UK Newswire Archive
9/11 and America’s secret terror campaign
11-09-2010 13:37

Certainly, more research needs to be undertaken, but what is clear is that any and all official investigations thus far have been nothing but concocted lies: that is, willful and intended deception, designed to hide the truth, not reveal it.
It is also within this context, of understanding the deep nexus of intelligence and terrorism in international relations and imperial stratagems (that is, strategic deception), that we must view the rise, role, evolution and purpose of the “Global War on Terror,” now in its 9th year, spending trillions to send poor Americans to kill poor Muslims in nations across the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South Asia.
Protest at Hinkley Point Sunday
11-09-2010 13:33
Campaigners will protest at Hinkley Point on Sunday lunchtime against plans to destroy many acres of open countryside well in advance of major consents being agreed for two proposed nuclear reactors.Interview with ocean defence activist Wietse
11-09-2010 10:24
Wietse has spent the past 2 1/2 years as an activist with Sea Shepherd, the direct action sea conservationists. We caught up with him during a brief visit to Nottingham to find out what he's been up to on his voyages to the Antarctic and most recently, in the Meditteranean liberating bluefin tuna. He also spoke about The Black Fish, a new European ocean conservation project.
Amongst other articles and zines, Wietse is the author of The Bluefin Bonanza, a briefing booklet on bluefin tuna fishing in the Meditteranean.
Campaign Success: Münster dolphinarium to release dolphins
11-09-2010 09:19

The Black Fish, WDSF and ProWal which have all campaigned for the closure of a dolphinarium in Münster, Germany, are celebrating today after the announcement that the four dolphins in the facility will be re-homed at the latest by the end of 2012. It is still to be decided where the animals will go to but The Black Fish activist Wietse van der Werf is hopeful on a positive outcome: "We will find a respectful and acceptable solution for the future of these four bottlenose dolphins. Transferring them to another concrete prison is not one of them."
Protests expected to increase as Tony Blair reveals he will travel with Pope.
11-09-2010 03:41
The Guardian reported, "protests could increase after it emerged that Tony Blair, who has been pelted with eggs and cancelled two public events in the past week, is likely to accompany the Pope on part of his trip".Anarcho-Feminist Call oUT!!
11-09-2010 03:22
First meeting of Bristol's new Anarcho-Feminist groupCome along to meet, discuss, plot and organise.
All genders welcome...
Thursday 16th September @ 8pm - The Smiling Chair, 40 Stokes Croft, Bristol
New Bristol e-zine Bristol Ethos
11-09-2010 02:28
Telling it like it is/ was/ shall be...Examining the dark underbelly of Bristol Society from a base in Eastville, Bristol Ethos is inviting submissions from those who really know what goes on behind those drawn curtains in the dark dingy terraced streets. Poetry, maximum length 16 lines, short fiction, maximum length 500 words, and all other attempts to come to terms in any textural way with the Bristol Ethos, should be sent to Work that has been chosen for circulation to a list of subscribers will be sent out by e-mail within 24 hours, so there may not be time for the usual acceptance/ rejection protocols - agreements have been reached with several major media outlets to feature this work on their websites.
Medical dossier exposes UKBA's ongoing child abuse
10-09-2010 23:23
Following a long campaign to provide support to detained asylum seekers, the charity Medical Justice has amassed a large amount of detailed information on the harm caused to children when they are detained by the UK Borders Authority (UKBA) in Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs).
Despite the Deputy Prime Minister having stated on 21st July 2010 that the detention of children would cease, it is continuing. This raises doubts as to whether Nick Clegg's utterances are taken seriously within government. Was he lying when he said that this practice, which he called 'state sponsored cruelty' would end? Or is he just a liberal fig-leaf in a coalition government that does not act on his word?
The English Defence League East Anglis are meeting tomorrow in Gt Yarmouth
10-09-2010 20:45

Kiosk 78 Remove Real Fur From Sale
10-09-2010 20:39
As shops begin getting their Autumn / Winter Season stock in, West Yorkshire Animal Rights undercover store investigators have been out in the county, inspecting shops to see if they are stocking real fur. We are pleased to announce that only one has been found so far.Leicester will be the death of the EDL
10-09-2010 20:24
After getting well and truly battered in Bradford the EDL think that they will rally their troops in Leicester. They hope to forge an unlikely alliance of Sikhs, Hindus and white supremacists against the "muzzies". This will fail and Leicester's strong Asian community will make sure they are sent packing.
The EDL reckon they're going to get 3,000 to Leicester. They said they'd have 5,000 in Bradford and that only turned out to be 700 so we'll be expecting about 400 of them this time. They're a dwindling force desperate for new allies.
That's why some of them are trying to stir up tensions between different religious groups within the Asian community in the vain hope that armies of Sikhs and Hindus will join them. Fortunately most of Leicester's Asians realise that the real enemies are the EDL and not their Muslim neighbours. They know that the EDL aren't too discriminate when bashing "Pakis" as seen in their attack on a Hindu temple in Dudley.
Already the most desperate and clueless "antifascist" group, the UAF, are trying to get people to their demonstration. Antifascists in Leicester should not trust the UAF, who have grassed up other antifascists to the police and whose tactics are a diversion from real antifascism. Their demonstrations, miles away from the EDL, have given confidence and room to manoeuvre to our enemies.
The most serious opposition to the EDL has always come from autonomous organisation. In Bradford, when some EDL members broke out of their pen and headed towards Asian areas intent on causing trouble, it was men and women of the local community, joined by white antifascists, who dealt with them in no uncertain terms. The EDL took a good hiding that day.
We need to get people out on the streets to oppose the EDL. We need to protect ourselves from the racists and the police by masking up and working with our friends, making sure we stay outside of police kettles and cordons. We need to make sure that all of Leicester's communities know what is happening and don't stay at home.
Now is the perfect time to finish off the EDL. They were whipped in Bradford and are being torn apart between rival factions. Their leaders crave a respectability they will never get, the Nazis want a race war, and the average member is sick of both. They're not singing any more!
The EDL have bitten off more than they can chew by choosing Leicester. We'll make sure that they are soundly defeated on the streets by finishing off the demolition job that was begun in Bradford.
The Wurzels to play at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm
10-09-2010 20:22
Popular Somerset band The Wurzels will be playing at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm on Saturday 16th October as part of the zoo’s “Farmers Golden Jubilee”. Their appearance will bring a lot of people to the zoo, many of which will probably not know about the zoo’s history of animal abuse.We urge people to contact The Wurzels and let them know your thoughts about Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. You can contact them via their manager Sil Wilcox of Cruisin Music at: info [at] cruisin [dot] co [dot] uk. Please keep all communications pleasant, explain yourself and why you think they shouldn’t play at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm – they’re not the people abusing animals remember!
The Wurzels will be playing several gigs around the country on the run up to their appearance at Noah’s Ark Zoo. They will be playing at Abergavenny on Wednesday 18th and Gordano on Sunday 19th September; Ipswich on Saturday 9th and Barnstaple on Thursday 14th October. Please make your way down to one of their gigs if you can and let them know about Noah’s Ark Zoo and what you think about them playing a gig there! The more public pressure we put on them, the more likely it is that they will pull out.
Bristol Animal Rights Collective will be protesting outside the zoo, as we do every Saturday, on 16th October so please contact us if you would like to come along (transport available), you can e-mail us on: barc [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk. We will also be protesting outside the zoo every week until then.
You can find out more about Noah's Ark Zoo Farm, the undercover investigation and the ongoing campaign against them by visiting the Bristol Animal Rights Collective website ( or the Close Noah's Ark Zoo blog (
Activist threatened with being shot: Press release
10-09-2010 19:22
Activists scaled parliament yesterday to protest at the continued atrocities in Afghanistan. One of them, Seamus, has been given bail conditions that imply he may be shot if he trespasses again.
Seamus is also in court at Horseferry Road on Monday morning at 10am on a charge of assaulting war criminal Jack Straw. Support and solidarity warmly welcomed at the Court then.
Seamus is required to stay out of London and report daily to a police station in Swansea.
The grounds given for these conditions are many and varied. Police seem to have ticked all the boxes in order to justify their draconian conditions. These include "For the person's own protection", "interfering with a witness or otherwise obstructing the course of justice" (this appears groundless), and "for that person's own welfare or own interests (if child or young person)" (which seamus is not!).
The reasons given why the conditions 'appear necessary' include "to protect designated sites in London, to prevent pd being shot or harmed by officers within protected site".
So effectively this is a hardly disguised warning that if Seamus attempts to protest peacefully against the Afghanistan war (something that 75% of the UK population agree with him over), he is threatened with death or injury at the hands of armed police.
Press can contact Seamus on 07522201561
Sit-in protest at Carfax Lloyds Bank over cuts.
10-09-2010 17:19
A sit-in protest was staged on 8th September at the Carfax branch of Lloyds TSB Bank.This Week in Palestine Week 36 2010
10-09-2010 16:58

Afghanistan War Vote, Direct Action at Parliament - Pictures
10-09-2010 14:31

We Must Fight The Gentrification Of Our Cities And Defend Our Communities.
10-09-2010 14:30
Across the country pubs and clubs, gig venues and community centres are being threatened by new developments and residents noise complaints. However ridiculous the idea of someone moving into a flat in a busy area surrounded by pubs and clubs and then complaining about it is in recent years some very well established music venues and bars have been closed for these very reasons. We must ensure the survival of communities and the survival of our community hot spots.9/11 Truth News: A Website Focused on Responsible News and Information
10-09-2010 13:01

Unauthorised March - Tory Party Conference - 3rd October 2010 Birmingham.
10-09-2010 12:55

No permission, no stewards, no meetings with the filth, just us, working class action!
Meeting place and route to be announced the night of Saturday Oct 2nd.