UK Newswire Archive
Sign council petition to condemn EDO
03-12-2009 12:54
On 10th December 2009 a petition will be presented to Brighton and Hove City Council, demanding that the council table a motion condemning the activities of Brighton based arms manufacturer EDO MBM/ITT.Police tell UAF to change anti EDL demo
03-12-2009 12:51
Nottingham police have told United Against Fascism that they cannot now hold their demo against the fascist so called Englis Defence League (EDL)at 10am in the Market Square.Cop15: Notes from below
03-12-2009 12:49
This December (ten years since the alter-globalisation movements took to the streets of Seattle to oppose the world trade organization) activists from across the globe will be descending on Copenhagen to protest the COP15 round of discussion. Has the UK Direct Action movement changed in the interceding years between these cycles of struggle? And what lessons, if any, can it learn from its recent past?Communication Workers Union president resigns from Socialist Workers Party
03-12-2009 12:45
Britain’s Socialist Worker newspaper acknowledged on November 29 that Jane Loftus, president of the Communication Workers Union (CWU), has quit the Socialist Workers Party. Its manner of doing so only confirms how deeply embroiled the SWP is in the rampant opportunism that led to her departure.Obama’s speech on Afghanistan: A compendium of lies
03-12-2009 12:40
In his December 1 speech at West Point announcing the deployment of 30,000 more US troops to Afghanistan, President Barack Obama attempted to justify a major escalation of a deeply unpopular war on the basis of lies and distortions. That he had to resort to such falsifications reflects both the reactionary character of his policy and the fact that it is being imposed in violation of the popular will.Calais: huge increase in police violence
03-12-2009 12:36
Several arrests more than 'normal' in the past few days and raids on squats...With Besson's threat to make Calais a migrant free zone by
the end of the year always on our minds, we encourage people
to come and do solidarity work.
Tonight: No Borders Calais Info Night in Newcastle
03-12-2009 12:25

The Peace Prize War
03-12-2009 10:08

It becomes increasingly clear that the United States is fooling no one but its own citizens, who are victimized by their ignorance. “Military prowess seems to be the only power the United States has left.”
Human Rights Day Event: Torture in Our Times: West London
03-12-2009 08:50
On 10 December 1984, 25 years ago, the General Assembly of the UN adopted the text of the Convention Against Torture, banning the use of torture (in writing, it was already illegal) and practices related to it, such as assisting in torture and returning people to countries where they face torture. It became law in 1987, however the use of torture and the involvement of most countries and governments in it, including ours, continues to grow...Brighton Gig for Gaza
03-12-2009 07:36
The Gaza Freedom March - !! Brighton Benefit Gig !!All proceeds will be used to buy a violin and much-needed educational materials
for the children of Gaza, to be hand-delivered by Elle and Naomi when they participate in the Gaza Freedom March Dec 31st 2009. This is an international march to resist the
on-going Israeli siege of Gaza, which is preventing official imports of reconstruction materials, school supplies and food reaching the Palestinian people.
TOMORROW NIGHT: Class Evening - the radical labour union social
02-12-2009 18:50

DATE: 3 December, 8pm til late
VENUE: Lamp Tavern, 157 Barford Street, Digbeth B5 6AH
PROGRAM: Film ‘Bread and Roses’ and Discussion
Post 'WAVE' action, sat 5 dec....Cop out,camp out
02-12-2009 18:05
Climate Camp London invites you to...COP OUT CAMP OUT
Saturday 5 December, London, secret location
...because it's business as usual in Copenhagen!
Christmas Appeal - Spare some coppers for a Copper
02-12-2009 17:23

Ride Bikes, Have fun, Support MCDAS, Give kids presents...awesome.
02-12-2009 16:37
A treasurehunt on bicycles to support Manchester Commitee to Defend Asylum Seekers. The riders, in pairs, will be following a set route and buying and collecting presents that will then be donated to MCDAS Chidren's Christmas Party.12/12 demonstration Copenhagen
02-12-2009 16:35
Be part of the party!Copenhagen – COP15 – World Climate Summit
December 12th 2009 a mass demonstration against the COP15 Climate Summit will take place in Copenhagen. A mixture of very different people, groups and organizations are going to participate.
Unfortunately the registered route of the demonstration will directly lead out of the city centre to a barren part of town around the conference building, where it is going to end. It will also not be possible for us to change our mind on the way and turn around in order to bring our protest to public places, as after 30 m the demo will cross a draw-bridge, which can ban us from the inner city in the blink of an eye. This is why we think it is important to make up our minds beforehand, which way we want to go.
Elijah Smith, anti-militarist prisoner, moved to Lewes Prison
02-12-2009 15:11
We need a New Anticapitalist Party in Britain
02-12-2009 12:54
After more than 12 years in office, Labour has proved itself time and again to be a party that attacks workers’ pay, conditions, jobs and rights. And now we face the worst capitalist economic crisis for decades, with a massacre of jobs sweeping the country.The working class in Britain does not have a party of our own to organise and inspire resistance to the bosses’ crisis on a daily basis – on the streets and in the workplaces as well as at election times.
Would a council really serious on tackling climate change make this decision?
02-12-2009 11:38
On Thursday 19 November the Manchester City Council Planning Department approved the demolition of 200 year old cottages along with neighbouring environmental and historical oasis Hasty Lane in order to make way for additional extra airport hangers which will double Manchester Airport’s freight capacity.Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, November 2009
02-12-2009 10:10
Three actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in November 2009, according to the International Crisis Group.