UK Newswire Archive
A way to empower citizens in local and central politics
23-04-2010 13:30
A call to action and creative engagement.Council bans Aylesbury carnival against racism
23-04-2010 13:15
Aylesbury Vale District Council has blocked a carnival against racism in Aylesbury organised to proetst the EDL taking over the town centre on May 1stIran’s ace weapon: Why the US won’t gamble on an Iranian war
23-04-2010 13:00

Leaked letters expose differences between political parties over Western Sahara
23-04-2010 12:42
Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties support call for extending UN madate to include Human Rights Monitoring in Western SaharaInternational banking – a system ruled by stupidity and fraud
23-04-2010 11:51
Goldman Sachs has been accused of fraud What is coming out of all this are the clever tricks of the trade, i.e. how to make money from money, without actually investing in the real economy, and in the process “advise” people on how to lose their money while making the likes of Goldman Sachs very rich... until it all crashes of course.Anti:Manifesto -The issues behind the election promises
23-04-2010 09:34

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Spoil for choice - Space Hijackers Battle Bus
23-04-2010 09:19

Join us this Mayday on the Space Hijackers anti-election battle bus. We've all seen George Galloway and the other cronies charging around in open top buses trying to persuade people to vote for them, but we all know the whole thing is a scam. Join us in our own open top bus, flying around London giving out an alternate message - SPOIL YOUR BALLOT, REJECT THE LOT OF EM!
edl draw attention away from politicians a bristol tv debate
22-04-2010 20:54
about a dozen edl were allowed to wander about the street threatening people..."No blood for opium": The Afgan War's hidden agenda is to protect the drug trade
22-04-2010 19:59

22-04-2010 19:43
Please support the St. George’s Day event at Newcastle MonumentFriday 23rd April-11am-6pm
Bosnians riot against IMF cuts
22-04-2010 18:57
ANGRY Bosnian war veterans have risen up against IMF-imposed austerity measures in Sarajevo.Flash mob on Saturday, May the first at 2:30pm at Parliament Square.
22-04-2010 17:35
There will be a massive flash mob on Saturday, May the first at 2:30pm at Parliament Square. Spread the word. Lets make this the biggest flash mob ever! The reason for this flash mob event is the forthcoming general election, we want to show our contempt for politicians who lie and cheat and go back on their promises.Oxford Action Resource Centre celebrates 5 years of radical organising!
22-04-2010 16:39

yes sir. NO SIR! - Private Joe Glenton - Witness Statement of defence
22-04-2010 14:39

This is the defence statement of Private Joe Glenton that the defence did not offer the courts? Y? Please copy and post this statement on any and every site you can find to support this real hero... perhaps lay a flower at the foot of Parliament in memory of those fallen heros and all the lost lives of children of war. "All war is wrong." - Joe Glenton
(Details of judicial corruption to follow shortly regarding his appeal 4 justice that fell on deaf war-mongering ears.)
Sanctuary for Octavie Bei
22-04-2010 12:39

Social movement defensive battles The need to engage with politics
22-04-2010 12:26
In the South African political landscape there are some feisty social movements that have waged some hard struggles such as Abahlali base Mjondolo. However, the Left needs to be careful not to over-romanticise their contribution to a more democratic South Africa.Relentless Global Drive: NATO On Six Continents In Seven Days
22-04-2010 12:21

New Removal Directions For Nadia and Bashir, help stop their deportation
21-04-2010 22:51
This is a call out for people to contact airlines due to deport Nadia and Bashir this Friday 23rd April asking them to refuse to fly this couple. Since last weeks unsuccessful attempt to remove the couple a new date for removal has been set. Details below.March for England: Brighton Counter Demo
21-04-2010 20:35
This Sunday (25th April) bizarre patriotic group the March for England -