyway, We decided to get a local cab. £40 from Goole to Doncaster,that's what it cost us. Once upon our arrival, we were unfortunately late to get our 16:50 service to Birmingham. And the nightmare began. We rushed to customers services and were nicely told to wait at platform 8 for the next train to Birmingham. Departure time: 17:50. As we sat there in the freezing cold with a group of people, the train never arrived. We all went back to the customer services where we were told 'Sorry there was no announcement, the train came on a different platform and left, you will have to change at Sheffield'. Waiting time: 15 min. Puzzled, I went back to our of the staff to ask for advice on how to get to Frome. As he saw me coming towards him, he turned his back! I had to speak to another staff who was next to him. Few people witness it.
15 minutes later, we were on the train to Sheffield. Once we got there, we headed to a member of staff. He recommended us, to take the Plymouth train which calls at Bristol Temple Meads. I also took the opportunity to ask him how to get to Frome. He checked on his computer and told me there were no trains going to Frome. But if I tell the customer services in Bristol, they definitely have to sort a cab out for us. I thought we were getting somewhere. Two hours later, we arrived at Bristol Temple Meads, it was freezing cold, my pregnant girlfriend was absolutely knackered. We rushed to the customer services. There was 5-6 of them. I started giving a brief description of the trouble we have had and I was shocked on how rude they were. They simply told us ''The next train to Frome is....hmmm Tomorrow mate'
I replied 'What do want us to do? I've my girlfriend with me who is actually FIVE MONTHS PREGNANT''
SHOCKINGLY the man replied ''It doesn't matter'' The other one at the back added ''We don't have to know if she is pregnant or not''
And the first one concluded 'Sorry, there's nothing we can do for ya'
My girlfriend was left in tears as we walked out of the room.
She explained to me how knackered and freezing she was. I then rang F.G.W Customer services to see whether they could get us out of there. The lady on the phone to me to hold on 2 minutes. I asked her if there were any chance she could call me back. She agreed. 10 Minutes later, the phone never rang, leaving me no choice than calling back again. To my surprise 'Sorry, our offices are now close'.
Where was the help we were promised? They saw us with a few heavy bags. No sympathy.
I couldn't stop my girlfriend from crying as she was now in pain. So I went out and found a cab. £50 from Bristol to get us to Frome.
Total price; £50 train tickets + £40 cab from Goole to Doncaster + £ 50 from Bristol to Frome.
When we were supposed to get to Frome at 21:47 we arrived at 2am. My girlfriend has now caught a cold. Thanks to First Great Western superb customer services.
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Ruthless Treatments of Australian and New Zealand Sheep
10-01-2011 04:10
mulesing, sheep dog bites, whips, trampling by horses, freezing to death from early fleecing, being slammed on the ground by shearers and crammed into boats, thirst, choking todeath on their own blood,