UK Newswire Archive
Campaign against 100% Somerset Arts funding cuts
27-10-2010 14:22
Against the cutsArts supporters are being asked to meet at 9.15am at Somerset College on Monday 1st November to show their support for the arts. Somerset County Council will be considering a proposal to cut the arts budget by 100% at their cabinet meeting which will start at 10.00am.
Arts organisations across Somerset accept that measures to make savings are needed but believe that the arts budget should take a 26% cut in line with overall cuts... in local authority spending. Arts organisations who provide services across Somerset believe that the consequence of the 100% cut will have a far greater impact on local communities than any contribution this cut will make to overall savings.
For a full statement regarding the funding cuts please visit
5 Days to go to the Devonport Blockade, Plymouth
27-10-2010 13:57

Vodafone Oxford St CLOSED, close yr local this Sat
27-10-2010 13:46

The welfare cuts announced on 20.10.2010 are in the region of £7bn.
Osborne cut corporation tax.
Vodafone's Oxford St. Store was forced to close today, after an occupation. Protest continued outside
Vodafone Oxford St Occupied! We want our £6bn back
27-10-2010 13:22
Vodafone's flagship store on Oxford Street has this morning been occupied by people protesting at it's avoidance of a £6bn tax bill having routed money through a Luxembourg subsidiary. At a time when the country is facing savage cuts it's clear there's one law for the rich and corporate and another for the rest of us. Resist the cuts! Join us.
More actions are planned - expect to see more especially this saturday!
Follow: Action Against Cuts
Some background:
Photos from:
Anti Cuts Action event on Fckbk:
US Activists demonstrate outside Home of ITT CEO
27-10-2010 12:58
A coalition of US activists demonstrated in the home neighbourhood of ITT chief executiveve, Steven Loranger, last week. US campaigners are targetting ITT, the owners of Brighton's EDO MBM, because of their involvement in the design and manufacture of drone technology and their pro-war lobbying activities. One of the participants in the 40 strong demonstration said of Loranger, "We're here today to inform his neighbors about how his personal ambitions impact all of our lives,"report on which European businesses giving cash for US climate blockers
27-10-2010 12:09
Saw this report - useful if you're short of a place to go when you want to visit Dr EvilA few comments on the shac sentencing
27-10-2010 11:36

Next Rising Tide Meeting
27-10-2010 11:22
The next meeting of Bristol and Bath Rising tide will take place on Monday 8th November 7.30 pm at Kebele, Robertson Rd.All welcome to come and join in taking action against the root causes of climate change.
Film Night - Climate Of Hope
27-10-2010 11:22
Bristol and Bath Rising Tide will be showing a film titled Climate Of Hope about the Nuclear Power Industry.Climate of Hope is a 30 minute documentary created to demystify climate change and nuclear energy. While the threat of climate change is now widely accepted in the community, the potential for a host of nuclear power stations has raised questions about the best trategy to move to a low-carbon economy.
This animated documentary takes viewers on a tour through the science of climate change, the nuclear fuel chain, and the remarkable energy revolution that is under way.
The UK Govt has agreed on an agressive investment for the expansion and building of Nuclear Power Stations throughout the UK, please join us on Sunday 28th November from 18.30 onwards for great vegan food, film screening and discussions.
Toxic Brew: The Tea Parties
27-10-2010 10:26
The Tea Parties didn’t arise spontaneously: they were boiled up by big business.Demo against the Cuts (Hackney Town Hall 6.00pm Tonight 27/10/10)
27-10-2010 10:25
Sick of boring speeches, putting you asleep? Then let's have some real class anager and action tonight.Kebele intro and consensus decision making skillshares [2]
27-10-2010 10:22
Kebele will be holding regular introductions to Kebele, consensus decision making and meeting facilitation skills for volunteers, activists and anyone interested! The first one is on Saturday 6th November and will include the following:Kebele introductions:
Practical, useful information on the workings of Kebele from how to host a cafe to how to have a say in decision making.
Political context and discussion: why we do it, what we believe and where we come from.
Consensus decision making:
Why do we use consensus decision making? What’s it all about? How can it make our meetings much better and a reflection of the world we want to see? An introduction to the politics and practicalities of effective consensus decision making.
For lots of useful information on consensus, facilitation and getting organised see
The next info/skillshare in December will focus on facilitation skills for meetings.
If you’d like to come and take part, please respond email or sign up on the sheets in the front cafe and events room at Kebele.
for collective learning and liberation!
Kebele intro and consensus decision making skillshares [1]
27-10-2010 10:22
Kebele will be holding regular introductions to Kebele, consensus decision making and meeting facilitation skills for volunteers, activists and anyone interested! The first one is on 6th November and will include the following:Kebele introductions:
Practical, useful information on the workings of Kebele from how to host a cafe to how to have a say in decision making.
Political context and discussion: why we do it, what we believe and where we come from.
Consensus decision making:
Why do we use consensus decision making? What’s it all about? How can it make our meetings much better and a reflection of the world we want to see? An introduction to the politics and practicalities of effective consensus decision making.
For lots of useful information on consensus, facilitation and getting organised see
The next info/skillshare in December will focus on facilitation skills for meetings.
If you’d like to come and take part, please email or sign up on the sheets in the front cafe and events room at Kebele.
for collective learning and liberation!
WikiLeaks reveals private security contractors killed Iraqis with impunity
27-10-2010 09:39
WikiLeaks’ release of nearly 400,000 US military documents from operations in Iraq between 2003 and 2009 brings to light new evidence that private security contractors killed civilians with impunity.Spending Review Hits North Hardest
27-10-2010 09:23
The comprehensive spending review announced last week will have a worse impact on people with below-average income. Now it's been shown that people living in the North of England will be hit worse that the South.
Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War
27-10-2010 07:07

The West, America and its NATO allies, are escalating military operations across the area, from Asia to Africa to the Middle East.
US firms behind Afghan terrorism, says Karzai
27-10-2010 05:20
AFGHAN President Hamid Karzai has said US private security firms, including Xe Services LLC, formerly known as Blackwater, are behind terrorism in the country.The SHAC Trial - Political Sentences Are Good for You!
27-10-2010 00:10
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”7/7 Inquest shows official narrative falling apart at seams
26-10-2010 23:46
Very startling revelations of major discrepancies in the official 'narrative' of what happened in London on the morning of July 7th 2005 taken from evidence submitted to the Inquest into 7/7 as revealed and elucidated upon by the July 7th Truth Campaign on their blog on the 7/7 Inquest, at:
Shac solidarity demonstration at Highgate farm
26-10-2010 22:23
Activists Gathered at Highgate rabbit farm in normanby by spittal to protest against the farm selling rabbits for vivisection at huntingdon life sciences and to show solidarity with the Shac activists that were on trial this week.
Activists were protesting the fact that highgate rabbit and ferret farm sell animals for vivisection their customers including the infamous huntingdon life sciences.
Within minutes police showed up asking for names and details of activists present, the activists told the police "this is a peaceful protest we have the right not to disclose that information".
Protesters held their demonstration for an hour before the inspector shown up told activists that under section 50 they had to give their name address and date of birth or face arrest, the inspector then said that he believed that the peaceful protest would cause or is likely to cause alarm harrassment and distress, at the same time this was happening the owner of the farm was sitting in the garden with his wife on deck chairs (not an action of someone who is alarmed or being harrassed or distressed).
The inspector then moved the protest down highgate farm to an area that was outside a field rather than the farm, activists questioned the police about this saying it was biased and that the police were not allowing them to have their peaceful protest as the area the police told them to protest was not outside the site of the farm.
The protest was also in solidarity with the shac activists that were sentenced this week, activists vow to keep on protesting against huntingdon life sciences.
Huntingdon life sciences have been exposed on numerous occasions for animal cruelty acts include punching puppies in the face, cutting open monkeys while still alive, shouting, slapping and hitting animals, and breaking the law on numerous occasions. As recently as 2008 HLS were exposed traumatising animals so much that they vommited faeces and collapsed.