UK Newswire Archive
Video of an economist's views of cuts in Oxford
21-10-2010 18:35
Dr Peter Dwyer, economist from Ruskin college, gives his views on the cuts.Video views of public sector cuts in Oxford
21-10-2010 18:04
Two vox pops from Oxford residents about their reactions to the public sector cuts.Time to go French - against the cuts
21-10-2010 17:23

It was always gonna be like this. If Labour had got in, Alasdair Darling promised that the severity of the cuts would've made Thatcher blush.
The Global Crisis, The Role and Meaning of Art in Society
21-10-2010 17:22

- Paul Klee
As the current world economic crisis deepens, the role and meaning of art in society changes as more and more people are dragged down by the weight of personal debt, unemployment and poverty. Galleries close and less people can afford to buy art creating a new awareness among artists of the fragility of the art market and the economic system behind it that creates an increasingly alienated and elitist exclusivism.
Militant murdered by (statist) unionists, Argentina
21-10-2010 17:12
Yesterday (20/10) agents of a mainstream union killed a 23-year-old activist of an independent union in Argentina. Social organisations and the non-official union confederation made an urgent call for mobilisations and a general strike in Buenos Aires.
Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer
21-10-2010 16:57

People's Front of Judea
21-10-2010 15:27
They are a bit behind the times in Southwell
Passing through Southwell some months ago I spotted this graffiti.
Translated it is supposed to mean Romans Go Home.
However when I revisited yesterday, it had been corrected, by some keen passer-by.
Skill share in Latin anyone?
(sorry about the obscene image)
Northern March Against Racism 2010
21-10-2010 15:14

A March from stanhope street in Fenham through to the monumnet Newcastle where there will be a rally
Fur and Foie Gras in the Three Counties area - Take Action!
21-10-2010 14:01

British government announces unprecedented social cuts
21-10-2010 13:33
The Conservative-Liberal Democrat government’s autumn spending review has introduced the most savage package of public spending cuts ever seen in Britain. Half a million public-sector jobs will be lost as £83 billion, or $128 billion, is cut from the budget. Another half million private-sector jobs will go as a result.Dialect - Author Mark Jones on the heyday of Bristol folk music in the 1960s & 1970s
21-10-2010 13:22
this week's episode is themed around writers and writingDialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
hi fi downloads to come later
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - Bristol Folk in the 1960s and 1970s with author Mark Jones
19:30 - Writing for specialist magazines - historical war games magazines in particular with Callie Cummins at Decision Games in Bakersfield California.
26:30 - Anthea Page interviews retired journalist John Jackson who was a sub-editor on the Daliy Mirror.
35:30 - An author to her book by Anne Bradstreet, a poem about writing read by Malcolm Grieve
37:30 - Nick Payne tells part of his life story
48:30 - poem called Traces by Tim Burroughs
49:30 - What's On Guide from Jeff Sparkes
54:45 - Credits
Presenters: Michaela Dennis & John Peters-Coleman
Reporters: Anthea Page & Tony Gosling
Studio Production: Lee Duffield & Michael Noyes
Producer: Anthea Page
Workers' Fightback - French Resistance Movement Shakes Sarkozy
21-10-2010 13:16

We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
Pictures From Anti Cuts Demo
21-10-2010 12:22
Some photos from yesterday's anti cuts demoSome photos from yesterday's anti cuts demo
Gay Russians win in European Court
21-10-2010 12:12
Gay Russians win in European CourtMoscow mayor declared to have acted illegally
Gay Pride parade must be allowed in Moscow, says Court
Massive anti-Afghan war demonstration London Sat 20th November
21-10-2010 11:46
There will be a massive anti-Afghan war demonstration in central London on Saturday the 20th of November. The demonstration will assemble at Hyde Park near Marble Arch at 12noon and at 1pm will set off for Trafalgar Square. This demonstration is to demand the immediate return of all UK troops from Afghanistan. The government is currently spending 5 billion a year on that war while cutting services at home.Perverted Ireland's modest proposal to cutback
21-10-2010 11:24
The Paedo Party of Ireland have come up with their own particularly Irish solution, to massive cutbacks against the people of no property in Ireland, rather than the impudent solution of the French Trade Unions protecting their 35 hour week and retirement at 60.
Joe Glenton Speaks In Bristol [1]
21-10-2010 11:22
Afghanistan - Time To Go“Afghanistan – Time To Go”
Speakers: Joe Glenton (Soldier jailed for refusing to go to Afghanistan)
Andrew Murray (National chair Stop The War Coalition)
Date: Tuesday 9th November
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Malcolm X Centre, 141 City Road, St Pauls, Bristol, BS2 8YH
Printed flyers are available. Please email if you want any to distribute.
Joe Glenton was released from jail in August after refusing to return to Afghanistan. He is now speaking across the country to build support for the 'Afghanistan – Time To Go' demonstration in London on November 20th (see This is the first time he has spoken in Bristol and is an unrivalled opportunity to hear about the war in Afghanistan from an ex-serving soldier.
Last year Joe sent a letter to Gordon Brown explaining why he wouldn't go back to Afghanistan. See
For further information email
The situation in Afghanistan, for both its people and the invading NATO armies, continues to deteriorate. 2010 is already the worst year for death tolls and violence since the war began.
You wouldn't know it from the mainstream media, which – aside from a couple of days reporting the killing of British hostage Linda Norgrove -- rarely mentions the war.
As the war entered its tenth year, the Red Cross reported that civilian casualties are soaring in Southern Afghanistan -- as a direct and indirect result of the escalating violence. (SEE
October has been one of the worst months this year for the NATO forces, with over 30 killed in the first 13 days. The number killed for the year is approaching 600, and already surpasses the 2009 figure, which was the previous worst year for the US and its allies.
Of course, none of this was mentioned in Parliament, when David Cameron, followed by new Labour leader Ed Miliband, read out the names of five British soldiers killed in recent weeks.
Both of the party leaders are equally committed to continuing the war and maintaining the fiction that it is keeping Britain safe, a view clearly rejected by three quarters of the British public, who say all British troops should be withdrawn "immediately" or "soon".
The gap between our elected representatives and the public they are meant to serve was obvious in the recent parliamentary vote, when all but 16 MPs (SEE ) either voted for the war to continue or didn't bother to turn up.
Not one MP mentioned that the current annual cost of the war is five times what the government plans to "save" by cutting £1 billion a year from universal child benefits and nearly three times the planned cuts in housing benefit for the poor.
The Sumac Debates
21-10-2010 10:24
The Sumac Debates are back by popular demand.
Every week a different theme will be discussed in an open debate. The first six themes are outlined below and they will be followed by such things as "Why not the G20?" and "Grassroots and Mass movements"
As the poster states they begin at 7:30, and will sometimes be introduced with a short talk or film, watch this space for more details on that, sometimes there will be food, and there will always be a bar open.
Is Capitalism the Crisis?- November 11th
The banks, the politicians and the big corporations keep complaining about the crisis. The media reports on financial chaos every week, but never do any of them ever suggest that it might the fault of the global financial system. Dissenting voices are out there, and have been out there for a very long time. This debate will highlight a few of those iudeas and challenge the capitalist ones.
Cutting up our Communities- November 18th
Every government talks about the importance of communities, whilst at the same time it creates hardship and divisions through welfare cuts and scaremongering. What do we think our communities are? How can we go about strengthening them? And how can we respond to the current cuts in the public sector?
False Solutions: What energy? And whose is it's? November 25th
Coal, Oil, Nuclear, Wind and Solar- Are we running out of energy? Is any of it sustainable? Who is using all of it? And who is profiting from it? How much longer can we continue to use energy resources which negatively affect our environment? When are we going to stop? And what will happen when we do?
Prisons and Pigs- December 2nd.
Everyone hates a policeman, except when they need something to help them protect their property/ The cops are the storm-troopers of capitalism, obsessed with power and authority. They get rid of the human debris of capitalism by smashing it into little pieces and sweeping it into prisons. What would the world look like without prisons and pigs? And how can we make that happen?
Everyday oppressions- December 9th
Gender, Race, Class and Ethnicity, societies norms position us in little boxes from which hierarchies and dominations are played out. These boxes often come to play a large role in what happens to us throughout our lives and how the rest of society treats us. What are these boxes really? Where do they come from? And how have become to play such a large role in all our lives?
Lights, Camera, Action: Who is watching us and why?- December 16th
Everyday new CCTV cameras go up, and little or no fuss is made about them. We can barely buy a loaf of bread without being filmed by a handful of different cameras. We're told it's for our own safety, the cameras are there to stop the criminals, and to protect the innocent. But who is really being protected? And at what point did all of this become so normal?